Don't treat your fingers as dry food! ! !

Among the ten girls present, there was another person whose mentality had collapsed.

Even though she is still a virgin, Sera who obediently bent her last little finger down is so pure!

She became the first punished to be wiped out.

The pure blue eyes glanced around, and couldn't help but burst out: "Hold Cao, no way, out of so many people, I'm the only one who is a virgin!"

Hearing this, all the girls turned their attention to his impoverished chest again and again, and immediately showed signs of enlightenment.

That's it, it's normal, just like a tomboy, how could Kogoro like this one.

Immediately afterwards, Zhenchun picked up the wine glass, and complained while drinking: "I heard that Japan is very open, and now I see it, it is really so!" Jumping, and then ran away one after another, couldn't help reaching out to hammer Zhenchun.

"I'm just a boyfriend, how can I open it!"

"You tomboy is talking nonsense, that's my destined husband."

"Cousin seems to be getting skinnier now, it seems that sister has to educate you well."

On the other hand, Yuanzi had a proud expression on his face, and sneered at fifty steps and one hundred steps: "Scumbag's poor breasts!"

Zhenchun didn't know that most of the girls present were the masterpieces of Mori Kogoro!

Chapter 0112

This round of the game is over, and Eri obviously already knows the relationship between most of the girls present and Kogoro, and it can be said that they have a "very close relationship".

Although Eri had a hunch when she was on vacation at the seaside villa last time, it still makes her a little uncomfortable to realize it now.

Well, you Mori Kogoro, let's see how I deal with you in the future!

But the most unexpected thing here is Akemi. Eri thought she was a relative of Shira and had nothing to do with Kogoro.I didn't expect this girl to be one of them, it was really unexpected.

She took Mingmei's little hand, and started to talk about the housework, asking questions and speaking continuously.

The mild-tempered Minmei couldn't stand Queen Eri's torture at all, so she couldn't help turning her eyes to the little loli Haibara for help.

But Huiyuan was helpless, so he could only pretend not to see, and let his sister force him to question.

On the other hand, Heye and Hongye, who were punished to drink a whole glass of red wine, felt very hot.

Both women's faces were reddish, their bodies couldn't help being hot, and the fragrant sweat kept leaking from their pores.

Especially the feeling in my heart is extremely weird, which makes people feel a little uncomfortable.

Even though the air-conditioning in the room was turned on, and they didn't eat any spicy food, both women felt it was very strange.

But the Futaba group from Osaka who drank the most monkey wine just now showed it first.

Hongye was still wearing a heavy kimono, which was completely soaked inside, so she couldn't help asking, "Do you feel very hot?"

Hearing what she said, the girls nodded one by one.

Jing Hua, who was fanning herself with a small fan, said, "Maybe the air conditioner is not cooling well."

At this moment, Xiaolan came tremblingly carrying the sliced ​​iced fruit.

When she heard this, she said, "Then come and try the fruits that my father and I just cut. Fruits are very refreshing after a meal."

Xiaolan smiled, she was as beautiful as a flower, and there was a moving look on her pretty face.

A frown and a raise between the eyebrows and eyes are full of surprise, and there is a feeling that the audience is overwhelmed.

Even Mira, who looks exactly like her, seems to be suppressed by Yan at the moment.

Zhenchun couldn't help but stare blankly, thinking that it would be great if she could be as feminine as Xiaolan!

All the girls stretched out their hands one after another and began to taste the iced fruit.

These are all high-quality products prepared by Mori Kogoro, so they are naturally very delicious.

You Xizi asked casually, "Xiao Lan, where did your father go?"

Xiaolan sat on her side and replied softly: "Dad said he was sweating from exhaustion, he needs to take a shower first, and he will come over later."

Hearing this, Yingli said, "That's right, those of you who are going to stay here tonight can also start washing, so as not to bump into each other later."

"Here, next door, and the three bathrooms on the second floor next door are all available. Which one of you will go first?"

Hearing this, Hongye and Heye, who had long been unbearable in the heat, raised their hands one after another.

The foreheads of the two girls were covered with sweat. They got up and took out the change of clothes in their backpacks, and then went outside.

These two little leaves, both with small plans, couldn't help but glance at the bathroom next to the corridor.

Great!Uncle didn't wash here!

Then the two women looked at each other and saw through each other's thoughts.

As soon as they walked out of the door, they rushed to the suite with the door wide open.

Then they scrambled towards the bathroom.

Hearing the sound of rushing water inside, the two women were all happy, and they shouted one after another.

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