In the back area of ​​the hostel, surrounded by mountains and forests, the four of them soaked in the hot spring comfortably in the private bathhouse built of artificial rocks.The rising water vapor is filled with the aroma of wine, and the hot spring water is all red, dyeing people's skin bright red, quite a bit of the charm of being drunk without alcohol!Miaozi with twin ponytails had her little head out of the water, her face was flushed, and she was still a little shy in a swimsuit.

Would you be too unreserved?The progress is too fast, shouldn't there be dating and watching movies, and we will take a bath together as soon as we come, won't Mori-kun think that I am a bad girl?

Miaozi's cat eyes glanced at Kogoro Mori, who was hugging Mary and coaxing her to eat fruit, and fell into deep thought.

It seems that Mori-kun likes girls very much?He should be very happy to give birth to a daughter in the future, right?Oh, won't the child and Xiaolan be sisters by then?

But what Miaozi didn't notice was the unusual expression on the little Lolita who was being held in Kogoro Mori's arms.

Little Loli pursed her lips, her blue eyes were full of mist, and she looked like she was about to cry.

His little short hand was still pressing the big hand that was making trouble underwater, and his little head couldn't help but twitching, making a sound as thin as a mosquito's silk from time to time: "Da baa, the innocence is still there!"

And Mouri Kogoro asked with a smirk: "Mary was very misbehaving just now, this is punishment."

"You haven't answered me yet, is Hideyoshi important, or me?"

The blond little loli couldn't help shaking her head again.

On the other side, Haneda Hideyoshi, who took a taxi and headed for Tokyo, looked at the PS photo in his hand and swore secretly:

"Yumi-chan, I will definitely bring you back. I asked you to wait for me before I forgive you. This time, no matter what, I will let you be safe."

Soon, Hideyoshi Haneda had a picture of himself descending from the sky, the hero saving the beauty, and then Yumi changed her mind and gave up Mori Kogoro to be with him.

Thinking about it, Haneda Hideyoshi couldn't help laughing like a pig.

But at Yumi's grandmother's house, Yumi couldn't help sneezing after listening to the compliments from all the aunts.

"Aqiu! Aqiu!"

Which guy is talking about me behind my back!

Yumi pursed her nose, turned her head and heard the compliments from her relatives, she felt that this moment was the pinnacle of her life.

Chapter 0125 and Miaozi's separate bath

The big hand submerged in the water lightly grabs it, and it feels full of richness.

The red wine hot spring bath really makes people's skin extremely smooth, and the little loli almost couldn't put it down.

The blond-haired little loli couldn't help snorting softly, her short hands kept pushing Kogoro Moori's chest and abdomen, and her little feet kept kicking Kogoro Moori's legs.

His face was flushed, and his lips were pursed, like a princess fighting a demon.

"Daba, don't do this, Zhenchun is still here!"

The little loli didn't dare to speak too loudly, it was a breath sound, accompanied by a little panting, and she looked extremely cute.

But this is completely a little white sheep that lures the big bad wolf, how can people be willing to let go.

On the other hand, Zhenchun, with his back to the crowd, was still studying the headless chess player's game record, not aware of any changes behind him.

And the shy Miaozi stayed away from Mori Kogoro, just glanced at it from time to time, but didn't notice it.

Mori Kogoro hugged the little loli tightly, rubbing his cheek against her short fluffy golden hair, and said with a light smile, "Mary, you haven't told me yet, is it me or Hideyoshi who is more important?"

Saying this, his fiery big hands pressed the little loli, hugged her into his arms, and let her sit on his lap.

Sensing the majestic and fiery body behind her, with distinct muscles that could almost melt people, little Lolita's cheeks turned red again.

Smelling the scent of red wine from the hot spring pool, his little head was a little dizzy, so he spoke in a daze, with a voice almost like mosquito silk: "You, you are more important."

Hearing this, Mori Kogoro smiled with satisfaction, and immediately patted the little loli's buttocks with his big underwater hand.

"Since I'm more important, then you were on Hideyoshi's side just now, it seems that I have to give you a taste of my Mori family's family law."

Little Lolita couldn't help but turned her head and gave Kogoro Moori a white look.

"You scoundrel, I didn't say anything to you after bullying Hideyoshi like this, but you still want to punish me, I, I'll bite you to death."

After saying that, Mary lowered her head and bit Kogoro Mouri's arm: this hand is the worst!

Mori Kogoro laughed lightly, stroking Mary's soft back with his big hand.

"Emotional matters are never unreasonable. I have a clear conscience about Yumi and Yumi. Originally, Yumi had broken up with Hideyoshi for many years. That's what she told me when she was with me."

"Xiu Jiji himself can't figure it out. He thinks that the person he hasn't contacted for a few years is still his girlfriend. He has stayed at home for too long, and he doesn't know how to deal with the world."

"Furthermore, I didn't mean to cheat him by letting him go to the chess player's appointment."

"Others have spent a lot of time setting up this situation. If he doesn't deal with it, who should do it? The cause planted before will bear the fruit now, nothing more!"

Little Loli gave Mori Kogoro another look, and then let go of her mouth: "You bastard, if you continue to talk about it, you will call it white, so I won't listen."

"If you don't listen, you can stop listening if you just keep your mouth shut."

Mori Kogoro raised his eyebrows with a smirk, while Mary glanced at Zhenchun and Naoko, and saw that they didn't pay attention to this side.

Little Loli quickly took a bite of Kogoro Mouri, then turned sideways again, and sat comfortably in Kogoro Moori's arms, no longer thinking about these entangled things.

And at this moment, a bell rang in the distance!

This is the waitress who brought the food, because this is a private bath, it is inconvenient to enter.

They will put the food on the table at the entrance and let the guests take it by themselves.

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