Seeing the endgame, Gu Sen couldn't help laughing, and then burst into tears, tears streaming down his face in an instant.

"Pillar, did you see? I can win, I can win, I really hit this move, hahaha, Taiko celebrity, ridiculous." Haneda Hideyoshi didn't sit down either, hiding his hands in his kimono, Opened the mouth and said: "4 Qijiao!"

Hearing this, Gu Sen's complexion changed drastically, and he hurried to help.

The endgame was reversed in an instant!

"Fly together!"

"5 kings!"

"55 Sanxiang! General!"

"6 Eryu!"

"44 Second Flying Success! General!"

"One more jade!"

Looking at the chessboard, Gu Sen's eyes widened, almost protruding out of his contemplative winning move, and he lost so easily?

Hideyoshi said: "In this way, my king escaped, but on the contrary, your king was killed by me."

"At the beginning, I just thought of this winning move, and I was very happy. I accidentally made the chess piece make a sound, but it caused you to make two moves in a row, and you were out of the game illegally."

"But in fact, I heard you call to say that your wife was seriously ill, so I wanted to end that game of chess as soon as possible so that you could go back earlier. I didn't expect that it would make you misunderstand."

Hearing this, Gu Sen's eyes were full of disbelief.

"You heard my call and wanted me to go first. How is it possible? Could it be that I have been wrong all these years? Woohoo!"

The headless chess player immediately fell to his desk and burst into tears.

Haneda Hideyoshi didn't have the heart to wait for Gu Mori to finish crying, and hurried to the back room, and even opened his mouth with joy.

"Yumi-chan, I'm here to save you!"

He had already fantasized about the scene where the panicked Yumi would fall into his arms, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help grinning.

But when the door of the inner room was opened, the room was empty, and there was no one there!

Hideyoshi's expression was stunned immediately, and he quickly turned around and hooped Gu Mori's skirt: "Where's Yumi-chan? Where's my Yumi-chan? Give her back to me!"

Gu Sen, whose face was full of tears, immediately said: "I didn't tie Miss Yumi, I just photoshopped a photo of her as a hostage, stole her mobile phone, and tricked you to come here."

"I was thinking about ruining your celebrity battle this time, but I really didn't expect the real situation ten years ago to be like that, sorry!"

After saying this, Gu Sen handed the mobile phone to Hideyoshi, and then he bowed down and apologized to him.

And Haneda Hideyoshi couldn't help but staggered a few steps, couldn't even stand still, and sat down on the sofa.

That is to say, he worked so hard to rush back to Tokyo from Lishan County, and then accepted the guidance of the enemy to come to this hotel, and all of this was actually a prank!

A great sense of loss filled his heart, Hideyoshi shook his head, the smile on his face was full of bitterness.

At this time, Mary smiled lightly and said, "Isn't this great? No one was kidnapped, and the misunderstanding ten years ago has been resolved. It's a happy ending!"

Zhenchun glanced at the time: "Second brother, it took more than an hour, we have to hurry back to Lishan County, the celebrity battle is still in time." After finishing speaking, she pulled Hideyoshi's sleeve and dragged him down ran away.

A group of three came in a hurry and left in a hurry, which made Gu Sen dumbfounded.

"What's going on? Don't you blame me? This is too fake!"

The three of them came outside the hotel and immediately took a taxi to Lishan County.

Haneda Hideyoshi, who planned to be a hero to save the beauty but failed, has always been listless.

And in the private hot spring pool in the backyard of Lishan Hotel, the sound of beautiful music is still going on.

In the red wine hot spring where the roses are floating, Mori Kogoro is sitting on a big rock in the hot spring, and the seedling is leaning on his arms, almost boneless.Jiao'er is powerless to lift her up!It's about Miaozi's current state.

Mori Kogoro held Miaozi with his big hands, kissed her soft shoulders lightly, and tasted the taste of red wine.

This wine spa is the real deal.

Miao Zi frowned slightly, and put down the pair of ponytails that were originally full of girlishness, and turned into a head of black and black hair, floating gently, unexpectedly having a different and charming style.

It was so painful that the hair was pulled so hard that I couldn't bear it.

As if sensing Naoko's discomfort, Kogoro Mori smiled.

Then the healing technique was launched!

Streams of warm energy poured into Miao Zi's body, making it feel numb and numb, but it was extremely beneficial!

The pain gradually dissipated, and Xiao Nizi's whole body felt extremely comfortable, transparent inside and out!

The little policewoman couldn't help but snorted softly, and couldn't help but hug Kogoro Moori tightly with her bare hands, and then her whole body stuck up, full marks for smoothness!

Mori Kogoro also hugged Miaozi with his big hands, and then started to swim, feeling the roundness of his delicate body.

The petite and exquisite Miaozi is similar to Heye, with attractive curves everywhere, and can be easily hugged, like a little lamb.

The only obvious difference is that its cup ratio is one size larger than that of Ye, which is between C or D, which is very gratifying.

The two people in the hot spring pool were still enjoying the green mountains and green water, soaking in the bath, but someone from the hotel had already arrived.

It was Yumi Miyamoto who saw the message!

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