This is a well-known ancient Japanese-style building, with small bridges and flowing water, rockery arch bridges, and hot springs curling up, creating a quiet and natural atmosphere.In the main hall of the hotel, a group of reporters in suits and leather shoes held up long guns and short cannons to shoot, and the photographer relayed the images.

There is a chess player on one side of the chessboard who has been waiting for it, and it is the four-time champion who has the winning power.

This is a very famous chess player in Japan, and he often wins and loses with Haneda Hideyoshi.

Mori Kogoro and his group followed Makoto across the main hall and came to the rest room behind the hotel, where they saw Haneda Hideyoshi in a kimono, "Second Brother, we're here to see you!"

Hearing Makoto's voice, Haneda Hideyoshi, who was putting on makeup, immediately beamed with joy.

But as soon as he turned his head, he saw Mori Kogoro behind him, and his expression darkened instantly.

Memories of the past came to mind in an instant, this man actually did such an unreasonable thing to Yumi on the balcony.

Believe in the horse!Gallop!

The scene was almost like a nightmare, haunting him all the time.

Haneda Hideyoshi dreamed countless times that Mori Kogoro was condescending, laughing at himself with pride, and the scene of Yumi-chan begging for mercy and asking himself for help with tears in his eyes, so many dreams were believed to be true.

This time the enemy met, I was really jealous!

Haneda Hideyoshi got up immediately, and shouted with an ugly face: "Why are you here?"

Seeing her son being so impolite, Mary frowned instantly, and shouted, "You're rude, this is your Uncle Maori, how can you talk to elders like that!"

Uncle Molly?elder?Mom are you kidding me?

Hideyoshi was a little confused, and Miaozi was even more amazed.

This little loli is very powerful, she dared to scold someone so much older than herself.

But in the end the matter of Senior Yumi is important, Miaozi immediately said: "Are you Haneda Hideyoshi? We are here for Senior Yumi's business?"

Hearing the word Yumi, Haneda Hideyoshi turned his attention to Naoko.

At this moment, a waitress in a pink kimono trotted up and said, "Master Taige, Master Taige, here is your letter!"

Haneda Hideyoshi put on a little pretense right away: "Didn't you say that I'm going to prepare for the celebrity battle? Put aside the fan letters for now!"

Mori Kogoro immediately raised his eyebrows: "I advise you to read this letter first."

Haneda Hideyoshi opened the letter suspiciously, and the contents inside were exactly the same as the letter found under the door of Yumi's house just now.

The same is a PS kidnapping photo, a kidnapping letter, and a guiding chess record!

After reading this content, Hideyoshi's complexion changed drastically.

And Zhenchun said suspiciously: "Second brother, is Officer Yumi really your girlfriend?"

"Of course, Yumi and I really love each other. It's because people with ulterior motives stepped in that Yumi misunderstood me."

"As long as I go naked in this competition and become a seven-time champion, and give this to her as a gift, she will definitely change her mind and leave some people with ulterior motives."

Saying this, Haneda Hideyoshi gave Mori Kogoro a cross-eyed look, for fear that others would not know that it was him he was talking about.

Mori Kogoro was stunned. This Hideyoshi student is really a very talented person with a very big heart!

Last time, almost in front of his face, Da Totto revealed Yumi, and he survived like this!

You also want to collect all the titles of the Seven Crowns to make Yumi change her mind, you might as well go to the Dragon Balls and make a wish!

excellent!excellent!It really is a talent!

Zhenchun and Mary were a little embarrassed for a moment. It turned out that Kogoro stole Hideyoshi's girlfriend. No wonder Hideyoshi refused to let them live in Mori's house.

Mori Kogoro couldn't help but said: "It's really funny, the title of Seven Crowns is just one title, how to give it away, others will call you Taiko Celebrity, if you give it to Yumi, will others call her Taiko Celebrity? Isn't this a mess?"

"You and Yumi have already broken up, and you have no relationship with each other for a long time. Now because of the people you offended in the shogi world, it affects Yumi, and you have no shame at all."

"This kidnapper is really funny. My woman was misunderstood as your girlfriend. I kidnapped the wrong person. Could it be that you have been pestering Yumi secretly so that the kidnapper misunderstood me?"

Hearing the question, Haneda Hideyoshi seemed to be talking about the central issue, and immediately responded sternly: "Detective Maori, please show me some respect, she is not your woman, Yumi belongs to her, I didn't bother her !” The more I said these words, the more I felt guilty.

Seeing the two quarreling, Mary and Zhenchun don't know which one to help, one is a relative, the other is a benefactor, and the benefactor who is about to develop into a relative, it is simply difficult to choose!

Mori Kogoro shook his head, he didn't bother to continue arguing, what's the use of persuading such a stubborn person, it's better to let Yumi make it clear to him.

At this time, another waitress came in and urged: "Master Taige, the competition is about to begin."

Mary immediately said: "Hideyoshi, you go to the Anxin competition first, and just leave the matter of Police Officer Yumi to me and Kogoro."

Hearing this, Haneda Hideyoshi clenched his fists and followed the waitress to the main hall.

Seeing him leave, Miao Zi couldn't help complaining: "Senior is really blind. He even had entanglements with such a man. Now that senior is in danger, he still wants to compete. Is it so important to play chess? Isn't it possible to play chess every year?" ?"

When Hideyoshi, who was leaving, heard this, his footsteps paused, and then he sped up a bit.

And Mary couldn't help but stare at Miaozi, but she also felt that she was right, so she couldn't help but sighed.

Zhenchun asked: "Uncle, then we should go to Police Officer Yumi. I have read the game record of this envelope, and I always feel that it is talking about a shrine. It doesn't feel like this side."

Before the words fell, the commentary on the TV suddenly sounded.

"What's the matter with the Taige celebrity? Just as soon as he sat down, he chose the long test, and left the game seat before he even made a move. What kind of tactic is this?" [Long test: long-term thinking before making a move, called it long exam.

The time for the two-day Celebrity Battle Exam is 10 hours, and Hideyoshi Haneda still has six hours left. 】

"The Taige celebrity left the competition venue and even took a taxi. What's going on, doesn't he want to compete?"

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