Soon the little Lolita noticed the abnormality. She was still wearing yesterday's clothes and hadn't taken a shower, so her cute face immediately sank.Mary quickly picked up the phone to question Mori Kogoro, and when she opened it, she saw an unread message.

This is a reminder text message from Maori Kogoro: "Don't worry, I did it."

Mary smiled angrily, and then relaxed: That's right, there is no one else at home except him!

His little bare feet stepped on the floor, and then he opened the door and went to the bathroom.

On the other side, in Mori Kogoro's room, smelling a reassuring smell, Xiao Heye slowly opened his eyes.

The amber-like eyes inspected the surroundings, and then relaxed, only uncle and Hongye were in the room!

Kazuha's delicate body was lying on Kogoro Mori's body, with one leg resting on Kogoro Mori's body. Like Hongye, she occupied half of each other.His amber eyes were full of complicated emotions, and he couldn't help stroking Kogoro Mori's beard with his fingers, and said softly, "Uncle is a big villain!"

But looking at Mouri Kogoro's sharp-edged cheeks, it seems that the unacceptable thing is not so unacceptable!

At this time, Kogoro Mori raised the corner of his mouth, and immediately grabbed Kazuha's plain hand with his big hand, pressing it to his heart.

He couldn't help teasing: "That's right, I'm a bad person, and my behavior is particularly bad, so it's okay for Xiao Yezi to run away!"

He Ye snorted softly: "I'm not running away, I want to eat it up and then dump me, don't think about it, uncle, I will rely on you."

Saying this, Xiao Ye Zi raised her head and kissed Kogoro Mori directly.

Mori Kogoro responded, using master-level kissing skills, and his big hands immediately grasped Kazuha's slender waist.

Listening to the sound, Hongye, who had woken up early and was resting on Mouri Kogoro's chest, couldn't help complaining.

"That's enough, you guys, you really don't let people stop for a moment."

Hearing this, the two who were kissing separated.

And Mori Kogoro held the plump red leaf with the other hand, and pecked at his small face again.

"Hey, you didn't even rinse your mouth! Husband, you are such a super gentleman!"

Mori Kogoro was not ashamed, but smiled proudly: "It's not important to be a gentleman. Life is short. The most important thing to do is follow your heart and leave no regrets."

He sat up directly with his big arms around the two girls: "Okay, you guys are so energetic, let's do some morning exercises!"

The two girls immediately turned pale and shook their heads repeatedly to refuse.

Last night didn't end until three o'clock in the morning, and I was well fed.

Now that it's coming again, do you really think it's a field that won't be damaged by plowing?

Seeing Kogoro Mori regained his lively appearance, He Ye couldn't help complaining: "Uncle, you are really a beast!"

Hongye also nodded her head and said, "Yes, it's just an animal."

"Okay, if you still dare to scold me, it seems that it is impossible not to teach you a lesson."

Saying this, Mori Kogoro scratched the itchy flesh of the two girls with his big hand.

Fingers attached to the fine current, the effect is outstanding!

The two girls writhed and twitched, shrieking and laughing to dodge, with tears in their eyes.

A good day starts from this youthful play.

After all, Kogoro Mori was sympathetic to the beauty, so he didn't really take the two girls to do morning exercises.About what happened last night, Futaba also agreed to keep it secret.

After playing around, the three of them got up one after another.

After all, He Ye was still timid, and opened the door to reveal a crack.

She peeked at the outside environment through the crack of the door, as if she was afraid of being discovered.

Hongye couldn't stand it any longer, she directly opened the door, and walked out arrogantly, as if she wanted to show off her might.

But there was no one in the living room, and no one could appreciate Hongye's gesture.

Immediately afterwards, Futaba pushed each other towards the bathroom, where little Loli Marie was washing up.

As soon as I entered, there was a burst of chicken and dog jumping!

Mori Kogoro shook his head, but he ignored it.

He took a glass of water, walked leisurely to the kitchen, and saw Xiao Lan, the little cook who was making breakfast attentively.

Mori Kogoro immediately went forward and hugged Xiaolan from behind, resting his head on his shoulder.

"Lan, why do you wake up so early? Why don't you sleep longer? Hmm! It smells so good, your cooking skills are really getting better and better." She felt very happy that Dad was so dependent on her.

"What are you talking about, Dad, didn't the bathroom be dismantled and unusable? There was also the broken cabinet in the living room. I wanted to get up early to clean it up, but why are they all back to normal?"

"Dad, what's going on?"

Kogoro Maoli kissed his daughter's beautiful hair, and said with a light smile, "What else can happen? Didn't daddy tell you all about it? There is a snail girl at home, and she must have come here to clean up while we were all asleep. , Anla, Anla!"

Xiaolan was obviously dissatisfied with this answer, and couldn't help stepping on the sole of Mori Kogoro: "Tell the truth!"


Under the pain, Mori Kogoro grabbed something subconsciously.

Seeing that he couldn't beat Xiaolan, he didn't plan to keep hiding it.

Ever since, on the stove, the body of an ant-man robot gradually grew bigger.

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