That slightly opened mouth didn't know what to say.

Then He Ye couldn't help but said, "Maybe the person inside is Mira, maybe it's Xiaolan who fell asleep on the carpet in the living room?" Hong Ye's eyes were full of surprise: "Are you sure, but Not the one in the living room."

"Maybe we got it wrong, let's go back and make sure!"

After saying this, He Ye quietly moved towards the living room.

Hongye hurriedly followed, not daring to disturb the people in the bathroom at all.

Futaba quickly returned to the living room, and all she could see were women in disheveled clothes.

This picture makes people blush, it's so embarrassing!

The two women didn't look carefully just now, but after a little observation now, the little loli Huiyuan and Mary are also impressively listed.

He Ye was a little speechless: "Children, little girls, Huiyuan... Hongye, look at them."

And Hongye hugged Heye's soft shoulders, softly comforting: "Calm down, calm down, take a deep breath."

"We'll have to check it out to find out what's going on!"

He Ye quickly nodded his head: "Yes, yes, yes, check it."

The two women immediately went forward and entered the group of women.

The first inspection target is Mira.

Just glanced at Mira, and the two women knew what happened.

The result is self-evident, if this happens to both options, everything will be clear to you!

Then Heye and Hongye came to the little loli Huiyuan and Mary.

After a brief inspection, the two women's mood immediately became heavy.

He Ye couldn't help but said: "This is too messy, Xiao Ai and Mary are just children, how can you treat them like this!"

Futaba is a kind-hearted girl, how could she bear to see such a thing happen.

Especially when it was done by someone he loved, it made him very sad.

For a moment, the two women felt a little depressed, and looked at each other, not knowing what to do.

At this moment, the bathroom door opened.

In the living room, Hong Ye and He Ye's eyes were full of panic, and they didn't know how to deal with it.

Hongye hurriedly whispered: "Pretend to be asleep! Pretend to be asleep!"

The two women immediately picked up the sofa pillows on the side, one leaned on the sofa, and the other simply lay down on the carpet, both of them closed their eyes and pretended to be asleep.The sound of footsteps came soon, but it was only the footsteps of one person.

"I told you this girl last time, who told you not to listen carefully and interrupt me."

"I've said it all, Mary is not a child. She is in the same situation as Xiao Ai. After taking APTX medicine, her body shrank like a child."

"In fact, Mary is older than Xiao Ai. Xiao Ai is eighteen years old, and Mary is at least two rounds older."

"You girl, you are still holding on, it seems that it is impossible not to punish you this time."

And the two girls in the living room who were pretending to be sleeping were instantly stunned!

What the hell? APTX!Rejuvenation?Shrunk?

Huiyuan is eighteen years old, and Mary is going to be two rounds older?

What kind of god unfolding is this, the world is too crazy!

What Futaba didn't know was that these words were actually specially explained to them.

Although Futaba can't understand it now, but knowing that the person she loves is not a bad person, she feels a little more relaxed.

Hongye, who was leaning on the sofa, couldn't help opening one eye, and saw Xiaolan who looked like a koala, and immediately closed her eyes in panic, as if afraid of being discovered.

"What about Aunt Youxizi? What about Aunt Jinghua? What do you say?"

"It's a long story, but tell you now, do you remember it, girl? You won't forget it like last time!"

Seeing Xiaolan's gesture, she wanted to bite her again.

"Okay, okay, okay, I say!"

"Yukiko and I have known each other for a long time. Although she married Kudo Yusaku, it was actually a fake marriage contract, and the marriage certificate is fake."

"As for Shinichi, in fact, he is not Yukiko and Yusaku's real son, but adopted..."

After being hugged to the back of the sofa, the girl sitting on it suddenly looked shocked.

Qi Dai's eyebrows frowned together, full of disbelief.


"This matter started twenty years ago, let me tell you slowly..."

Ever since, accompanied by the gorgeous movement in the living room, a story with twists and turns is told.

And Ye and Hongye, who closed their eyes and pretended to be asleep, didn't move, listening to the story obediently.

"Jinghua, she is a hard-working woman. In fact, she and Hattori Heizo have no relationship for a long time, but because of the family relationship, they maintain a marriage that seems to be divorced from reality."

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