Has Yumi been kidnapped?Impossible, isn't the Ant-Man robot always protecting her?Not even an alarm!

However, Mori Kogoro immediately turned around and headed towards Yumi's house.

And in his mind, the monitoring picture about Yumi was revealed.

cut!It was a false alarm!

Yumi is fine at all, on the contrary, she is very happy now, she is dressed like a lady, and she is in her old home.

That's right, she went back to her hometown to play tricks!

Really obey the old saying, riches and honors do not return to their hometowns, like walking in brocade clothes at night!

Ever since Mori Kogoro gave her sky-high priced Toyota shares, this girl has been happy, even her husband forgot, she skipped work with Miwako, went shopping like crazy, and even bought them all over the world.

Now she is wearing fur, driving a luxury car, and wearing jewels. She visits relatives one by one, organizes various class reunions, and puts on a scene of pretense, just like a super rich woman.

Looking at the upstart Yumi-chan in the video, Kogoro Mori wanted to cover his eyes.

But after all, it's my own mother-in-law, as long as she is happy.

Coincidentally, Yumi-chan's hometown is this Lishan County, which is the same place as this celebrity match, so I can drop by to find her!It's just that Yumi-chan is obviously fine, but Miaozi said she was kidnapped, so what the hell is going on!

The Lexus continued to speed up and drove towards Yumi's house.

Soon, the car stopped at the door of Yumi's apartment.

Mao Li and his party went upstairs immediately, and saw Miao Zi anxiously at the door.

Mori Kogoro asked: "Miaozi, what's going on, how did you say that Yumi was kidnapped?"

"Mr. Mao Li, quickly read this letter. I found it under the door of my senior!"

"Senior hasn't come to work for the past two days, so I thought it was weird. I couldn't get through to her, so I came to her house to look for her."

"But I knocked on the door for a long time, but no one responded, not even a dog barking."

"I asked the property owner, and he said that the senior left with the dog four days ago, and he hasn't returned until now, and then I found this letter!" Kogoro Mouri opened the letter and saw the photo inside .

It is the abduction photo of Yumi tied up and her mouth taped.

He couldn't help raising his brows, but he still found clues.

This is a PS photo, the technology is very good, it can almost be faked, and it even deceived Miao Zi.

On the back of the letter, it was written to Hideyoshi Haneda. Seeing this name, Mary and Zhenchun couldn't help but gasp slightly.

【Your woman is in my hands. If you want to save her, you can unlock my chess record and come to me. I will wait until the game time limit runs out!Telling the police is considered forbidden!headless chess player]

Attached behind is the so-called chess record.

But Mori Kogoro knew that Yumi was fine, so he didn't take a closer look.

Mary couldn't help frowning and asked, "How could this matter be related to Hideyoshi?"

When Miaozi heard this, she immediately asked, "Little sister, do you know who this Haneda Hideyoshi is?"

Little Lolita nodded: "Originally, we were going to watch his competition today. He is the current six-time champion in Japan. If he wins this competition, he will become the seven-time champion. He is very powerful!"

Zhenchun looked at the game record carefully, and said: "It seems that this is a conspiracy against the second brother. It is really a despicable method to prevent him from becoming the seven-time champion."

"But I have never said that Miss Yumi is his girlfriend!"

Miao Zi immediately retorted: "That's not true, senior is obviously Mao Li-kun's girlfriend."

Hearing this, Mary and Zhenchun were instantly stunned.

Little Lolita's gaze became extremely unfriendly, and her little foot stepped on Kogoro Mouri's instep.

But Zhenchun chuckled lightly and said: "Uncle, it's amazing, there are so many people in the family, you still show mercy!"

The thick-skinned Mori Kogoro rubbed Mary's little head, and said, "It's not important, this chess player is targeting Haneda Hideyoshi, let's go to Lishan County first, let's go!"

A group of people got into the car together, Miaozi sat in the passenger seat, and wanted to take out the police lights and horn to open the way, but was stopped by Mori Kogoro.

It's not necessary at all, Yumi-chan is living a very nourishing life now, there is no need to be so nervous.

Chapter 0122 take care of the bed

With Mori Kogoro's driving skills, it would take more than an hour for the Lexus to drive to Lishan County.

Zhenchun in the back seat carefully studied the kidnapper's information and called Haneda Hideyoshi.

However, because of the shogi competition, the contestants are not allowed to carry mobile phones, and the call has been unable to get through.

And Miaozi gradually calmed down under the influence of Moori Kogoro's calm appearance.

It's just that she quickly remembered something, and couldn't help but speak softly.

"Mori-kun, Sakura called me last night, and she told me everything you did to her!"

There is a situation! ! !

Zhenchun and Mary in the backseat pricked up their ears to listen.

Zhenchun was even more suspicious, she went with her yesterday, and she didn't see what happened to Uncle and Yingzi!

"You," Miaozi glanced at the two girls who were listening to the gossip behind her, and changed the tone: "Do you really want to hire her to be the housekeeper of the office?"

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