Mori Kogoro immediately let go of little Loli Marie, and then walked out of the hot spring pool towards the entrance.

Looking at the back of Mori Kogoro in swimming trunks, the majestic latissimus dorsi, external oblique muscles, and gluteus maximus are smooth and full of strength, especially the male dog waist, which makes people blush !

Miaozi turned her head shyly after just one glance, but immediately couldn't help but peeked again, and she was a little dazed.

On the other hand, Zhenchun looked away with difficulty, then swam to Mary's side, and spoke excitedly.

"Mom, I just searched for the rules of shogi, and finally cracked the game record of this headless chess player. The clue points to the shrine in Tokyo. Let's go through the exit. When uncle comes back, there is no way to go."

"We don't care about the feelings of uncle, second brother, and police officer Yumi, but I'm still worried about letting second brother face such a dangerous person alone. We have to help him."

Hearing what Zhenchun said, Mary, who was originally entangled, made an instant decision.

Kogoro, although you are more important, I can't let Hideyoshi go to the trap like this. At most, when I find him, I can tell him not to pester Officer Yumi anymore.

Mary, who thought so, had a clear idea in an instant, and got up and left the hot spring pool with Zhenchun.

The two women soaked in the red wine hot spring for a while, and the skin outside the swimsuit was reddish, which was very beautiful.

Miao Zi heard the sound of water and couldn't help asking, "Where are you two going?"

Zhenchun replied with a dry smile: "Toilet, toilet."

Saying this, she pulled Mary along another stone road towards the exit.

Miaozi didn't doubt that he was there, sitting in the pool with her ponytails on her back, squinting her eyes slightly, which showed that she was comfortable and comfortable!

After a while, Kogoro Mori came back with two plates, one plate was full of rose petals, and the other plate was filled with various specialties and fruits of Lishan County.

Boiled abalone shellfish, flavored hot pot noodles, cherries, peaches, plums, hot spring steamed buns, hot spring eggs, and a small pot of wine, everything is there!

Seeing Naeko alone in the open-air hot spring pool, Mori Kogoro had expected it early on, and it was strange that Mary and Masumi didn't help Hideyoshi.

Miao Zi specifically explained: "The two of them went to the toilet."

Mori Kogoro, who was swaying the rose petals intently, laughed lightly.

"There is a toilet in our private bath, why go outside to use it! They won't come back for the time being."


Miaozi's cat's eyes widened in an instant, and she will not come back for the time being. Doesn't that mean that she will be alone with Mao Li-kun, and they will also take a bath alone.The confused little policewoman finally figured out the situation, her heart was beating extremely fast, and her face was full of nervousness.

Mori Kogoro, who sprinkled the petals, looked at the hot spring pool. On the bright red pool water, bright red roses were floating, and the shy seedlings were flushed, and they were more delicate than flowers.

This picture is perfect!

Kogoro Mouri jumped to the side of Miaozi, and the water splashed on Miaozi's face, causing the girl to scream.

With eyes closed and Miaozi wiping her face with her small hands, before she could react, her body was pulled into a warm embrace.

When Miaozi opened his eyes, he saw Kogoro Mouri's warm smiling face.

"The two of them are creating opportunities for us, so we can't live up to their painstaking efforts!"

After saying this, Mori Kogoro kissed Naoko's pink lips, and his big hand started to move like a loach.

Chapter 0126 must catch the double ponytail

Miao Zi was so shy, the blush on her little face faded, and her jade neck gradually turned blood red.

Coupled with the skin gradually dyed by the red wine hot spring, the whole body is almost like a piece of warm and soft ruby, which makes people reluctant to let go.

Mori Kogoro's big hand was gently scratching and pulling on its small soft back, and his nails lightly brushed over the smooth skin, causing the young boy's body to tremble slightly as if there was an electric current.Parting her lips, Miao Zi timidly opened her closed eyes.

It's just that the cat's eyes are already full of water mist at this moment, like a girl with deep roots in love, looking at her lover with concern, unwilling to look away for a moment.

She must be willing to do anything Kogoro Mori asked this girl to do! ! !

The scenery here is unique, with beautiful mountains in the distance, criss-crossing streams around, intoxicating red wine hot springs, and a lot of free time, so it would not be like a cow chewing peonies to spoil the scenery.

Mao Li Kogoro put his arms around the young boy's slender waist, just like a thin Yangzhou horse!

He smiled softly and said, "I've been looking for Yumi all morning, so I probably haven't eaten much. I've brought all the food, let's eat a little first."

Miaozi couldn't figure out what Mori Kogoro wanted to do, but suddenly heard the last part of the sentence 'I won't lose my energy later'.Only then did Xiao Nizi come to her senses, her heartbeat was like a heavy drum, and the cat's eyes also trembled, really I feel pity for it!

Mori Kogoro was very domineering, holding Miaozi's slender waist, and pulling her to sit on the big black rock on the bank.

The two legs were submerged in the red wine hot spring, and beside them were plates of various fruits and dishes.

"Ah, open your mouth!"

Xiao Nizi shyly said: "Mr. Mao Li, I will do it myself!"

"Open your mouth!"

Looking at the domineering Kogoro Mori, she couldn't resist him, but the girl squinted her eyes slightly, and opened her mouth obediently, accepting the feeding.

A cherry covered with water vapor fell into the mouth of this Miaozi, and when he bit his teeth, sweet juice burst out, just like Miaozi's mood at this moment, it was extremely sweet.

Xiao Nizi couldn't help but raised the corners of her mouth, and even couldn't help rubbing her head against Mori Kogoro's shoulder.

This pair of ponytails hit Mori Kogoro's back, it's a bit itchy!

Once raw and second cooked, Miaozi didn't think it was different, as long as Moori Kogoro picked up the chopsticks, she would obediently open her mouth and eat.

And his little hand pressed on Kogoro Mori's oblique muscles at some point, and with a blushing face, he measured silently, and his body was even closer to Kogoro Mori's body.

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