He punched the old guy out. The ugly old thing kept bleeding from his mouth and head. He struggled to get up and ran to the back of the secret passage.

Mori Kogoro didn't care at all, he planned to talk about Haibara and Ayumi who were out of breath first.

Two fiery palms supported Hui Yuan's tender little buttocks, the touch was excellent, and he lifted it off the ladder and put it on the ground.

Haibara couldn't help but glared at Kogoro Mori: He really is a pervert, and he can never expect Uncle Mori to be a gentleman.

However, Haibara watched closely how Mori Kogoro held Ayumi down, and when Haibara saw that Mori Kogoro's big hands were hugging his waist, she nodded in satisfaction.

Mori Kogoro held a little loli with one hand, and the two little loli turned on the flashlights to illuminate the secret passage, and the three of them chased the old guy along the bloodstains like a stroll in the secret passage.

Both Haibara and Ayumi looked relieved, not afraid at all!

Soon they came to an empty room. There was a wooden cage in the room, and the few people who had been arrested before were locked in the cage.

The old guy was in the cage, he hugged the unconscious Conan, holding a dagger in his hand, and shouted to the chasing Mouri Kogoro: "Don't come here, if you come again, I will kill this child! "

The sharp voice woke up the comatose people at once. They rubbed the big bumps on their heads one by one, opened their sleepy eyes, and their movements were synchronized like the same person.

Conan opened his eyes, and suddenly found that there was a sharp dagger under his neck, and he was being held hostage by the old woman who attacked him, and Dr. Ali, Genta and Mitsuhiko were beside him.

And outside the cage, there appeared a person who could not be here at all——Moori Kogoro, Uncle Mori was holding a little loli in one hand, looking at him calmly, Conan immediately reacted.

What are you doing!Uncle Maori, I was held hostage by gangsters, and I might die. Are you not nervous at all?Also, Uncle Maori, how did you end up here?

Seeing this scene, Dr. A Li couldn't help being anxious: "New..." Before he could say the word, he immediately held back, and then said, "You must not hurt this child."

Yuantai and Mitsuhiko also looked nervous: "Grandma, don't kill Conan!"

The old guy had a ferocious face, and he roared at Maoli Kogoro loudly: "I hid here well, why do you bother me, I have killed so many people, and you are not bad, you guy , if you don’t want this child to die, just obediently restrain yourself and come over.”

Mori Kogoro smiled. In fact, with his speed, he was able to subdue the old woman before she made a move, so naturally he had no scruples at all.

But when Mori Kogoro saw Conan's earthy face, he couldn't help but said: "Usually in police movies, the police would throw away their weapons and even tie themselves up to ensure the safety of the hostages when encountering such a situation."

"But what's on TV is all fake. Conan, uncle has been a policeman for several years. As a real policeman, he wouldn't do this. Usually, he doesn't have to worry about the safety of the hostages. He should take action if he should, so as not to cause further damage. Serious consequences, so Conan, you are being held hostage now, you must be a brave child, you will not suffer any pain if you go down with a knife, remember, you must understand uncle!" Mori Kogoro continued to encourage Conan.

Conan's eyes couldn't help but widen: What the hell!Abandon me, regardless of my life or death!Sacrifice me to subdue this gangster!Yami Butterfly!Uncle Mao Li, we have known each other for so long, and we have a little friendship. Aren't you going to save me?

Conan became terrified. He felt the cold air of the dagger attacking him continuously, and goose bumps appeared on his neck immediately.

He hurriedly said to save himself: "Don't, don't kill me, I know where the treasure you want to find is, I can tell you."

A longing light appeared in the eyes of the old guy, and he looked at Conan in surprise: "Little devil, you didn't lie to me, did you? If you lie to me, I will definitely tear you to pieces!"

"Of course I didn't lie to you, I'm telling the truth!"

Mori Kogoro said in time: "Old man, you have committed so many crimes, you don't have enough time in prison, what treasure are you looking for!"

The old guy's face immediately turned fierce, and the dagger got closer to Conan, drawing a bloodstain on Conan's neck.

Conan felt the pain in his neck, and burst into tears: Uncle Maori, don't take such a trick on me!

"You're right, if you don't kill all of you, it's really useless to know the treasure!" The old guy showed an extremely weird expression on the face of an eighty-year-old old woman, and Ayumi couldn't help hiding in fear. Go behind Mori Kogoro.

"Although you said it so strongly just now, but you haven't moved for so long, this little devil is very important to you, so obediently bind your hands and come over, or I will really kill him!"

Mori Kogoro smiled disdainfully: "No, I didn't take any action because someone has already taken action, Dr. Ali, let's deal with him!"

Behind the old guy, Dr. Ali was holding a black wooden stick and wanted to hit the gangster on the forehead, but when Kogoro Mouri said this, Dr. Ali stopped immediately, and his face was full He looked sadly at Kogoro Mori.

Hearing Kogoro Mori's reminder, the old guy turned around and stared at Dr. Ali with a ferocious face.

Cold sweat immediately broke out on Dr. Ali's smooth forehead. He put down the wooden stick in embarrassment and held it in his hand as a crutch. He looked around nonchalantly, pinched his big nose, and whistled.

Conan's eyes were full of desperation, Uncle Maori just cheated himself to death!

Seeing the doctor put down the stick, the old fellow wanted to turn around and continue talking to Mori Kogoro, but he heard the familiar sound of breaking wind behind his forehead.

Another stone hit him on the forehead, the old guy's eyes flashed for a moment, his hands opened weakly, and Conan broke free immediately.

"Doctor, you are too weak. When he turned around just now, it was a flaw. If you sap him, he will definitely fall down. You have to let me take action!"

Mori Kogoro walked up with the two little lolis with a smile on his face. When Dr. Ali heard this, countless MMPs flashed in his heart. He is a fat old man in his fifties, even if he has flaws. He can catch it.

Chapter 0176

Kogoro Mori looked at the old guy who fell on the ground and kept moaning. The two wounds on her head were very symmetrical, and he couldn't help being very satisfied.

He looked at Conan, who was pale, and said with a smile, "Conan, what Uncle said just now is all lies. It's to distract this gangster's attention, so it's easy to shoot. Don't mind!"

After hearing this, countless black lines appeared on Conan's forehead. Every sentence just now was intended to kill himself, so it was not a distraction!

He couldn't help but look sad, looking at Mori Kogoro with dead fish eyes!

"Uncle Maori, why are you here?"

Mori Kogoro smiled, and looked at Haibara softly: "Of course I'm worried about you!"

Conan couldn't help sneering: I'm afraid I'm only worried about this black-bellied little loli!

Conan looked at Ayumi's envious expression, and couldn't help sighing: "The little girl is too easy to be confused, what is there to like about such an uncle!"

Mori Kogoro touched Huiyuan's head: "Who the hell is this guy? What's the matter with the disguise she mentioned just now?"

Hui Yuan spoke, and a cold voice sounded: "I read the fire newspaper four years ago in the studio. Fourteen people were burned to death in that fire, but the police only found thirteen bodies. The old lady's long entourage was burned to death, and I think he is the only survivor among them, plus the old lady's body here."

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