Mori Kogoro chuckled; "Of course, Sakurako is very capable, besides, I really need a housekeeper."

"And Yingzi keeps saying that she is cursed, I have to find a way to exorcise her!"



Zhenchun and Mary's mother and daughter looked stunned, these words really don't look like what Kogoro Mouri said.

Miaozi turned her head sideways, staring at Moli Kogoro with cat eyes: "Could it be that she wants to use the name of exorcising evil to do strange things to her!"

Hearing this, Mori Kogoro laughed, and turned his big hand to caress Miaozi's ponytail, very smooth!

"Of course not. Where are you thinking? I know the real divine master and I just want to take her to be baptized. Miao Zi, you won't be jealous, will you?"

The face of the little policewoman turned red in an instant, and her cat eyes glared at Kogoro Moori angrily: "How could that be!"

She was just jealous. A few days ago, she was forced to do such an outrageous thing in the Metropolitan Police Department, and there was no way to explain it. Now she went to hook up with her best friend, how could this be possible!

Miaozi felt very upset, and Sakura was the housekeeper of Mori Kogoro, so didn't she live in Mori's house earlier than her?


Who's behind, when we're dead?

Zhenchun pretended to cough, and Kogoro Mouri withdrew his big hand.

And Mary's eyes almost rolled to the sky, and he was still there, so he flirted with his sister in front of his face, this is too much!

His little short hand poked around from the side of the seat, found a weakness and twisted it again.

Miao Zi in the passenger seat said quietly, "I'm not superstitious, so I don't need to be baptized."

Mori Kogoro smiled and comforted: "Don't worry, I will take good care of Sakura when she goes to my place. You can come over anytime you want to see her, it will be much more convenient!"

It's just that you are taking care of me so I don't worry about it. You may take care of me on the bed at any time!

Miaozi gave Mori Kogoro a sideways look, then turned her head to look out the window and sighed.

On the other side, in the shopping mall of the commercial building invested by the Suzuki family, a group of people who were tired from walking went into the coffee shop to rest.

The five people in the group are all young girls, walking together is a beautiful scenery, causing people to look sideways from time to time, they are Xiaolan, Yuanzi, Heye, Hongye and Mira.

And Jinghua was entertained by Eri, Tomoko, Yukiko and others, and was even dragged to meet Kujo Reiko.

After all, the age is not the same, want to play is naturally different.

As for sisters Huiyuan and Mingmei, they didn't follow. After getting the new information from the tape recorder, little Lori had some new ideas about the antidote, so she and her sister came to the secret base to start researching.

Although most of the base was transferred to the space battleship by Koshimizu Nanatsuki, the original one is not abandoned and can still be used.

Since the sisters met, Huiyuan hadn't been in Dr. Ali's basement again, which made the doctor quite sad!

As soon as Xiaolan sat down, Yuanzi and Mira went to the bathroom.

Seeing Futaba's strange gaze at her, Xiaolan couldn't help asking: "What's wrong with you two, why are you looking at me like this all morning, it's so weird!"

He Yeze had an absurd expression on his face: "Xiaolan, you still ask what's wrong with us, you are even more strange."

"I really can't imagine that a female high school student who looks pure on the outside is so perverted on the inside. Is this a distortion of human nature or a loss of morality!"

"Last night, I saw you shouting 'Ya Yu' all the time!"

Hearing this, Xiaolan's cheeks flushed instantly, she lowered her head, her eyes turned into peas.

And Hongye folded her hands on her chest, her chest became more and more arrogant, she also asked: "Tell me, when did you start getting better? How do you feel?"

Xiao Lan's head was steaming: "What are you talking about, didn't you say that you should not mention this matter?"

"Who said not to mention it, Lan, tell me quickly, I'm really curious to death." He Ye put his arms around Xiao Lan's arm and acted coquettishly.

Hong Ye also came over, full of gossip: "I always feel that there should be a very exciting story, Xiaolan, we are not outsiders, we were comrades-in-arms last night, come and listen, we will definitely keep you safe Secret."

"If you don't tell me, maybe one day I'll drink and talk about it."

The corner of Xiaolan's mouth twitched, it was such a threat again, so ruthless!

I feel that anyone who knows about this matter can threaten me, and I can't counter it, so angry!

Seeing the two girls getting closer and closer, this pressing question cannot be avoided!

Xiaolan could only blush and began to narrate in a low voice.

"It wasn't like that at the beginning, but last year, when he was drunk, he recognized me as someone else, and then he was pulled over..."

He Ye couldn't help covering his mouth: "That's not strong..."

But before she could say anything later, she was pulled by Hongye's little hand!

Xiaolan blushed a little more, and continued to talk: "So I hated him a little at first, but he doesn't seem to remember, which made me feel very strange..."

As she told the story, Futaba's eyes lit up, her little face flushed red, and she let out exclamations from time to time.

Chapter 0123

At the beginning of nine o'clock in the morning, Mao Li and his party came to the hotel in Lishan County.

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