The hostess of the villa, Wakamatsu Serika, said: "Detective Maori, when the incident happened, everyone in the Karuizawa villa was present."

"Actually, that day was originally my birthday party, but my husband is obsessed with handicrafts. His custom-made magnetic tiles just arrived, and I put the tiles in the bathroom by myself. I even forgot my birthday."

"All of us were playing cards in the living room. We didn't gather until after the incident at the door of the bathroom. We saw Geng Ping fall down with blood on his head. At that time, the police suspected that we were the target and asked us a lot of questions. Just let us go."

"But everyone is in the living room, and they can prove to each other, and the windows show signs of violent damage, so the direction of investigation is shifted to outsiders."

"There shouldn't be any doubts about this, but I don't know what kind of enemy my miserable husband has provoked, and even killed him heartlessly, woo woo woo!"

The woman burst into tears as soon as she said it, but she looked even uglier when she cried.

Mori Kogoro asked: "Then who was the first person to find the corpse?"

Sakurako Yonehara weakly raised her hand.

"Because it was time to cut the cake, I went to the bathroom to call for the master, but found the master's body."

Yingzi's small face still looks a little guilty, which makes people feel strange.

Zhenchun asked: "Miss Yingzi, I heard Aunt Jinghua talk about this case before, I remember in your testimony that you saw the death message on the wall, but when you call other people over , but the death message disappeared, is this true?"

Yingzi nodded: "Yes, after I called my wife later, my wife asked me to call an ambulance and call the police."

"By the time I came back, everyone was gathered at the door of the bathroom, but the blood on the walls had disappeared."

"It's just that the police didn't believe me, and instead said that I was hallucinating."

Masashige Shiina, the gray-haired general manager, explained: "Because the police did a blood reaction at the tile that Sakurako mentioned, but found nothing."

"And the color of the tiles is different. It gradually becomes lighter from top to bottom, and there is no possibility of changing it. That's why the police didn't believe Ms. Yingzi's testimony!"

The yellow-haired designer Fujinami Junsheng said: "Sakura may have been too tired for a while. After all, she just got rid of the case of her previous employer. It is understandable to have hallucinations for a while!"

Hearing this, Sakurako Yonehara clenched her fists and lowered her head with a guilty expression.

But Zhenchun was a little confused, what was the case of the last employer?

Mori Kogoro knew very well that it was the Itami family case that Naeko asked him to help with last time.

Unexpectedly, this little maid rushed to Wakamatsu's house as a housekeeper non-stop, but encountered the murder of Wakamatsu Kohei, what a pity!

At this time, He Ye curiously asked: "Then Yingzi, can you tell me the death message you saw?"

At this moment, Wakamatsu Ikuro suddenly interrupted: "Don't talk anymore, this matter is enough, the Baumkuchen that I finally bought back is not delicious if it is cold!"

And Ruosong Qinxiang quickly echoed: "Yes, yes, yes, let's cut the cake!"

Secretary Satake and Sakurako Yonehara went to the cake place together, and began to cut the cake and put it on the plate.

The two girls were busy at the side, and the obese Ikuro Wakamatsu glanced at the people around him, with a sneer on the corner of his mouth.

"Since the main members of the company are here, it's time to decide on the position of president!"

Hearing this, everyone's expressions changed slightly, and they looked sideways at Ikuro Wakamatsu.

"Now my mother is acting as the acting president, but the company will always be inherited by me, a son who has his father's blood."

"Even though I'm just a small employee, it's my father's wish to become the president, right, my lord mother?"

His stepmother nodded stiffly: "Yeah!"

Ikuro Wakamatsu caught a glimpse of Sakurako Yonehara and Secretary Satake bringing cakes to the table. There were still two cakes left in the original cake gift box, so he went straight over to grab a piece and ate it.

Mori Kogoro watched this incident with cold eyes, and didn't even want to remind him.

The fat man said while eating: "I will become the president in the future, and I will definitely make the company bigger and stronger, and lead you to make more money, uh..."

The fat man who was talking about his grand plans and sweet dreams instantly changed his expression. He pinched his throat and fell to the ground with a scream.

The faces of all the people present immediately changed drastically, and they stood up one by one to help him up.

Kogoro Mouri, who was drinking black tea, said, "Don't move, everyone stays where they are without my order."

"Zhenchun, go and see!"

Sera Masumi stepped forward immediately, bent down and smelled almonds, pressed his pulse and shook his head.

"He is dead. The cause of death should be potassium cyanate poisoning. Everyone is not allowed to touch the cake on the table."

Mori Kogoro immediately said: "It seems that someone in the room didn't want him to live. Before the police arrive, everyone should leave the living room."

After saying this, he took out his phone and called the police.

But everyone obediently withdrew from the living room and stood outside the corridor.

Seeing Ikuro Wakamatsu fall to the ground, Sakurako Yonehara's eyes were full of horror, she lowered her head to look at her hands, and couldn't help trembling all over.Kogoro Mori also came to the living room after making the phone call. Seeing Yingzi's expression, he couldn't help asking, "Yakoko, why are you looking like this?"

"Following, it must be the curse of the god of death following!"

"I have encountered such cases many times in my work. Mrs. Itami's death, Mr. Wakamatsu's death, and now even Mr. Ikuro's death must be because of me!"

Hearing this, Mori Kogoro instantly had black lines all over his head.

On the other hand, He Ye patted Yingzi on the shoulder, and said with a light smile, "Where are you now? Uncle Mao Li encountered cases all day and didn't feel that there was a ghost of death. You only encountered a few cases. Dare to say that, it’s really a big deal!”

Hearing this, Sakura let out another long sigh.

And Hongye said: "However, this case may indeed be caused by evil spirits. We saw white ghosts in President Wakamatsu's hometown in Osaka!"

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