"Just wait a little longer, it will be your turn soon."

Hearing this, Yingli's eyebrows twitched: "You still want to lie to me, how can you relieve acupuncture points like this!"

Mori Kogoro laughed badly: "Of course there is. This is my original creation of the Tuigongguo acupoint, and the effect is remarkable. Can't you see that Youxizi can move?"

"In addition to my massage skills, come on, Jinghua, give your sister Yingli a twist?"

The touch of spiritual power that restrained Jinghua had dissipated long ago. Hearing the command, Jinghua twisted obediently.

But this beautiful woman didn't dare to look at Yingli at all. She lay prone on the sofa, her little head buried in the sofa pillow, like an ostrich buried in a sand pit.

Yingli couldn't help cursing again: "Nonsense, let me go."

"Xiao Lan, where are you, come and see what your father has done!"

"Mira, come here quickly."

It's a pity that the cry for help was blocked by the barrier, so it couldn't be heard at all.

"Scream, Xiao Lan won't come to save you even with a broken throat."

"The materials in this room are all soundproof, and it is impossible to hear them from the outside."

At this moment, Mori Kogoro is really a little crazy, laughing very badly.

However, Eri's cry for help was still a bit noisy, covering even the elegant singing voice.

Mori Kogoro simply grabbed Eri's slender waist, pulled him over, and kissed his pink lips, and the voice stopped.But as soon as his lips and teeth parted, the shamed and angry Eri called for help again.

Seeing this, Mori Kogoro pushed Eri onto Shizuka's soft back.

Then the family law of the Maori family came into play.

clap clap clap!

The big hand swung down and landed on the black silk, with a strong sense of shock.

He taught Yingli a lesson, and at the same time pushed Jinghua to exchange blood, he was very busy!

After a long time, after a round of massage, Jinghua let out a long breath, feeling extremely comfortable, the corners of her mouth couldn't help but curl up.

And at this moment, a small hand clenched over.

Jinghua turned her head and saw Youxizi who was smiling gently, and smiled back.

Mori Kogoro's voice sounded: "Okay, Eri, now it's your turn to relieve the acupoint."

Hearing this, Eri blinked her big eyes and looked at him without saying a word, completely different from the one who kept calling for help just now.

At this point, both of them have relieved their acupoints, and of course Yingli has to do it too, otherwise it would be a disadvantage!

But seeing her expression, Mori Kogoro couldn't help but want to tease her again: "It seems that Yingli is not willing, so why don't you just forget it and automatically release the acupuncture point after a while?"

Hearing this, Yingli's Danfeng eyes couldn't help but glared over, and urged softly: "Hurry up!"

Mori Kogoro said with a smirk: "Come on, call me a good brother, come and listen."

Jinghua and Youxizi who were beside them watched this scene with smirks, and didn't want to help to intercede.

Yingli is going crazy, this is completely different treatment, why can't the two of them handle it like this.

However, being restrained by others, Yingli could only submit obediently, her face flushed red, and a mosquito-like voice came out from between her teeth: "Okay... good brother."

Satisfied, Mori Kogoro stroked Eri's delicate body with his big hand, and spoke again.

"Come on, say good daddy again!"

Subconsciously, Yingli was about to speak proficiently: "Okay..."

But suddenly sensed the playful gazes of You Xizi and Jinghua, and instantly became annoyed: "Okay you big-headed ghost, die to me, tear it up!!! Dad, Dad, I was wrong!"

You Xizi and Jinghua on the side suddenly laughed together.

In the living room over there, Mori Kogoro is helping Eri to push the palace through the cave, while the living room and the kitchen are full of women coming in and out, which is a lively scene.Wearing gloves, Xiaolan, Heye, and Hongye brought the dishes to the table, and the aroma was overflowing.

These girls already have the gentle and virtuous temperament of first-time wives, which makes people feel very comfortable.

At the corner of the corner, Mary was reprimanding the dishonest Xiao Ai, saying that she didn't cover herself.

As an agent of the CIA in the Eagle Country, when he was bullied, he would only lose his temper on the younger generation. It was enough to get mixed up in this job!

Such an aunt at the Xiaoai booth is also very speechless!

Yuanzi apologized to Zhenchun, and the two poor-breasted girls studied the secrets of breast enlargement on the sofa, their eyes shining brightly.

Originally, Yuanzi didn't like Zhenchun's so-called breast enlargement secret book, but when he heard that it was given by Mori Kogoro, his attitude changed instantly, and he regarded it as a standard, wishing to snatch it back and study it carefully.

She knew the magic of Uncle Mao Li, so she naturally believed in the secret books he presented.

Then the two girls with small breasts went into the room, took off their clothes, and began to massage each other, that is to say, it evolved into touching each other in an instant.And Mingmei has already arranged the flowers, holding a vase of bouquets to decorate Maori's house.

The fragrance of flowers is overflowing, and the home becomes especially warm.

Seeing how lively the house was, Xiaolan couldn't help clapping her hands: "Oh, by the way, Dad also hid a bottle of wine. It's rare for you, Heye and Hongye, to come over. Let's have a drink tonight!"

Saying this, Xiao Lan moved a stool to stand in front of the cabinet, and took down a bottle of wine placed behind the books.

If Kogoro Mori was here, he would definitely recognize this as monkey wine. It has the effect of strengthening the body, but it has the effect of estrus, and it is also the so-called wine of lust!

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