Mori Kogoro felt a bit like a Tang monk who fell into the Pansi Cave, and everyone wanted to get involved.

However, the three daughters of Yingli did not join the battle, they sat together and chatted to themselves.

"Jinghua, you should stay here for a few days this time. Tomoko has already arranged an itinerary for us."

Jinghua smiled gently: "Of course there is no problem. In fact, I will not go back to Osaka with him until Pingji comes back this Sunday."

Hearing this, He Ye stopped the fight and interjected: "Then I'll stay until Sunday, anyway, tomorrow's leave has already been taken."

And Hongye showed a tangled look: "Although I have a flower card match tomorrow, but for Kogoro, I will stay here until Sunday."

Hongye is worthy of being the daughter of a daughter cultivated by the Ooka family, she is full of courage.

Even in the face of Yingli, who has a strong aura, he still shows his feelings without hesitation, and Heye, who is watching, is a little admiring.Eri next to him rolled Danfeng's eyes, but he was too lazy to argue with Mori Kogoro.

Xiaolan looked at Yuanzi in distress. Isn't it time for Yuanzi in Kanto to challenge and perform at such a time?

Besides, Yuanzi is the person who is least afraid of death and likes to die in front of his mother, why is she so cowardly today.

something wrong!Absolutely wrong!

Xiaolan suddenly noticed the abnormality, narrowed her eyes slightly, and looked at Yuanzi who was whispering to Zhenchun.

Yuanzi naturally sensed her best friend's gaze, and felt guilty of being found out for stealing her father, and sweat dripped from behind her ears.

Who would have expected that Yuanzi, who is a king of mouth, would be turned into this after he had made practical progress with his long-cherished uncle Mao Li.

After dinner, the girls who were slightly drunk came to the living room to drink tea to sober up. The bottle of monkey wine was indeed not enough to make the girls drunk.Xiaolan was cleaning the tableware in the kitchen by herself.He Ye and Mira wanted to help her, but they were all driven away by him.

But when she saw her father passing by, she couldn't help but stop him.

"Dad, come here."

Kogoro Mori went into the kitchen cabinet, looked at Xiaolan who was still busy, and stood behind him and hugged her.

"What's the matter, Lan?"

Xiaolan caught a glimpse of no one paying attention to this side in the living room, so she let him go, and asked: "Dad, did you do something bad to Yuanzi? She was acting weird today. I wanted to talk to her just now. , she avoided me."

Mori Kogoro laughed lightly, and poked his daughter's face with his finger: "I think Xiaolan is weird!"

"What's so weird?"

"It's so cute!"

Hearing this, Xiaolan blushed immediately, and couldn't help but angrily said: "Dad, be more serious!" But then her body froze suddenly!

Chapter 0110 don't pout your ass

It is as swift as the wind, aggressive as fire, and moving like thunder!

A Wind Volcano Forest Song gradually rang out!

The water from the washbasin kept falling, and Kogoro Mori gently brushed the girl's hair with his big hands.

Pulling his long black hair aside, he saw a jade neck as white as snow.

He couldn't help lowering his head and sniffing, suddenly felt the fragrance in his nose, and couldn't help but smile badly: "I didn't hear what you asked just now, please say it again."

The little angel's cheeks were flushed, and her slightly opened mouth could not be closed. Sensing Kogoro behind him, her heartbeat suddenly accelerated.It's too daring, there are so many people in the family, how can it be like this!

The little angel's clear eyes gradually became more foggy, and she couldn't help but glance at the living room, and she couldn't see clearly.

Fortunately, no one found out what's going on here!

Hearing Kogoro Mori's question, the girl couldn't react, so she hesitated and said, "No, nothing?"

Seeing this girl panicking, she is really cute.

With so much love in his heart, Mori Kogoro couldn't help kissing the back of the girl's neck.

His big hand even climbed up involuntarily, skillfully and with all his strength, he couldn't help teasing this girl.

"Why is it nothing? Didn't you call me here to ask me a question?"

"Oh, I remember, you are asking if I have done anything bad to Yuanzi, is that a question?"

The girl in front of the washbasin was extremely nervous, and her small hands tightly held Kogoro Mori's mischievous hands, preventing her from moving.It's too bad, there is no shelter on top!

Wouldn't it be easy for anyone to turn around and find out?How to explain it then!It can't be like this!

The little girl couldn't help shaking her head like a rattle.

"Hey, isn't that the problem? Why are you shaking your head? You have to talk!"

The girl was so anxious that she was on the verge of tears, and couldn't help but whispered: "Daba, there are too many people in the family, so don't do this."

Mori Kogoro easily restrained his little hand, and kissed his pink cheek: "Okay, okay, okay, no, no."

He said this in his mouth, but he was completely inconsistent with his words and deeds.

Holding the little angel's chin in his big hand, he turned the little head around, and then kissed her pink lips.The little angel's pupils couldn't help shrinking sharply!

Just like that, amidst the melodious movement, all the virgins in the living room in front were laughing and talking.

The two in the kitchen cabinet behind were kissing passionately, hardly aware of the passage of time.

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