Hearing this, Sakurako was frightened out of her wits in an instant, and quickly hid behind Mori Kogoro, clutching his arm tightly.

This is really the first time for Mori Kogoro to see a girl who is more afraid of ghosts than Xiaolan and Ye!

Chapter 0097

Mori Kogoro flicked Heye and Hongye affectionately: "Don't scare Yingzi, you two, she is very timid. Before the police come, I will ask Yingzi some questions, pure, Help me keep an eye on the living room, don't let others break in!"

Saying this, Mori Kogoro pushed the little maid's soft back and walked to the next room.

Zhenchun naturally had no objection, her green eyes kept looking at the members of Ruosong's family, trying to see any guilty expression.

The deaths of Wakamatsu Kohei and Wakamatsu Ikuro aroused pure fighting spirit, and she also wanted to help find out the truth.

Soon, Sakurako was pushed into a guest room.

The door was closed immediately, just like the scene at Itami's house last time.

Yingzi became tense again in an instant, and couldn't help clenching her little hands, not daring to look up at Kogoro Mori.

Looking at this cute and cute little maid, Mori Kogoro thought of taking her home again.

Now that there are many people living in the family, it is time to hire a housekeeper, and Yingzi is very suitable!

Cute and hardworking, with a baby voice, and very seductive to look at.

The Maori family is rich and wealthy, and it is considered huge in scale!

But there is not even a butler with Japanese characteristics, which is really not in line with his status.

It doesn't look like a rich family at all, how can this work?

"Sakura, this Wakamatsu family is the family where your mother used to work, right?"

"But now Kohei Wakamatsu and his son are both dead, and only the mean Serika Wakamatsu is left. It will be very hard to work in this family! If you don't work at my place, my family just needs a supervisor, and the salary will definitely not be missing. How about yours?" Mori Kogoro laughed, like a big bad wolf coaxing a little sheep, which made people feel malicious at first sight.

I thought Mori Kogoro would ask about the case, but I didn't expect to talk about this, Sakurako immediately turned her head into a rattle.She resolutely refused: "No, the master is very kind to me, and he helped pay for my tuition when I was young."

"Even if the master and the young master are gone and my wife is here, I will continue to work for the Ruosong family."

"And, and..."

"And what?" Mori Kogoro asked curiously.

"And I feel that Mori-kun invited me to work at your house with bad intentions, so I won't go." Yingzi's perception is keen, and she can see the evil intention in Mori Kogoro's smile.

Hearing this, Mori Kogoro immediately pretended to be hurt.

"How is it possible? Yingzi, how can you say that to me, I am so disappointed!"

"Just now, you called me a pervert as soon as we met. I didn't do anything rude to you at Itami's house, did I? I even signed it for you!"

Hearing Moori Kogoro's angrily complaining, Sakurako panicked instantly, and quickly explained with her hands waving.

"No, no, but Miao Zi told me all about it. She said that you did too much to her in the tea room of the police station, without even an apology!"

Only then did Kogoro Moori realize that it was Miaozi who found out about forcing Miaozi last time. No wonder this girl was just as defensive against herself as a thief, careless!

But he pretended to be stupid and asked: "How can it be? What is it, why can't I remember!"

Saying this, his body leaned against the little maid, which brought her a strong sense of oppression.

Yingzi's heart beat faster and faster, she kept stepping back, and finally leaned against the wall.

"Sakura, what is too much, please tell me."

She recalled what Miaozi said to herself on the phone, her little face was blushing, and she couldn't speak clearly: "It's just...it's..."

"It's what it is. Miaozi is not slandering me, is it?"

Provoked by it, Sakurako immediately raised her head, glared at Mouri Kogoro and retorted.

"It's just that you stepped on the door to prevent her from leaving, and let her eat, eat...baa, um!"

Before she could finish her sentence, Sakurako's pink lips were blocked by Mori Kogoro.

His pink eyes shrank sharply, and then trembled, full of disbelief!

The two little hands were deadlocked in the air, neither grasping nor pushing!

This seems to be the first time this girl has kissed, and the Q is very playful.

Mori Kogoro, who was kissing Sakurako, had a smirk in his eyes, and the flash of light in his deep eyes was even more shocking, making the little maid stunned.


Yingzi, who had reacted, resisted silently in her heart, and patted Mouri Kogoro's arm weakly with her small hand, showing a fierce resistance.The little sanity that had just recovered was soon defeated by the master-level kissing skills, and there were little ripples in the eyes of the little maid.Not long after, the little maid became dizzy, and her eyes were circled.

After a five-minute deep kiss, Mori Kogoro let go of the little maid.Sakurako, who was kissing for the first time, was blushing and gasping for breath.

Mori Kogoro asked with a smirk: "Is that what Miaozi told you? The cute Sakura shook her head: "No! "

Mori Kogoro pecked his rosy cheek lightly: "Is that so?"


Mori Kogoro looked distressed: "That would be miserable, I can't even remember, why don't you help me demonstrate, Sakurako."

The stupid Yingzi was about to nod, but she quickly realized that her little face was reddened a little more instantly, and her head was steaming.Crying voices came out immediately: "Mr. Mao Li, you are too bad, bullying people!"

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