This girl arranged for a few cousins ​​to join the Toyota company, and after dealing with the compliments from the elders and relatives, she returned to her home, only to hear the message from Mori Kogoro on the phone.

After learning that Mori Kogoro had also come to Lishan County, Yumi was overjoyed and hurried to the Lishan Hotel.

When passing through the main hall, Yumi caught a glimpse of the long gun and short cannon, although Yumi was a little strange, but she didn't stop too much.

Instead, he followed the guide and came to the hot spring bath behind the hotel.

After taking the waitress's washbasin, bath towels and various bath products, Yumi changed into a bathrobe and entered the private hot spring bath.Proceeding along the direction of the dense water vapor in the distance, the clogs stepped on the stone road, making a 'click' and 'click' sound!

Not long after, Yumi-chan saw two heads on the water, and she reacted immediately.

"Okay, Kogoro, I thought you came to look for me alone, but I didn't expect Miaozi to be here!"

Miao Zi with flushed cheeks couldn't help exclaiming: "Ex, senior!"

This girl felt as if she had been caught for rape in an instant, she felt very guilty, and shyly wanted to get out of Kogoro Mouri's arms.

But how could this be successful? On the contrary, Kogoro Mori intensified his efforts!

He even turned his head and smiled lightly: "Yumi-chan, come down, Miaozi needs your guidance!"

Hearing this, Yumi couldn't help but blushed, and couldn't help but glared at Kogoro Mori, but obediently removed her bathrobe and went into the water!

Chapter 0129 should be tutored


Miaozi's voice was full of tears: "It's too embarrassing, how can this be done, senior, don't peek!"

And Yumi, who was blowing the hot spring water, smirked: "Who is peeking, I am looking at it openly."

Saying this, she leaned over, and then grabbed it with her little hand as if playing a trick, and then let go, feeling full of elasticity.

Yumi laughed and said, "Tsk tsk, it's hidden deep. I've been with you for so long, and I didn't know you were so talented. No wonder you dared to seduce Kogoro. You didn't want to ask you to soak in the hot springs before, but now I Got it."

"Senior, please don't say such things!"

A great sense of shame filled Miaozi's heart, causing her body to tremble uncontrollably, which really aroused pity.

Naturally, Kogoro Mori couldn't let Yumi bully Miaoko like this, so he grabbed Yumi-chan's slender waist and blocked her pink lips.

Yumi responded emotionally, wrapped her bare hands around Mori Kogoro's waist, and leaned against her, not minding sharing her tenderness at all.

And Mori Kogoro swung his right hand down, slapping the plump body, and he started to use the family law on Yumi-chan!

Yumei stared at her, pouted and said, "Xiao Goro, why are you beating me?"

"You still have reason. You didn't say where you went these few days, but we came here specially to find you!"

"I've been playing like crazy for a week. Mei Hezi is fine. She knew she was asking for leave, and she told me about it."

"You crazy girl, you skip work and don't say a word, do you know that Miaozi and I are very worried about you?"

Miaozi, who was holding Kogoro on the side, nodded quickly and said, "Yes, I am very worried about senior, and I went to senior's house to look for you this morning." Worried about my condition?Isn't it fun?But Yumi always knew that she had been too complacent recently, so she stuck out her tongue and said:

"Xiao Wulang, didn't they forget it? Besides, the reason I want to ask for leave is that I don't know where to throw my phone."

Saying this, Yumi-chan acted coquettishly, swaying her arm around Mori Kogoro, rubbing back and forth.

Miao Zi had never seen his senior like this, so his face became even redder.

"Okay, but the trouble caused by looking for you today is not small, and you have to explain it to Haneda Hideyoshi later."

Yumi frowned: "What does this have to do with that guy, he won't run to trouble you."

"Xiao Wulang, tell me, he really troubled you, I will offer a reward for some gangsters to beat him up."

Miaozi was stunned for a moment. Is this an auditory hallucination?

A dignified policeman actually wants to offer a reward for gangsters to beat up people, this is too curious!

But soon Miaozi had no thoughts to think about these anymore, and his eyes fell on the colorful clouds on the sky.

It's so beautiful!

Mori Kogoro tapped Yumi's little head: "What a bad idea, I just ask you to explain it clearly to him, and you are not allowed to mess around if you have money!"

"That guy still doesn't give up on you, and wants to confess his love to you after winning the seven shogi championships, so that you can change your mind!"

ha? ? ?

Yumi had a confused expression on her face: "What is the seven champions of shogi, can you eat it?"

Hearing this, Miao Zi fell into the water.

Really speechless, the senior is too nervous, he doesn't even know Haneda Hideyoshi's occupation, what kind of ex-girlfriend is he?

Mori Kogoro quickly salvaged the seedlings and asked him to sit aside.

And when he turned his head around, Yumi, who saw every bit of stitches, had already sat up and monopolized Moori Kogoro.

Yumi, who can advance and retreat, is biting her lower lip at the moment, her eyes are full of charm, full of Yumei style!

Qi Su finger lightly stroked Mao Li Kogoro's shoulders, and said softly: "Xiao Goro, don't mention other people, don't you want me to be a tutor for this little rookie? How can I do it if I don't give a good tutor!"

In this situation, who can bear it, he couldn't help launching an offensive.

Yumi-chan smiled coquettishly again: "Miaozi, you have to take a good look at it, you have to work hard to learn a lot of knowledge!"

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