And all the tea on the table was removed, and glasses of red wine were placed instead.

There are wine glasses in front of all the girls, even the little loli Huiyuan and Mary are no exception.

Hui Yuan didn't want to drink at first, but the eccentric You Xizi could not let him escape.

You Xizi knew Hui Yuan's true identity, so she naturally refused to let her go.

The big star teased the little loli from the side, and even fooled that this is beauty wine, and children can drink it too.

In the end, Huiyuan was worn down to the point where he had no choice but to agree.

By the way, this tricked Aunt Mary who was watching the show!

There is no way, Xiao Ai is going to drink, and the older Loli Marie has the nerve to say no.

But at this moment, the people sitting around the table are playing the game of 'I have you or not'.

[Everyone holds up ten fingers, and each person tells in order a thing that only they can do and no one else can do.Everyone else has to pass without doing it, and everyone has to subtract a finger.

People who have done something similar don't need to subtract their fingers, and the narrator is considered to be blocked, and he has to drink as a punishment.

The five people who finished speaking first with ten fingers were also punished to drink a large glass of red wine. 】

Now it's the turn of Little Lolita Hui to talk about the deeds of "I have you and you don't".

Huiyuan glanced at the girls around him who were looking at him with concern, and with a smirk on his face, he spoke confidently. "I can straighten my back and walk under Uncle Maori's crotch."

The whole audience was killed, and all the girls couldn't help complaining, one by one helplessly subtracted their fingers.

And Mary beside him couldn't help but knocked on the ashes of the asshole.

Even this condition, Mary couldn't meet it.

Kogoro Mori has long legs, but Marie, who looks like a thirteen or fourteen-year-old girl, is not short.

A few times before, she stood up straight enough to eat ice cream, how could she walk over with her back straight.Huiyuan was too selfish, and he didn't think about it for his aunt, saying that he would be fine if he could buy a half-price ticket to the scenic spot.Then it was Mary's turn to speak.

"Ahem, I have natural short blonde hair."

It was a full-court kill again, and the girls complained again and subtracted their fingers.

With only the last little finger left, Zhenchun, who was about to lose, couldn't help but speak.

"Sister, you have to speak better. Blonde hair is not something to show off. I almost inherited it too. And we still have this, this!"

Zhenchun pointed to the eye folds that she and Mary shared, and it was a blatant cheating.

But Mary acted as if she hadn't seen it, she gave a perfunctory oh, and ignored Zhenchun.

Next, it's the turn of Eri, who has a lazy demeanor but is as strong as a queen, to tell her story.

Yingli's Dan Fengyan carefully inspected the nine girls at the scene, his eyes narrowed slightly, like a fox staring at its prey, and his plain hand directly picked up the wine glass.You must know that this game was proposed by her. The girls who are slightly drunk are the best time to try it out!

"I'm not a virgin anymore!"

He Ye, Hong Ye, Ming Mei, Mira and other girls responded with a big smile.

"Hahaha, neither am I, hurry up and drink!"

But Eri was already drinking after saying this.

A whole glass of red wine was poured into his stomach, but his clear eyes kept observing the fingers of the girls.

Gradually, the laughing girls came to their senses one by one, and their laughter gradually froze.

Oops, this is a trick!

Yukiko, on the other hand, looked at Eri with admiration, praising her mastery.

Eri knows what Kogoro likes, he likes pure girls the most, and he likes to turn those pure girls into women!

Looking at the audience, Yingli at this moment finally has a deep understanding of the girls at the banquet today, this glass of wine is too worthwhile!And the little loli Haibara was extremely sensitive, and after Eri said this, she pressed her little hand under the table, so that no one else could see it.Mary, who was slightly drunk, couldn't react, and her fingers continued to stand upright like Eri, without subtracting.

Seeing this, Mira suddenly looked shocked.

When the girls saw Mira's expression, they followed their gazes to little Loli Marie, and were instantly amazed.

impossible! ! !

Mary is only a little lolita of thirteen or fourteen years old, she is no longer a virgin, isn't it?

Eri became tense instantly. Could it be that Kogoro did something worse than a beast?

She asked softly, "Mary, are you no longer a virgin?"

Only then did Mary come to her senses, and immediately pretended to be drunk: "Of course not, I have three children, hahaha!" The girls were relieved, it turned out that Mary was drunk, this nonsense It was so scary.

Only Mira did not relax, her light blue eyes were fixed on Mary.

Recalling the scene seen in the stairwell, Mira felt that Mary had lied!

At this moment, apart from the cheating Huiyuan, Yuanzi also held up his last finger stubbornly, refusing to let it go.

She stubbornly stood on the same level as He Ye and Hong Ye.

That's right, I'm not pure anymore, after being in the living room at home yesterday, I'm not pure anymore.

My virginity was taken away by my uncle a long time ago, so I am definitely not a virgin anymore.

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