
At this moment in the woods, Kogoro Mori was driving a Mitsubishi on the muddy dirt road. Because of the rain, the road was extremely difficult, otherwise Kogoro Mori would have arrived by then with his driving skills.

But he is not too far away from the blue castle. When he saw the place where Conan was imprisoned in the surveillance, Dr. Ali, Genta, and Mitsuhiko appeared in that cage one by one, he felt bad, especially Mitsuhiko at the end. When he appeared, Mori Kogoro immediately became extremely anxious. At this moment, only two little girls, Haibara and Ayumi, have not been caught.

Later, Mori Kogoro heard Haibara say from the surveillance screen: "There is a person who likes him very much, like him very much!"

Mori Kogoro punched the car door hard, and a brand new fist mark immediately appeared on the car door.

Damn it, Xiao Ai, why are you so stupid, don't go in and take risks!Just a little more and I'll be there.

Mori Kogoro had stepped on the accelerator to the bottom, and this Mitsubishi was already at the highest speed, roaring and galloping in the dark woods.


In the blue castle, Ayumi hid in the grass and began to count. What happened in the castle today was terrible. At first I thought it was a mystery, but then the friends disappeared one by one, even the doctor disappeared. , in the end only myself is left.

Ayumi clenched her fists tightly, trying not to shed tears.

She looked at the gate of the tower from time to time, very worried about Huiyuan's safety.

After counting three hundred, Ayumi walked towards the gate of the blue castle with her short legs. She was about to open the door and walk in, but was picked up by someone. Ayumi was about to scream. The person couldn't help but was stunned, his face was not tense, and the tears in his eyes fell down suddenly: "Uncle Mao Li!"

At the last moment, Mori Kogoro rushed over. He parked the car outside the castle, turned directly into the castle, and rushed towards the tower.

Ayumi looked at Mori Kogoro, who had descended from the sky, with surprise on his face: "Uncle Mori, why did you suddenly appear here?"

Mori Kogoro replied: "Because a bad premonition suddenly appeared in my heart, my eyebrows kept twitching, and I was worried about Haibara and the others, so I came to take a look, where is Haibara?"

Ayumi hurriedly said: "Haihara has entered the tower. By the way, Conan, the doctor, Genta and Mitsuhiko are all missing. Haibara and I are looking for them, but we have not been able to find them. Uncle Mouri, hurry up with me. Let's go to the tower to find Huiyuan together!"

Mori Kogoro pretended to know about the incident just now: "I see, it seems that you have really encountered an incident, let's go with uncle!"

Kogoro Mori, who was talking, was not slow at all. He held Ayumi in one hand, pushed open the gate of the tower with the other, and ran upstairs along the stairs of the tower without hesitation.

During the surveillance, Huiyuan had already met that old woman!


At the top of the tower, Haibara avoided a stick drawn by Chido Mamiya with a hideous face, and said, "I knew it was you, pretending to be crazy, and watching us all the time, why, afraid that I would reveal your real face Expose it?"

Mamiya Chitoyo smiled grimly: "I didn't expect that the little girl is so smart now, and even discovered my disguise, but you don't want to know how your companions are doing?"

"What did you do to them?" Huiyuan kept putting down the cover, trying to stop the old guy from chasing him.

"Want to know? You will be able to go down to accompany them soon!" Another iron rod hit the black charcoal table beside Huiyuan.

Huiyuan quickly dodged and ran to the big hole in the middle of the tower.

After the fire four years ago, the guardrail here had been burned long ago. Huiyuan accidentally stepped on a round wooden plank, lost his center of gravity, and immediately fell from the top of the tower.

The tower is more than [-] meters high, and a child who falls from this height will undoubtedly die.

The feeling of weightlessness invaded Hui Yuan's body, she watched the old woman's ferocious face shrinking continuously, but her heart felt calm for a while.

Are you going to die?

Sure enough, people like me don't deserve happiness at all!

Unexpectedly, instead of dying in the hands of the organization, he died in the hands of this old guy. What a shame!

Uncle Molly, yes!Uncle Mao Li, I just met you, I haven't told you my identity yet, why did I just leave like this!

When Haibara thought of Mori Kogoro, her originally calm face suddenly changed, and she burst out with a strong desire to survive. She stretched out her hands and grabbed something, wanting to grab something.

But soon, Huiyuan found himself in a familiar embrace.

"Finally caught up!" Mori Kogoro looked terrified, he flew out from the stairs on the fourth floor, hugged the gray field falling from the sky, and landed on the stairs on the third floor, he was relieved .

Kogoro Mori looked at the bewildered Haibara in his arms, couldn't help but kissed her, and Ayumi ran down from the fourth floor with his short legs.

Huiyuan was kissed by Kogoro Mouri, as if he was suddenly awakened: "Uncle Mouri, why are you here?"

"Because I'm worried about you!"

"Uncle Mao Li said that he has been restless today, his eyebrows fluttering, and he rushed to find us because he was worried about you!" Ayumi explained from the side.

Hearing this, Haibara suddenly laughed, and immediately relaxed the nerves that had been tense for a long time, and wrapped his hands tightly around Mori Kogoro's neck, and buried his head into his shoulders.

Mori Kogoro looked at the old guy on the top floor who was sticking out to see the situation below, and kept sneering in his heart. He bent down and picked up a burnt black stone, and threw it up with all his might.

Although it was thrown from the bottom to the top, with a distance of more than ten meters, with the power of Mori Kogoro, this stone is still powerful, and it hit the old guy's forehead at once, and the old guy's head exploded instantly. She couldn't help but fell to the ground clutching her hands.

Mori Kogoro held Haibara in one hand and Ayumi in the other, and walked upstairs.

When they came to the top floor, they saw a pool of blood, but the old woman had disappeared, presumably using a secret passage to escape.

Mori Kogoro followed the bloodstains to the edge of a wall. He saw the black lamp hanging on the side, which seemed to have touch marks on it, so he turned the lamp downward. As expected, a downward secret passage appeared.

Chapter 0175 Pursuit

Mori Kogoro opened the way ahead and climbed down the straight ladder, followed by Haibara and Ayumi.

This secret path was extremely long, and little by little bloodstains could still be seen on the iron ladder. After climbing down from a distance of more than [-] meters, Ayumi and Haibara were panting heavily.

As soon as Mori Kogoro fell to the ground, there was a sound of breaking wind in the back of his head. He dodged immediately, dodged the iron rod, and then stretched out his hand to punch.

The half-step Bengquan struck out instantly, because he was afraid of killing the old guy with one punch, Mori Kogoro specially withdrew his strength, and only punched a Bengjin, which fell into the old guy's waist and kidneys, and immediately knocked him out. A little half of the kidney collapsed, and this old thing's urination will definitely be a big problem in the future. If you dare to bully Hui Yuan, you must learn a lesson!

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