Yumi shouted repeatedly: "Use it, why don't you use it, you have to kill local tyrants properly."

"Miaozi, you don't even know how rich your man is."

Hearing this, Miaozi asked in a daze, "Xiao Wulang, are you rich?"

Kogoro Moori laughed lightly, and kissed Miaozi's cheek: "Yes, I'm rich, and it's more than enough to raise ten of you. In the future, I want to raise you for nothing!"

Miaozi's cheeks turned red again.

Yumi, who had a good taste, muttered in a low voice: "Huh, I like the new and dislike the old."

Mori Kogoro had very good ears, so he grabbed Yumi's waist and gave her a sip. "I really like the new and dislike the old. I just gave it to you, so I won't come so many times!"

"Let's go, call them, it's almost time for us to go back to Tokyo!"

Chapter 0132 Awakened Female Agent

Mori and his party returned to the original Japanese room, and Haneda Hideyoshi had already come out of the quiet room, but his face was still very ugly.

He caught a glimpse of Mori Kogoro, his eyes were cold and filled with hatred.

Looking at Yumi, who was dressed elegantly and looked like a goddess, she turned her head away with just one glance and dared not look any more.

Hideyoshi already knew that this woman would never belong to him in the future.

Seeing this, Yumi raised her eyebrows at Mori Kogoro as if asking for credit.

Seeing that the atmosphere was a little stiff, Zhenchun hurriedly said, "Second brother, we came here this time because we have something to ask you. Where is your adoptive father?"

"We found Uncle Miyano's last words before, and there is a name in it called Brother Haneda, that person should be your adoptive father, can you lead us to find him?"

Hearing these words about the organization, Hideyoshi's face became serious, and he stopped playing petty temper like before.

However, his eyes fell on Kogoro Mori again, full of distrust.

Zhenchun quickly said: "Uncle Mao Li is a trustworthy person."

Hideyoshi snorted softly, and then said, "I haven't seen my adoptive father for more than ten years. After my adoptive brother had an accident in the United States, my adoptive mother was unhappy and passed away not long after."

"And after my adoptive father taught me how to play chess, he lived in a shallow place for a while, and later told me that he had something to do, and then disappeared."

Mori Kogoro immediately said: "But you must have a way to find him, find Mr. Haneda Yasuharu."

Hideyoshi narrowed his eyes slightly: "Have you investigated us?"

"Of course, I started to investigate after I saw the last words. Mr. Haneda Yasuharu, a chess master, I think he was also a famous person back then."

"It's just that there were rumors that he was dead later, and he hadn't appeared in public for a long time, so many people forgot about him. It seems that the Miyano family, the Akai family, and the Haneda family were very closely related."

"You are the only heir of the Haneda family. It is impossible not to find your adoptive father. Tell me, where is he?"

Hideyoshi opened his mouth and said: "He is doing a very important event now, so he must not be disturbed easily."

"And, Maori Detective, are you begging me? Hehehe!"

There was a weird smile on the corner of Hideyoshi's mouth, and Mary frowned and scolded: "Hideyoshi!"

"Don't worry, I can still tell the difference between business and private affairs."

"But isn't Detective Maori the famous first detective in Japan? You must have known about the tragic death of my brother-in-law in the United States. Since you are a detective, help me find out the truth about the tragedy of my brother-in-law, then you will see me naturally." Got my adoptive father."

The Case of Koji Haneda!

It was the talented chess player who went to the United States to participate in a chess competition, but was attacked and killed.

And in Shiho's list of APTX drugs, Koji Haneda was poisoned and died of APTX, that is, the organization did it.Hearing what Hideyoshi said, Mori Kogoro didn't waste his time talking.

"Let's go, we should go back to Tokyo."

Mary couldn't help but whispered: "Hideyoshi, can't you really take us to meet your adoptive father?"

Zhenchun also said: "Second brother, now is not the time to play your temper."

Hideyoshi shook his head firmly and said nothing more.

Mori Kogoro immediately interrupted: "You two don't make things difficult for others, it seems that now is indeed not the right time."

After saying this, he turned around and walked outside the hotel, and Miaozi and Yumi, who were dizzy from hearing this, quickly followed.

Mary and Zhenchun let out a long sigh, seeing that Hideyoshi really didn't intend to reveal it, they could only leave angrily.

On the car bound for Tokyo, Mary, the passenger seat, was still a little unhappy.

Seeing this, Mori Kogoro smiled lightly and explained: "Mary, you don't need to show that expression, Hideyoshi has already said everything he can say. You also remember what was written on the last pen." If my brother sees Yudi's last pen , I hope you can take care of the little girl, I am very grateful to you. Mary, your sister entrusted you to help take care of Shiho and the others because you are a well-trained agent and you are backed by MI6."

"But have you ever considered why Houji entrusted Haneda Yasuharu to take care of them? And what identity can take care of people more conveniently than you? Have you ever thought about it!"

Hearing this, Mary's eyes lit up.

Only the red ripples mixed into the pitch black are the undercover agents of the organization.

"Since Haneda Yasuharu has a special status and Hideyoshi refuses to disclose it, he must be performing some important mission."

"And he also reminded about the case of Koji Haneda, and I happen to know who is investigating this case, and I think Kang Qing is that person." Speaking of this, Kogoro Mouri's eyes flashed a gleam, and the other The big hand rubbed Mary's little head.

Naeko and Yumi in the back seat looked puzzled: "I always feel that they are talking about something big."

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