"Didn't you see it when I visited Hattori's house last time? They are separated on both sides, and a lot of things happened in the middle..."

After Jinghua, it is the story about Akemi Miyano.

One story after another is being told, the music is fluttering, and the time is so full.

On the surface, these things seem to be told to the girl sitting on the sofa, but in fact they are also told to Kazuha and Hongye who are pretending to be asleep.As the touching stories unfolded, both Heye and Hongye felt much better.

In fact, when Futaba first saw this scene, apart from being shocked, she felt even more aggrieved and depressed.

This is a very normal emotion, but if you don't help to solve it, it's easy to get into a dead end.

And with an explanation and hearing the reason, it will be easier to digest.

Chapter 0117 Dad, don't lie to me anymore


Xiao Lan, who was covered in beads of sweat, was still angry but reticent.

Except for asking questions from time to time, she kept pursing her lips and wrinkling her nose, and said nothing.

This appearance is exactly the same as that of Eri who didn't go home back then, with a cold and expressionless expression!

However, Xiaolan's state is much better than when she just shouted and killed to demolish the house, her attitude has softened a lot, and she was obviously persuaded by Mori Kogoro.

Maori Kogoro rubbed his head against Xiaolan's forehead, and said softly, "Lan, Dad will tell you everything, don't be angry, if you get angry, I will feel distressed again."

Saying this, he put his arms around Xiaolan's legs, picked her up, and walked slowly and quickly back to the sofa in the living room.Holding his daughter in his arms, Mori Kogoro finally found a foothold, beside the carpet where Kazuha lay down.

He sat down, and more than ten centimeters away from him was the red leaf leaning on the sofa.

Futaba was very close, and she panicked immediately!

Wait a minute, Kogoro called Xiaolan just now.

In other words, this is really Xiaolan, not Mira!

After reacting, Futaba became more and more flustered, but still had to remain still and pretend to be asleep.

Mori Kogoro caressed Xiaolan's soft back with his left hand, and pressed his thigh with his right hand, still coaxing his sulking baby girl.

With her head facing left, Xiao Lan turned her head to the right, accompanied by a soft moan.

His head was facing right, so Xiaolan turned his head to the left, just not wanting to meet his gaze.

Mori Kogoro started to play a rogue, rubbing his head against his daughter's soft shoulder, and said softly, "Lan, don't be angry!"

Hearing these sounds, squinting her eyes to catch a glimpse of the surrounding scene, Futaba, who was pretending to be asleep, was a little unbearable.

Yaoshou, is Kogoro acting like a baby with his daughter?This is too curious!

Hongye and Heye had never seen Kogoro Mori who looked like this before, as if he had done something wrong and was obediently admitting his mistake.

"Lan, you are Dad's baby. Dad just doesn't want to hide it from you anymore. He wants to tell you everything. Don't be angry, just smile!"

His fingertips lightly poked Xiaolan's swollen cheek.

Well, still angry!

But Futaba was inexplicably impressed by this scene.

Strange, why does it feel a little sweet!

Under Mori Kogoro's warm offensive, Xiaolan's face finally changed.

The expressionless face she had been trying to maintain was about to collapse, her little ears flushed first, and the blush was trying to spread to her cheeks.

Xiaolan bit her lip, then asked a question.

"Then tonight's bottle of wine, Dad, did you know that there would be such a consequence, but you didn't stop it, but you were happy to see it happen?"


"to be frank!"

In the end, he still couldn't hide it from his daughter, so Mori Kogoro spoke with a little guilty conscience.

"That's right, because I want to introduce everyone to you. Isn't this way simple and clear?"

"That's why Dad went to the kitchen to help you detoxify after eating!"

Hearing this, He Ye, who was lying on the carpet, couldn't help exclaiming in his heart: "Oh, no wonder I felt weird when I passed by!"

And Xiaolan was obviously relieved, and most of the burdens in her heart were relieved.

She understood that this misery scene was not caused by herself, but by her father on purpose, so she really relaxed.

Immediately afterwards, Xiaolan's tearful eyes glared at her, and said softly, "Father, you are so bad, you still want to blame me from the beginning, I, I will bite you to death!"

Saying this, Xiao Lansu took her hand up, and then bit the shoulder of Mori Kogoro with a mouthful of silver teeth.

On the contrary, Kogoro Mori smiled, holding his daughter's soft back tightly with both hands, wishing to rub it into his body.

Don't look at this as Xiaolan's angry retaliation, but this reaction proves that most of her anger has subsided, and there is nothing serious about it.

This girl is really angry, exactly like Yingli, she just ignored people and pretended to be dead.

It's easy to talk about everything!

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