Urged by Mori Kogoro's strange force, little Loli was pushed to kneel on the table.

Immediately afterwards, Kogoro Mori's big hand greeted him directly, and the family law of the Mori family was once again sacrificed!


The crisp slapping sound reached the ears of the third daughter, Zhenchun's face was a little red, and she panicked for Mary.

And Miao Zi gnawed on the apple slices, and said in surprise: "I didn't expect Xiao Wulang to use the family method to educate children, I thought he would be gentler!"

Yumi held Zhenchun's soft shoulders and refused to let him stand up, but she also complained: "He has a temper like a child, why are you angry with the little guy?"

In the quiet room, Mary's face was flushed and she was pressed down on the table, feeling chilly and hot.

But what is more in his heart is shame, how can a sliding door block the sound.

She could also see the silhouette of the third woman in the room next door, and felt extremely ashamed, so she couldn't help scolding softly: "Xiao Wulang, why did you hit me?"

Mori Kogoro raised his eyebrows and said, "Shouldn't you hit me? At such a young age, what you say is one thing, but what you do is another thing."

"I just took a hot spring to make me happy. When I turned my head, you and Zhenchun disappeared and joined the enemy. Shouldn't you fight?"

Saying this, Mouri Kogoro waved his big hand down again, the elasticity is simply amazing!

Little Loli felt a little guilty right away, although she thought Mori Kogoro was more important, but her helping Hideyoshi had become a fait accompli, so she couldn't hold back her words.

So the blond little loli pursed her lips and silently accepted the punishment.

"Are you wrong?"

There was a slapping sound followed by an inquiry, but little Lolita's endurance was beyond ordinary, so she never answered.

A smirk flashed across the corner of Kogoro Mori's mouth, the Lightning Control Technique was cast instantly, and a small electric current was attached to his big hand.

In this way, the effect is naturally outstanding.

With a single blow, the blond-haired little loli still tried her best not to make any sound, but her body trembled from the electric shock!

And at this moment, the sliding door of the Japanese room was opened again, Haneda Hideyoshi with a haggard face and reddish eyes entered again.

He went to the main hall, instead of continuing the match, he directly conceded defeat to his opponent, which caused an uproar among the audience and photographers present.

The bigger impact was that those viewers who were watching the screen of the long-term exam in front of the TV, were expecting some big move from Haneda Hideyoshi, but when they heard Haneda Hideyoshi admitting defeat, they all cursed their mothers angrily.

But Haneda Hideyoshi didn't care, he just didn't give up, he just wanted to ask Yumi if he was in her heart!

But when Hideyoshi opened the sliding door, looking at the three girls at the dining table, his eyes followed the three girls' line of sight and landed on the paper sliding door silhouette in the direction of the quiet room.

Seeing Mori Kogoro who was enforcing the family law in silhouette, and the little girl lying on the table trembling slightly, Hideyoshi's expression froze instantly.

His mouth was wide open as if dislocated, and his whole body was petrified again!

That's, is that mom?

what happened?what's the situation?Isn't mom amazing?

It couldn't be easier for her to deal with three or five big men, so why would she obediently lie on the table and let Kogoro Mouri bully her?

This is impossible, this is fake, this is definitely not reality, I must be dreaming now, wake up!Wake up from the nightmare quickly!

Is this the price of the information that directed me to the exclusive hotel in Cuphu just now?My mother begged this devil for me, in order for me to find Mr. Moritani smoothly, but she herself has to be so bullied!

Or it's because of me, because I don't know the heights of heaven and earth, and I want to fight Yumi-chan with this devil, and my mother and sister still need the protection of this devil, so I can only make amends like this?

Why?Why am I so weak that I can't even protect my mother and sister!

Others didn't know that Hideyoshi looked at this shadow and imagined a big drama.

Hideyoshi looked at the trembling frequency of the petite body on the table, couldn't bear to look at it any longer, his heart was sour, and tears overflowed from his eyes instantly!

He immediately fell to his knees powerlessly, his fists hitting the floor.

The voice instantly startled the little loli Marie in the quiet room, and Marie couldn't help asking, "Is it Hideyoshi?"

When there was no response, Mary panicked even more.

A pair of short white legs kicked wildly, overturning the table directly, and then the little loli straightened her dress, and immediately opened the sliding door.

And Hideyoshi immediately saw Kogoro Mori behind the sliding door, his anger rose from his heart, and his evil turned to his guts!

Haneda Hideyoshi with red eyes clenched his fists and rushed towards Mori Kogoro: "I will kill you for insulting my mother!"

But before he ran over the threshold, little Loli Marie made a move, and she whipped her leg directly to Hideyoshi's shin.Haneda Hideyoshi staggered and fell to the ground!

Hideyoshi, who was lying on the floor, was so sad that he couldn't help crying, this is too bullying!Touch porcelain, right? ? ?

Mori Kogoro has an innocent look on his face, he bumped into this all by himself, it's none of my business!

Chapter 0131 you are more than enough to raise ten

Looking at Haneda Hideyoshi lying on the floor and crying loudly, Mori Kogoro with black lines all over his head, he felt extremely speechless.

Yumi and the three women also looked stunned, and they didn't expect this guy to have a temper similar to that of a child.

Mary's expression was slightly embarrassed and bewildered.

Mori Kogoro rubbed Mary's short blond hair lightly with his big hands, and said softly, "I'll avoid it for a while, but there's no need to hide some things from him."

Hearing this, Mary's green eyes trembled slightly, but her little head nodded.

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