It was prepared for Memulu last time, but it was exchanged too much, Mori Kogoro didn't dare to let Memulu drink this wine when he was not around, so he exchanged it for other wines.

The bottle of monkey wine was hidden on the cabinet, but now it was found by Xiaolan.

Chapter 0109 Dad, be serious!

He Ye had a tangled look on his face: "Lan, this is not good, we are not old enough to drink, and it was not very pleasant to get drunk in Osaka before!"

Recalling the memory of the butt pain after waking up last time, He Ye felt a little reluctant.

No one wants to lose consciousness at that moment, of course it is better to be awake.

Xiaolan chuckled lightly: "It's okay, this time the wine won't make people get drunk like last time. There are so many of us today, so we only have a small glass for each person. It's okay."

Hong Ye also echoed from the side: "That's right, little Ye Zi, don't be a disappointment at a time like this, you can't drink too much, can you?"

"how is this possible?"

Hearing what they all said, He Ye didn't have any further opinions.

Xiaolan took the monkey wine, poured it into a glass bottle, put it on the dining table and started to sober up.

The original wine bottle was thrown into the trash can.

"Okay, it's almost time for dinner, I'll call Dad and the others over."

Xiaolan turned around and walked to the next room, but failed to open the door, the door was locked.

She couldn't help frowning, knocked on the door and shouted: "Dad, Mom, it's time to eat!"

But there was an enchantment blocking it, so the voice naturally didn't come in.

It's just that Kogoro Mori sensed it, and hurriedly speeded up the process.

After about two or three minutes, he removed the barrier.

When the door opened, he pretended to be nonchalant and yawned a few times.

"Lan, it's time to eat. I slept so soundly that I almost didn't hear it. Let's go over."

Full of suspicion, Xiaolan rushed in immediately, and saw that there was nothing unusual in the living room.

Its soft body turned to stick to Mori Kogoro, its small nose sniffed and sniffed like a puppy!But she didn't smell anything strange.

"Mom, Aunt Yukiko, and Aunt Jinghua?"

"Hey, the few of them just discussed about rose bath maintenance, so they went into the bathroom to experiment together."

"You also know that the bathtub in our house is very big. It's too easy for several people to take a bath together."

Xiaolan still didn't believe it, so she yelled into the bathroom: "Mom, auntie, are you in there?"

Immediately there was a response from the three women inside, and Xiaolan's expression relaxed.

In her opinion, no matter how absurd, Aunt Yukiko and Aunt Jinghua will never mess with Kogoro Mouri.

Mori Kogoro walked out with his daughter's soft shoulders in his arms: "Let's go, let's go first."

"It's enough for you guys to take a bath, come here after changing your clothes, don't let the children wait too long!" The father and daughter returned home together, and the atmosphere in the house became more and more heated.

After a while, the three daughters of Eri, who changed into home clothes after taking a bath, also came over.

They exude the fragrance of roses, their complexions are rosy, their complexion is excellent, they look extremely bright, and their mature style is simply irresistible!

All the girls followed Mori Kogoro to their seats.

Looking at the girls with different styles and extraordinary beauty, this is the scene that can be said to be delicious!

Moreover, Conan and Heiji, who were not in the way, were also very satisfied with Mori Xiaowushi, calling the girls to toast again and again.

The sound of clinking glasses keeps ringing!


Everyone drank the sober monkey wine.

The wine is extremely strong, as if a flame enters the throat, and the aroma of the wine bursts out afterwards, with endless aftertaste!

The cheeks of the girls blushed one after another, and they couldn't help being amazed.

Kogoro Mori tasted what kind of wine it was in an instant, and shifted his gaze to the cabinet, seeing that the monkey wine was gone.His brows twitched, his heart was slightly happy, but he couldn't help worrying about his old waist.

It seems that I have to use some real skills tonight!

The atmosphere of the dinner was wonderful, good food and wine, fragrant flowers and warm lighting.

The girlfriends whispered, gossiped, and talked about interesting things, and there was a surge of secret feelings underneath.

Seeing the first head of the family, Mori Kogoro, the girls felt a burst of peace of mind.

Among them, the feelings of Mary, Zhenchun, and Mingmei are the most obvious, as if a sailing ship that has been drifting for a long time is docked in the harbor.

The warm atmosphere of the Maori family infected them and made them smile knowingly.

And Kogoro Mori, who was at the top of the list, concealed a little distress under his calm expression.

Don't be like this, just eat well when you eat, why stretch your feet?

Hey hey, don't fight!

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