Kogoro Mori called Yumi and Miaozi out, and the two girls followed meekly.

After Hideyoshi made such a fuss, he lost all interest, so he didn't have the heart to spend leisure time here.

The three of them in bathrobes went to the locker room together, intending to change back to their original clothes.

And in this Japanese room, I heard Hideyoshi's crying gradually subsided.

Mary sighed, she didn't know how to tell her son.

At this time, Zhenchun patted her mother's soft shoulder and pulled her to the front of the dining table.

"It's okay. If mom finds it difficult to speak, then let me talk to my second brother."

After finishing speaking, Zhenchun entered the quiet room, closed the sliding door, and said directly: "Second brother, are you ashamed, you fell and cried like this, it's too embarrassing!"

Hearing the third sister face to face, Hideyoshi twitched his cheeks a few times, then forcibly calmed down, and turned his head away not to let her see his tearful face. "Zhenchun, what's going on here, why did my mother lie down like that just now?"

Zhenchun then said frankly: "Second brother, with your intelligence, you should have guessed it a long time ago."

"Actually, Mommy and Uncle Maoli have developed feelings for each other, and they are boyfriend and girlfriend now!"

Hearing this, Hideyoshi was instantly stunned even though he had some guesses in his heart.

His mouth was open, his lips were trembling constantly, his complexion was as pale as a waterfall, completely unable to accept this reality.

That Moori Kogoro who stole his girlfriend, now even stole his mother, both of them have become his women!

If he married his mother in the future, wouldn't he become his stepfather, would he have to call him father?

Calling one's rival in love a father is a shame and a shame!

Hideyoshi kept shaking his head: "This is not true! This is not true! Zhenchun, you are joking with the second brother, right? You must be lying to the second brother, right?"

"Mori Kogoro is already boyfriend and girlfriend with Yumi-chan, how could he still have an affair with his mother, this is not two boats, how could my mother accept it?"


Looking at the almost crazy expression of the second brother, Zhenchun really wanted to make up a lie to deceive him.

But the lie will always be exposed one day, she chose to tell the truth.

"In fact, uncle is very attractive, he is more than two women, mother and police officer Yumi."

"As far as I know, there are no less than ten people who have had an affair with my uncle."

Hearing this, Hideyoshi's holes kept shrinking, there were no fewer than ten people!

Just like that, Yumi-chan still doesn't want to be with herself, but wants to follow that man!

So frustrating!

Hearing this cruel reality, Hideyoshi didn't take a breath, rolled his eyes, and passed out directly.

Seeing this, Zhenchun hurried forward and slapped her directly: "Second Brother, Second Brother, wake up quickly, don't scare me!"

Haneda Hideyoshi, who had not fainted for three seconds, was awakened directly, with burning pain on his face, and cold sweat oozing from his body, almost like waking up from a nightmare.Thinking about it, no one was more miserable than him. He wanted to go into a coma and escape from reality, but was woken up by someone.

Hideyoshi didn't speak anymore, he stared at the ceiling absently, and said with a dull face: "Zhenchun, you go out, let the second brother stay quietly for a while."

Seeing the second brother's appearance, Zhenchun frowned slightly, but turned around and left him alone in the quiet room.

Anyway, there is only a table in the quiet room, and there are no other tools, so it is not surprising that he will do something stupid.

As soon as she returned to the outside Japanese room, Mary asked questions with concern, and Zhenchun answered in a low voice comfortingly.

On the other side, Mori Kogoro, Yumi, and Miaozi all changed back to their original clothes.

Miaozi is wearing a blue traffic police uniform, which has a special charm, and Kogoro Moori's eyes are a bit aggressive.

Yumi-chan, on the other hand, wore a graceful and luxurious black dress with exquisite workmanship, handmade by French design masters, with just the right lace and embellishments.

Its white jade neck is wearing an egg-sized sapphire necklace, earrings are also inlaid with gemstones, and gemstone rings are also worn on its fingers.

Stepping on the high-heeled shoes, Yumi's whole aura was lifted up. She pretended to be like those high-society women on TV. She looked decent, which made Naoko look at Yumi with admiration, and admire her even more in her heart.

Mori Kogoro couldn't understand Yumi's swollen appearance, so he beat her upturned buttocks with his big hand, and the bounce was extremely soft!

Yumi obediently returned to her original state, and put her arms around her again, acting like a spoiled child.

"Really, Kogoro, you disturbed me, didn't you say that you will let me and that guy make it clear later?"

"I want to show my goddess side, let him feel ashamed, let him know that I am not worthy of me, the woman he will never get, so that he will retreat in spite of the difficulties, don't you think so?"

"Besides, don't you have a lot of face when people dress like this?"

Kogoro Mori glanced at Yumi-chan, who was obviously in a happy mood, and didn't say anything about the necklace hanging around her neck, which was bought with millions of dollars, was fake.

Yumi must be very upset to say it.

Although this girl has some small shortcomings of being vain, it is nothing to Mori Kogoro.

It's not that she can't afford to support her mother-in-law, as long as she is sincere to herself, then it doesn't matter.

Seeing Miaozi's small expression on the side, Mori Kogoro put his arms around his slender waist.

"When I get back to Tokyo, I'll make arrangements for you!"

Miaozi shook her head and said, "No need, Kogoro, I'm paid myself."

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