And Miaozi's cheeks were flushed, and her cat's eyes turned into peas, and she responded softly, "Hi!"

About an hour later, a taxi stopped at the Lishan Hotel, and Mary, Zhenchun, and Hideyoshi all got off.

The reporter guarding the door greeted him, and kept asking: "Master Taige, you made a special trip to Tokyo, did you think of a certain winning strategy?"

"Celebrity Taige, what do these two girls you brought have anything to do with you? You were alone when you left..."

"Master Taiko, now you only have two hours left for the long exam, what is the reason for this practice of breaking the time limit?" Haneda Hideyoshi, who was full of gloom, walked straight into the hotel without saying a word.

Zhenchun, on the other hand, protects Mary and keeps her mother from being exposed to the spotlight.

As soon as he entered the hotel, Haneda Hideyoshi seemed to hear a familiar female voice when he passed a Japanese-style room next to the corridor.

He couldn't help but stop, couldn't help but opened the sliding door to take a look, and then saw Mori Kogoro hugging left and right in the Japanese room.

The three of them were wearing blue bathrobes, and their bodies were filled with water vapor, as if they had just finished a bath.

Both Yumi and Miaozi looked very good, extremely bright.

The table is full of dishes, and Yumi sauce is gently feeding the sauced beef to Kogoro Mori, while Naoko is pouring wine and learning the skills of serving Kogoro from her predecessors.

And Kogoro Mori who was sitting in the middle didn't get his big hands into the bathrobes of the two women, with a satisfied smile on his face.

Seeing this scene, Hideyoshi's mouth opened wide, and his whole body was completely petrified!

If someone hit him now, maybe his whole body would be shattered and collapsed.

Mouri Kogoro seemed to have discovered Hideyoshi just now, and said lightly, "Hey, you are back, the matter has been resolved, that guy named Gu Sen didn't care much about you, did he?"

Mary and Zhenchun mother and daughter who followed behind became more and more amazed.

Obviously Kogoro Mori didn't go, how did he know that the man was in the hotel, and his name was Gu Sen?This is too amazing!

Hideyoshi's face turned red when he finally got rid of the petrified state: For Yumi's safety, he even ignored the competition and worked hard for it.

As for her, she is in the arms of her enemy, drinking fine wine, eating delicious food, and serving her enemy Moori Kogoro!

Is it tolerable or unbearable!

Hideyoshi was about to break out into a big scene, and his right foot stepped into the Japanese room.

But suddenly his body was pushed by someone, and he staggered forward a few steps.

Little Loli Marie said: "Officer Yumi is fine, the game is more important, isn't it?"

"Is there something to talk about after the game, you know?"

Little Lolita is less than [-] meters tall, but she has an imposing manner!

She folded her arms and looked at Hideyoshi. Hideyoshi didn't dare to turn her head, her heart trembled violently. The anger just now dissipated, and she walked towards the main hall of the competition in a slightly embarrassed manner!

But Zhenchun and Mary didn't follow, and turned into the Japanese room instead.

Chapter 0130

Seeing the two boys come in, Mo Li Xiaogoro stopped talking about Meng Lang.

His hands only tried to pinch again, and then they were taken back.

Yumi and Miaozi blushed, snorted softly but didn't say anything.

Just now, this pair of traffic policemen was subdued by Mori Kogoro in the hot spring bath!

From the rockery to the water, from the water to the shore, and from the shore to the resting bench.

After this tutoring, the two daughters became as docile as little daughters-in-law.

Now Kogoro Mori's behavior in the Japanese room is naturally nothing.

Little blond Lolita Marie walked in with narrowed eyes, her aura was extremely strong.

She stood directly opposite Mori Kogoro, and said with a slightly angry face: "Kogoro, you are already with Police Officer Yumi, and you have embraced the beauty, why bother to provoke Hideyoshi?"

Mori Kogoro rolled his eyes angrily, he really didn't think so!

"Hey, let's be reasonable. It was obviously that guy who was rude first. He just pushed the door without knocking. You think I want him to see it. I'm not that free."

"Wouldn't nothing happen if he walked through the other corridor, or through the door next to him?"

Hearing this explanation, Mary agreed with it in her heart, and her aura immediately faltered.

But when she caught a glimpse of Naeko and Yumi's attitude towards Mori Kogoro, she became very upset again, and began to be jealous again.

It's just that before she can regain her strength and make another attack, this pretentious little loli is grabbed by the back of the collar by Mori Kogoro.The fierce and cute Mary struggled again with her teeth and claws: "Hey, what do you want to do? Let me go, pure, come and save me!"

Zhenchun on the side hurriedly wanted to step forward to rescue him, but was restrained by Yumi.

Yumi pulled her to sit at the dining table, smiled and said: "I know everything about today, you must be hungry after working so hard for me, let's eat something first, the two of them are making a fuss it's nothing."

Being so entangled by Yumi, Zhenchun was naturally unable to get up, so she could only give Mary a helpless look.

Mori Kogoro came to the quiet room next door with little Lolita in his arms, and closed the paper sliding door.

The three girls could only see their silhouettes on the white sliding door.

This little blonde loli was placed directly on the table in the quiet room.

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