The two women are fighting again, which is really sweet trouble.

As soon as Mori Kogoro spread his arms, he immediately grabbed the two girls with both hands.

He smirked and said, "What's the priority? Isn't it over if we go together?"

Futaba's expression was a little confused, but she didn't resist at all, as if she was being caught by her weakness.

Just like that, Mori Kogoro moved towards the bathtub with the two girls in his arms.

Looking at the two pretty girls, Mori Kogoro intends to scrub them clean inside and out!

More than half an hour passed in a flash, and the scene in the living room was very different from before.

The effect of the monkey wine took effect, and the girls showed a scene of demons dancing wildly.

Their faces were flushed, their hearts were beating fast, their bodies were hot, and they could hardly hold themselves back.

But by the time they realized something was wrong, it was already too late, and their consciousness gradually faded away.

Originally, he could barely play the game, but the topic later fell on Kogoro Mouri, and he was all he was thinking about.Among them, because of Xiaolan's special constitution and the incident in the kitchen, it had the least impact on her, and she did not lose her mind.

But looking at the scene of this group of demons dancing wildly, she was completely shocked.

Today's dinner was prepared with her help, and she didn't eat anything strange, it's impossible for this to happen!

The only thing I'm not sure about is the bottle of wine!

Could it be another bottle of fake wine, then it wouldn't make such a fuss!

Xiaolan looked at Yuanzi who kept coming towards her, and couldn't help reaching out and pushing her away.

His little hand waved in front of Yuanzi, asking what time it was.

But Yuanzi couldn't even answer such a simple question, and looked completely delirious.

Oops, everyone must be poisoned, right?

Xiaolan panicked instantly, and couldn't help shouting; "Dad, Dad, come here!"

The daughter's call was still useful, and soon the firefighter Kogoro Mori appeared in the living room, wearing only a bathrobe.As soon as Kogoro Moori appeared, the girls immediately rioted, and they were completely submerged in a short time.

Watching this scene, Xiaolan's mouth was slightly open, and she couldn't close it no matter what!

Xiaolan who reacted quickly stepped forward, pulled Mira and Aunt Yukiko away, and rescued Kogoro Mouri who was under the pressure. "Dad, what the hell is going on here?"

Mori Kogoro put on a look of lingering fear, thought for a while, checked everyone's faces one by one, and immediately showed a dazed expression. "How could this be? Your face is flushed, your mind is confused, and your loneliness is flourishing. This is love poison!"

His acting skills are fully displayed, just like nature, without any trace.

He hurriedly asked, "Lan, who brought the wine we're drinking tonight?"

Xiao Lan replied truthfully: "No one brought wine, I found it from the cabinet, Dad, you hid it!"

"It's broken, there is something wrong with that bottle of wine, why did you take it out after I hid it so high!"

"Lan, why don't you tell me, now you are in trouble."

Kogoro Mori knew the effect of monkey wine, but he blamed his daughter.

Xiaolan was instantly bluffed, felt guilty, and asked anxiously: "Then what should I do, Dad, don't you know how to heal qigong? Help everyone!"

"This qigong is not omnipotent. Look at their state, how can it be solved by qigong?"

"Forget it, Xiao Lan, you should avoid it for a while, and Dad can only do his best to help them detoxify."

When he said this, Mori Kogoro's face was full of righteousness.

But this time, he failed to fool his daughter!

Xiaolan, who was already suspicious, reacted instantly, and couldn't help shouting: "Daba, absolutely not!"

Looking at the people here this time, there are girlfriends Sonoko and Zhenchun, little loli Marie, Mary's cousin Mingmei, and Shinichi and Heji's mother, how can I let my father do anything wrong.

Mori Kogoro directly embraced Xiaolan's body, and spoke softly.

"Lan, the situation is urgent, and Dad has no better way, so he can only do this."

"If the effect of this monkey wine is not released in time, it will burn your head."

"Besides, I'm just wiping your ass!"

Hearing this, Xiaolan's face was instantly tangled, but she could only remain silent.

She didn't know whether what her father said was true or not, but she really had no better way.

It seems that drinking this problematic fake wine is indeed her fault. If she hadn't been persuading her, such a thing would not have happened.

Xiaolan couldn't help but asked: "Father, can you do it?"

Men can't hear this, even if it's a daughter!

Mori Kogoro patted his daughter's buttocks with his big hand, pretending to be vicious: "If you can't do it, you have to do it."

"Then what can I do for you?"

"Help me arrange them all!"

Hearing this, Xiaolan made up her mind and began to help, while Mori Kogoro began to do his best to detoxify the girls.

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