Zhenchun was stunned for a moment, she caught a glimpse of Hongye inside and stretched out her hand to grab her mother back.

What kind of divine development is this? When did my mother get so close to Hongye?The two still share a bath?

I saw Mary dryly laugh twice: "They are too enthusiastic."

Immediately, Little Loli walked in front of Mori Kogoro, couldn't help but stomped on him, and asked in a low voice, "What happened last night?"

This bit of pain is still tolerable, Kogoro Mori caressed Mary's wet short blonde hair, and said with a chuckle, "It's nothing, it's just that everyone likes you very much!"

Mary didn't believe it at all. These inexplicable encounters this morning, being given medicine, and being taken to take a bath, made her feel that she might have been exposed.

The worst thing is that the relationship with Mori Kogoro was exposed, otherwise there would not be so many different treatment.

Immediately afterwards, Zhenchun interrupted Mary's questioning: "That's right, sister, we're going to watch the chess game today. It starts at ten o'clock, so we have to start early!"

Saying this, his green eyes fell on Kogoro Mori, as if to remind him.

Of course Mori Kogoro knew what Xiao Zhenchun meant, and wanted to ask Hideyoshi for clues about the death news.

He then said, "Yes, let's go after breakfast."

Yuanzi yelled in dissatisfaction: "Ah! Zhenchun, you are going to watch a chess game. Didn't you all agree that today I will be the host and go shopping in the new commercial building?"

Zhenchun smiled and explained: "Because it's a very important game, and there are still some things that my uncle and I have to investigate, we can't miss it, so I can't go with you."

"But if it goes well, we will be able to meet you in the afternoon."

Hearing this, Sonoko nodded reluctantly.

Immediately afterwards, the door was pushed open, and the four Eri from the next room came in one after another.

When they woke up this morning, they all discovered their abnormality.

The four girls also made a fuss about grabbing a bathroom, but it was harmless.

Xiaolan poked her head out of the kitchen and said, "Breakfast will be ready soon."

Kogoro Mori greeted all the girls to the table.

It's just because each of the girls has some residual memories in their minds, and the eyes of each other are a little weird.

For a while, the atmosphere was rather strange.

In this delicate atmosphere, everyone had breakfast, but nothing broke out.

Then Mori Kogoro set off with Zhenchun and Mary's mother and daughter.

As for the rest of the women in the family, they were divided into two groups, one group was entertained by Yuanzi, and the other group was entertained by Yuanzi's mother.Going to school or something, that's all floating clouds, I've already asked for leave!

Chapter 0121 extremely moist Yumi sauce

The Lexus drove Mary and Zhenchun on the streets of Tokyo, and the destination was Lishan County, which was the venue of the Japanese shogi [Celebrity Tournament].

Shogi is a characteristic Japanese board game. Like black belts, it is segmented and graded, and is quite popular.

Above the rank is the title, which is divided into seven titles: Celebrity, Dragon King, Throne, Throne, Chess King, King General, and Chess Master!

Haneda Hideyoshi is participating in the Masters this time. If he wins this game, he will become Japan's seven-time champion!

It sounds bluffing, but it's actually useless!

However, Marie is still very concerned about whether Hideyoshi can be naked in this match. She could have asked Hideyoshi about who Haneda was in Miyano Koji's last pen, but she had to wait until the end of the match.

Zhenchun in the back seat was still reading the breast enhancement cheat book with great interest, and didn't notice the small movements in front of her at all.

Mary's little white hands kept pinching Kogoro Mori's waist, venting her anger.

Just now Kogoro Mori recounted what he did to Mary in front of Xiaolan, Heye and Hongye last night.

An unconscious little loli, in front of three young girls, was raped by a man a hundred times and a hundred times!

Even if she couldn't recall it, Mary could still imagine how shameful and embarrassing that scene was!

This also makes sense for Xiaolan and Futaba's special treatment to Mary in the morning!

Maybe I was being studied over and over again by these three girls?

Or he was fed a temporary antidote halfway through and returned to his original appearance, but he was still used as an RBQ. These are very likely to happen!

The more little Lolita lost her memory, the more she was thinking wildly, and her little hand was strenuously pinching Kogoro Mori.

Mori Kogoro couldn't help complaining: "I'm almost pinched out of calluses, Mary, I still have to drive!"

"It's okay, Xiaolan and the others promised me that nothing about last night will be revealed, so you can rest assured."

"Big pervert, why am I worried about this..."

But at this moment, the cell phone rang suddenly, and Mori Kogoro motioned for little Loli to stop talking, and picked up the phone.

In an instant, Miaozi's voice came from the phone.

"Maori-kun, come here quickly, senior is in danger!"

Hearing this, Mori Kogoro frowned instantly: "Miaozi, what are you talking about, what happened to Yumi?"

"Senior was kidnapped, I'm at the senior's house now, come here quickly!"

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