Mori Kogoro nodded honestly.

Kazuha and Hongye who are not in the living room, too?

Dad clearly developed his girlfriend group into his harem group, which is unforgivable!

Xiaolan gasped, her brows twitched slightly, and the anger that had just calmed down was filled again!

"Father pervert, you die for me."

Xiao Lan threw another punch, and there was a detonation in the air.

Mori Kogoro repeatedly stretched out his hand to block, only to block the six collapses.

Then he stretched out his arms, hugged his daughter's chest, and said quickly: "Lan, you have to calm down, we can't really demolish the house."

Mori Kogoro really regretted it, he should tell Xiaolan about these things in a more reliable place.

It's okay for Xiaolan to beat her rough skin and hard flesh to vent her anger.

But the house can't be demolished, otherwise how can I explain to so many women tomorrow!

So you can't let your own women have too high a force value, if you really rebel and can't suppress it, you are the one who suffers.

Moreover, women are emotional animals, and it is impossible for them to calm down if their emotions are not down.

No, as soon as Xiaolan lowered her head, she gnawed on Kogoro Mouri's arm, and refused to let go.

Mori Kogoro endured the pain, picked up Xiaolan, and went straight to the bathroom.

The bathroom door is closed directly, and if we want to cause damage, we must try our best to limit it to a narrower area.

It would also be easier for the Ant-Man robot to repair.

As a result, various sounds of pinging, bells, bangs and bangs came from the bathroom.

The change of the father-daughter battle in Maori's house was not small, and it disturbed Hongye and Heye who were resting next door.

The two ladies put on their pajamas and shorts, and came here together.

The door of Maoli's house was ajar, and the two girls came in directly.

You can come to the living room, and you will see an extremely shocking picture.

The two girls covered their mouths instantly, for fear that they would cry out.

Has the house been burglarized?No, is this Kogoro's masterpiece?

Thinking of Kogoro Mori pulling away nervously and leaving for more than an hour, she felt that it was possible.He Ye ran to the gate in a panic and locked it directly.

But dare not let outsiders see this scene.

As soon as she returned to the living room, she saw Hongye pointing at the little loli Huiyuan and Mary on the sofa with a flustered face.He Ye's pupils shrank sharply: "No way, my God, what happened?"

However, his eyes turned to Mira, who was almost twin with Xiaolan.

Because He Ye was not that familiar with Mira, he subconsciously thought it was Xiaolan, and his face was even more horrified. "Even Xiaolan has become like this, uncle, why is he crazy?"

Fortunately, Hongye, who has always been calm, has some discernment ability, so she recognized it quickly.

"Little Yezi, she's not Xiaolan, she should be Mira."

"Listen, there is a sound in the bathroom, let's go over there and have a look."

After finishing speaking, the two women walked to the door together, and then heard the crackling sound of the shelf falling to the ground.

The two girls trembled, they were too frightened to open the door, instead they eavesdropped outside the door.

The voices inside belonged to Xiao Goro and Xiao Lan, Futaba was relieved that no outsiders were in the house.

Just listening and listening, this sound is getting more and more wrong!

Chapter 0116 Futaba pretending to sleep

The beautiful movement sounded.

Hearing the sound of falling things from time to time, He Ye and Hong Ye looked at each other, silent, but the doubts in their hearts became more and more obvious.He Ye swallowed his saliva, boldly stepped forward, and opened the sliding door of the bathroom.

Only a crack in the door was exposed, and the shocking scene instantly had a great impact on He Ye.

His pupils shrank uncontrollably, his eyelashes trembled slightly, and his face changed drastically!

Hongye couldn't squeeze in and couldn't see, so she asked in a low voice: "Little Yezi! Little Leaf!"

These words are all breathless. "What did you see?"

Only then did He Ye open his mouth lightly: "Lan! It's Lan!"

His small face turned around was full of shock.

Hearing this, Hongye's eyes narrowed, but she still didn't believe it: "Impossible?"

She squeezed over, and saw the picture in the bathroom through her eyes, it really is!

Momiji's face instantly became exactly the same as Kazuba's.

The two little leaves retreated a little, their hearts were turbulent and their emotions were very complicated.

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