"Mori-kun, do we still have to look for Senior Yumi? I still can't rest assured that I can't get through to her cell phone."

"I can assure you that Yumi is very safe now, maybe we can see her after we finish soaking in the hot spring."

"But the time now belongs to you and me, let's not talk about Yumi, shall we?"

Hearing this, Miaozi nodded obediently.

In fact, Yumi's mobile phone can't get through is also the handwriting of the headless chess player.

The headless chess player originally planned to kidnap Yumi, but Yumi was protected by an ant-man robot.

Whenever the leaderless chess player moves, he will encounter unexpected disasters for no reason!

Either a potted plant fell from the sky and hit him, or he stumbled over something inexplicably and fell on the ground, or a road accident affected him, causing the headless chess player's mentality to collapse.

The headless chess player who was repaired by the Ant-Man robot with a bruised nose and a swollen face came up with the PS Dafa, downloading Yumi's pictures on the ins, and synthesizing PS photos, hoping to attract Haneda Hideyoshi.

He also took the opportunity to steal Yumi's mobile phone, making it impossible for Hideyoshi to contact Yumi, making sure everything was safe, so Miaozi couldn't contact Yumi.Mori Kogoro had just ordered that the Ant-Man robot leave a message where Yumi could see, telling her to hurry past the hotel here to meet him.But according to Yumi's temperament, this woman should have to wait for her to pretend to be happy before coming here!

Under the feeding of Kogoro Moori, the seedlings gradually felt full, so they stopped and continued to eat.

Gently stroking Kogoro Moori's abdominal muscles with his plain hand, he couldn't help but whispered, "Maori-kun, how about I rub your back for you?"

After saying this, the girl lowered her little head and turned into a quail shape. Presumably these words also encouraged her.

Mori Kogoro laughed lightly: "You girl, you have never been rubbed on your back, how can you have any strength, no need! And you didn't eat the last dessert!"

Xiao Nizi looked at Kogoro Mori in a daze: there are still desserts!

This is the surprise prepared by Mori Kogoro, he gently grabbed Miaozi's ponytails with his big hands, and said with a light smile, "Forget it, it's the ice cream I treated you to last time, it's delicious, Miaozi won't try it again? "

Xiao Nizi reacted instantly, her cat eyes trembled slightly, and she nodded docilely.

Ever since, a little hamster-like Miaozi appeared in front of Mori Kogoro, hesitating, eating ice cream with unusual concentration!

I have to say that the combination of hot spring baths and ice cream is really perfect. Soaking in hot springs and eating ice cream, the ice and fire are in the sky, making people extremely refreshed!

Miaozi was very protective of food, the ice cream fell into his mouth, sometimes his left cheek bulged slightly, and sometimes his right cheek bulged slightly.

Or spit it out from time to time, scratching lightly with the little pink tongue, biting the chocolate pancake next to it with silver teeth, with a pure smile on his face.

Miaozi didn't know how attractive his appearance was, which made Kogoro Mouri angry all over his body, and his eyes were slightly red.

His big hand stroked Miaozi's small head, and after a while, his hands were holding Miaozi's twin ponytails.

It's really weird, when these hands are holding the ponytails, there is an inexplicable sense of fit, which makes people don't want to let go.

With a little effort in his hands, the slightly painful Miaozi stood up with an exclamation.

But the cry of pain became more and more unbearable!

Miaozi frowned slightly, but before she could react, her body spun around for a while, and then she lay on Kogoro Mouri's shoulder, and was carried away by him.

The shy Miaozi patted Kogoro Mori's shoulders with her small hands, and a pair of slender legs dangled in front of Kogoro Mori.

It's a pity that it didn't have any effect. Instead, it was beaten a few times by Mori Kogoro's big hand.

The little policewoman was carried behind the black rockery by Moori Kogoro, who was like a king of the mountain, and then a moving movement sounded!

Surrounded by mountains, beside the hot springs.

Chapter 0127 Disappointed Mary

The little policewoman Miaozi supported the rockery black stone with both hands, her palms felt a little painful, and she stood with her beautiful legs apart on the slightly wet stone ground, water drops kept falling!

Its delicate and soft body couldn't tell whether it was the flush caused by the spurting blood, or the red wine color dyed by soaking in the red wine hot spring. In short, it was all red, almost like ruby, very charming!

The pores of her body were slightly open, and the sweat was constantly oozing out, or it was vaporized into mist, and it was accompanied by the intoxicating aroma of wine, which made people want to stop after smelling it.

Or condense into beads of sweat and hang on the body, crystal clear, as attractive as fine wine, extremely alluring!

His small head was slightly raised, revealing a section of his flushed neck.

Miao Zi frowned slightly as if her hair roots were aching.

However, his eyes full of mist were attracted by the colorful clouds revealed by the sunlight refracted by the white clouds in the sky.

Miao Zitan's mouth was slightly opened, and his eyes were full of touching expressions.So beautiful! ! !

The little policewoman just thinks that this moment is the most beautiful moment in her life.

On the other side, in the Tokyo Shinto Shrine, Haneda Hideyoshi had arrived at the shrine early.

According to the game record, the next clue should be at the ancient well of the shrine.

He followed the guidance, walked through a long queue, and came to the ancient well.

The well water there was exploited and turned into a place like a wishing pool.

It's a pity that this time Conan is far away in London, and he won't meet Hideyoshi by chance, so he can't help him.

With only Hideyoshi alone, he pondered for a long time in the wishing pool, but he still couldn't find any clues for the next step. Instead, he waited for Mary and Zhenchun mother and daughter who came over.

Seeing Hideyoshi in kimono, Zhenchun shouted: "Second brother, we are here to help you!"

Hideyoshi glanced at the two of them, and couldn't help but snorted softly. He was still very dissatisfied with his mother and sister who defected to Mori Kogoro.Turning his head and looking at the goddess statue erected on the wishing pool, he tried hard to think.

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