"Uncle, are you in there? I'm coming to give you a bath!"

"Husband, I'm here to rub your back, there is no little leaf."

"Shameless, my little Goro is not your husband."

The two women squeezed into the bathroom.

The water from the shower head in this bathroom was rattling, the bathtub was full of hot water, and the water vapor curled up.But it was empty inside without anyone, and the two women couldn't help being disappointed.

Immediately after the two women realized, they turned around and rushed downstairs.

But when he turned around, he ran into the arms of Moori Kogoro who was wrapped in a bath towel.

After drinking the water, Xiao Wulang smiled lightly and said, "Didn't you say you want to give me a bath? Why are you still running?"

After saying this, he leaned over and pecked at the reddish cheeks of the two girls, and walked inside with the two girls in his arms.

The two girls who you fought for just now were like little daughters-in-law, blushing shyly.

And Hongye couldn't help asking: "Husband, do you feel your body is very hot?"

"Yeah, it's so strange, both of us are too hot to talk!"

Mori Kogoro smirked: "Yes, I feel very hot when I see you two, don't worry, I will cool you down later."

"This bathtub can adjust the temperature, so it's okay to take a cold bath."

"But before I take a bath, I have to check and check. I haven't seen you for a few days. Have you grown up a little?"

"Uncle, you are too haughty!"


(A lot of words are omitted here!)

In the living room next door, Xiaolan sat beside Yuanzi and couldn't help but speak.

"Yuanzi, have you been avoiding me today? Is it so difficult for me to talk to you now?"

I didn't get an answer from my father just now, but was taught a lesson by him.

Xiaolan could only shift her target to Yuanzi.

Yuanzi, who couldn't escape, laughed dryly, and said with a guilty conscience: "No way, Xiaolan, you are overthinking!"

"When you came to my house tonight, I felt that you were weird. What are you hiding from me?"

Seeing her best friend approaching her step by step, the back of Yuanzi's head was dripping with sweat again.

At this time, Hui Yuan beside Yuanzi interrupted with a smirk, "Yonzi just said that she is no longer a virgin."

Hearing this, Xiaolan was instantly shocked.

And Yuanzi reacted extremely aggressively, raised his index finger and kept saying, "Hush! Shh! Shh! It's a secret."

Zhenchun next to her couldn't help but rolled her eyes.

Just now, he joined the non-department camp with a face full of pride, and now this matter has become a secret?

Having been sisters for many years, Yuanzi still couldn't bear to hide it from Xiaolan, so she leaned into Xiaolan's ear and told in detail what happened at home yesterday.

Listening to these explosive gossip, the mother and daughter are fighting each other, Xiaolan's eyes lit up with a strong sense of substitution.

But in the end it was just a hand from God, Xiaolan couldn't help laughing.

"What are you doing, I thought you really succeeded?"

Yuanzi had a look of displeasure on his face: "Hey, this is already a huge improvement, and it's super comfortable!"

Seeing Yuanzi's ignorant appearance, Xiaolan couldn't help but share her own experience.

"This one is very comfortable, but there is *¥*%¥@#!#* that is more comfortable..."

And Zhenchun, who was isolated outside, looked at the two girls who were whispering and refused to listen, and couldn't help complaining: "Really, I must be talking about something rude."

Chapter 0113 help Xiaolan wipe her ass

Shuangyehong's fluttering little face was covered with fine sweat, she was panting slightly, and the breath from Tankou was full of hot air.

Without the presence of others, the two women were a little awkward at first.

But after all, with the effect of alcohol, the two women can still adapt to each other quickly.

As plump as a red leaf, it is gently massaged and held, but the technique is unfamiliar.

But she's still good at using her strengths, so it's surprising.

The daughter of the Ooka family is working hard to learn how to serve others, and from time to time she asks Mori Kogoro for advice.

As for the petite and exquisite Wazuba, it was difficult to suppress the hotness in his body, so he licked the special strawberry-flavored ice cream, trying to lower the temperature in his body.The blush on his small face gradually spread to the snow neck, and his body temperature became higher and higher, and his eyes became more confused.

Mori Kogoro put his big hand on Kazuha's small bowed waist, and he could feel the heat coming from his body.

Hongye gently kissed the corner of Mori Kogoro's mouth, and said softly: "Kogoro, the water temperature in the bathtub is almost up, should we take a bath?"

Hearing this, Heye rubbed his head against Maoli Kogoro's neck, not shying away from sweat, and coquettishly like a kitten. "Uncle, I want you to help me take a bath!"

Hong Yesu put her arms around Mao Li Kogoro's waist, and said without giving in, "Hmph, Xiao Yezi is being naughty again, so Kogoro should rub it for me." It was obviously me first! "

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