From the size of a sesame seed to the size of an ant, then to the size of a spider, and finally to the size of a doll.

Xiaolan's eyes were full of astonishment, she covered her mouth and didn't make a sound.

Looking at the high-tech robot wrapped in a metal exoskeleton, she couldn't help asking, "Dad, what is this?"

Mori Kogoro introduced with a chuckle: "Robots, robots that can grow and shrink freely, have artificial intelligence, and were created by Dad."

"It is usually the size of a sesame seed, invisible to the naked eye, but it has three times the power of ordinary people. Whether it is investigating, spying, protecting, or at home, it is a very powerful helper!"

Following Mori Kogoro's narration, the Ant-Man robot took over the pot and began to help with the cooking.

"The bathroom and the living room are the snail girls who are dispatched to clean up all the damage you have done."

Mori Kogoro snapped his fingers, and the ant-man robots on the stove grew bigger and formed a square formation as if they were created out of nothing.

Mori Kogoro put his arms around Xiaolan, and said softly, "I created them to protect Xiaolan. I just want someone to protect you secretly when Dad is away. After all, Dad can't lose you no matter what. "

Hearing this, Xiaolan's eyes were filled with emotion, and she couldn't help but turned her head and kissed Kogoro Mouri.

Chapter 0120 almost stripped off to his mouth

Mori Kogoro responded almost instinctively.

His big hand pressed the white bread, and it was slightly deformed when he grabbed it.

This soft white bread really is the perfect first course for breakfast.

The touch is soft and elastic, and the taste is even more delicious.

If it is paired with some fresh milk in the future, it will be the ultimate enjoyment.

Thinking of this, Mori Kogoro smiled slightly.

After a while, Mori Kogoro embraced Xiaolan, looked at the Ant-Man robot, and continued to introduce.

"Lan, has the house become much cleaner recently? It's actually thanks to them. They will do some dirty housework first."

"However, their main job is to protect you. After all, I am a detective. There are too many enemies. I am afraid that those guys will reach out to you, so I let them secretly protect you."

"Don't reveal this insight, after all, only those who hide are called backhands."

Hearing this, Xiaolan nodded obediently, but her eyes were still full of curiosity: "Father, are they really that powerful?"

"Of course, if you don't believe me, you can ask a few to go to the Martial Arts Field for an experiment, and they will always be by your side. But don't call them out during normal times, let them continue to protect you in secret!"

At this moment, the sound of opening the door came from outside, and Xiaolan's eyes flashed with panic.

"Dad, I still have to make breakfast, you go out first!"

Saying this, Xiaolan pushed Mouri Kogoro out.

And the Ant-Man robots on the stove shrank one by one.

Under Xiaolan's gaze, they turned into sesame seeds, and then scattered.

Xiaolan couldn't help but marvel: "Tsk tsk, it's really amazing!"

Mori Kogoro returned to the living room and saw Sonoko stretching his waist.

Sonoko was still yawning, but when she saw Mori Kogoro, she held back and pretended to be a lady.

Mori Kogoro immediately stepped forward and asked with a puzzled look, "Sonoko, why do I feel that you are different from before?"

Yuanzi's face turned red in an instant, but she couldn't help lowering her head: "What's the difference!"

His little hands were circling uneasily, this shy expression was completely different from the cheerful one before!

Immediately afterwards, the girl raised her head and said with bright eyes: "Uncle, if I live here from now on, forget it, it doesn't matter if I share the same bed with Xiaolan!"

Indeed, there is no difference!

This girl was as straightforward as ever, and her enthusiasm was overwhelming.

They were planning to stay here, so they almost took off their clothes and brought them to their mouths.

But Mori Kogoro didn't dare to agree, otherwise Tomoko might come to the door tomorrow with a hatchet to chop someone up.

His big hand caressed Yuanzi's small head: "No way, how sad it must be for your mother to find out!"

"Didn't I agree last time? You two should get along well and stop messing around."

Hearing this, Sonoko put his arms around Maoli Kogoro's arm: "I didn't mess around, it's all my mother's fault, I don't feel ashamed. Also, uncle, you have to be careful of my sister, she is not a kind person. Let's go!"

Sonoko sold Ayako in a blink of an eye, she had no idea that Ayako was much faster than her.

Mori Kogoro couldn't help but rubbed Sonoko's little head with a wry smile.

At this time, Shiliang Zhenchun walked out sleepily.

When she saw Mori Kogoro, she said hello, "Uncle, good morning."

"It's really strange, I didn't drink much last night, how could I fall asleep so early!"

Yuanzi also agreed: "That's right, I also fell asleep in a daze, and I didn't even take a bath."

Speaking of this, Yuanzi took a few steps back and sniffed his clothes secretly, but fortunately there was no smell!

And the bathroom door opened, and little Loli Marie struggled to escape.

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