And his opponent, Shengliyou, sat on the seat, looking calm and relaxed.

"It's okay, the Taige celebrity should have thought of something urgent to do, I can wait for him."

After finishing speaking, he closed his eyes and closed his eyes to rest his mind.

Chapter 0124 can not escape the hot spring bath

Seeing the scene of Haneda Hideyoshi leaving in a car on TV, Miaozi said, "Mori-kun, should we go too?"

Mori Kogoro pretended to be surprised: "What are you going to do?"

Zhenchun said with a look of disbelief: "Uncle, you haven't solved the clues of the chess record yet, have you? I can't solve it because I don't understand the rules of shogi, so you don't understand it either!"

"Yeah, I don't understand!"

All three women couldn't stand still and fell to the ground in an instant.

"Compared to this Japanese-style chess, I prefer Chinese chess. I really don't know anything about shogi!"

Miao Zi pinched Kogoro Maoli's ear with her fingers: "Mr. Maoli, don't think that I will believe you if you are acting cute. Didn't you say that the senior is your woman? Now she is in such a dangerous situation, how can you ignore her? Hurry up Tell me where to go next!"

Mori Kogoro looked surprised again: "Who told you that Yumi-chan is dangerous?"

The three girls were immediately dumbfounded!

Isn't it dangerous?

You just came over from Tokyo, and the atmosphere is so tense, are you telling me it's not dangerous now?Are you kidding us?

Mori Kogoro said easily: "I thought you guys could see it too. This picture is obviously photoshopped. Look at the vase next to it. The lines on it are all distorted. Yumi hasn't been kidnapped!"

Hearing this, the three women were stunned again, and immediately grabbed the photo and began to observe it carefully.

It's really a PS photo!

Zhenchun's lips trembled slightly, and she couldn't help asking: "Then why did you say that to my second brother just now?"

"I lied to him."

This frankness was a little too much, Mori Kogoro smiled smugly, full of pride in the success of the prank.

This appearance made Mary and Zhenchun's teeth itch!

"Who made him pester Yumi all the time? Listen to what this guy said. After winning the seven crowns, he wants to confess his love to Yumi and make her change her mind. Is this human? How could I let him succeed!"

This passage is well-founded, neither Mary nor Zhenchun can refute it, and no one can say anything about his rival in love.

Zhenchun shook her head, turned around and ran outside, shouting 'Second Brother' and 'Second Brother' continuously.

It's a pity that the taxi that Hideyoshi took is gone, so naturally he can't catch up.

Mary glared at Mori Kogoro angrily, and stepped on his instep again.

It doesn't hurt at all, he is immune to the little loli's attack.

Miao Zi asked in a daze, "Then Mori-kun, where did Senior Yumi go? Why hasn't she been at work for the past few days? No news?"

"Didn't she tell you? Yumi-chan is already a rich woman. A few days ago, she went shopping with Miwako all over the world. Didn't you find that Miwako didn't go to work these days?"

"As for the current Yumi-chan, her hometown happens to be in Lishan County. Let's stop by and have a look later, maybe we can find her." Miaozi asked immediately: "Then Moori-kun, you all know Yumi Senior is fine, and he didn't tell me, why did you bring me here?"

Mori Kogoro laughed softly: "I think it's not good for Miaozi to be busy with work all the time, so I'll take you here to relax."

"The fruit and wine here in Lishan County are very famous, and the most famous is the red wine hot spring bath, which can beautify the skin, anti-aging, and also have the effect of weight loss and detoxification. You can't miss it when you come here."

The two women were immediately dumbfounded, didn't they want to investigate the kidnapping case?Why did you switch to the hot spring all of a sudden?

The plot develops too fast, like a tornado!

Miao Zi was a little shy and said, "But I didn't bring a swimsuit!"

And Mary kicked Kogoro Mori's shin with her little foot, and kept saying, "Kogoro, you are too despicable, this is a very important match!"

Before kicking a few times, Little Lolita was picked up by Mori Kogoro by the nape of her clothes, and her mouth was also covered.

This little loli opened its teeth and claws in mid-air, it was a bit fierce and cute.

Kogoro Mori easily subdued Mary, and turned to ask the waitress at the side.

"Do you have a red wine hot spring here?"

The waitress swallowed, she didn't dare to offend this ruthless person who easily deceived the famous Taige, so she spoke honestly.

"There is this. It is behind the rockery in the backyard, because the most famous Lishan winery is nearby, and there are red wine in nearby hotels and hotels."

"Perfect, it seems that this trip is not wrong, please help open the best private bathhouse, and help me buy swimsuits and trunks too!"

Saying this, a black card was handed over to the waitress, along with several large banknotes.

The waitress who got the tip naturally didn't say anything more, bowed happily, and began to prepare for the guests.

Zhenchun, who was disappointed and returned, ran back panting. When she saw her mother who was struggling, she immediately stepped forward to rescue her.

Mori Kogoro let the little Lolita be hugged, but took Zhenchun's hand with his big hand, and wrapped Miaozi's slender waist with the other hand, and pulled the three girls towards the hot spring bath.

"Hey, uncle, what's the situation? Where are you taking me?"

Not long after, under the strong impetus of Kogoro Mori, a man and three women soaked in the red wine hot spring smoothly.

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