Zhenchun on the side laughed and said: "They are playing reasoning games. My sister likes these reasoning games very much. I just asked my second brother to help me cooperate."

The two female traffic policemen looked away suspiciously, and then whispered in their ears.

On the other side, in the Japanese room of the Lishan Hotel, Hideyoshi's eyes sank, and then he went back to the backstage, retrieved the locked mobile phone, and made a call.

"Brother, is it convenient to talk?"

In Kubado Central Hospital, Shuichi Akai, who was guarding the organization's captive Whislin, turned around and walked out the door when he heard the call.But as soon as he closed the door of the ward, Wisleyn on the bed twitched his fingers, and then opened his eyes.

"What's the matter Hideyoshi, isn't it a celebrity match? Did you win the Seven Crowns?"

Hearing this inquiry, Hideyoshi was a little ashamed: "No, I lost, too many things happened today."

"Brother, I want to tell you about our mother. Did you know before mother and sister went to Maori's house?"


"But Mom and Kogoro Mori are together."

Akai Shuichi's eyes widened in an instant: "What, say it again!"

"Zhenchun told me that mom and Mori Kogoro are boyfriend and girlfriend."


The glass of the vending machine next to the corridor was directly smashed by Akai Shuyi, causing others to keep looking sideways.

The big man Kamel ran over quickly, and hurriedly asked, "Xiuyi, what's wrong?"

Akai Shuichi said coldly: "Kamel, I leave this to you, I have something to deal with."

Saying this, Akai Hideichi talked on the phone, turned around and walked towards the exit, leaving behind a big man with a confused face.

Chapter 0133 Five Women's Spa Party

At noon, the Lexus stopped at the door of Yumi's apartment, and Yumi and Miaozi reluctantly got off the car.

Mori Kogoro waved Miaozi's little hand guiltily, he should have been with this girl well today.

But whoever told him to have a lot of things to deal with could only wrong her.

Of course Miaozi wished to stay with her man all day long, but she was understanding after all, knowing that Mori Kogoro still had things to do.

She mustered up her courage, and in front of Mary and Zhenchun, she lowered her body and kissed Kogoro Mori by the car window.

"It's okay, Kogoro, you can go to work first, and you are not allowed to bully Yingzi."

Mori Kogoro laughed badly: "How can an upright person like me bully others, Miaozi, you are overthinking." These words caused the girls next to him to roll their eyes.

Yumi even dragged Miaozi away: "Okay, you two don't get bored, it's not that there is no chance to meet each other."

"Miaozi, let's go with sister, I'll give you a big makeover."

After saying that, she dragged Naoko inside, but Naoko's eyes were still looking at Kogoro Mori reluctantly, and she didn't disappear until she turned into the apartment.

Before Kogoro Moori turned his head, he noticed a small hand on his waist.

Little Loli twisted it again, she really wasn't afraid of getting calluses!

He turned his head to look, and saw Mary said with a fake smile: "It's really a good trick. I tricked another silly girl into my hands."

Mori Kogoro laughed lightly, and said casually, "Zhenchun, close your eyes."

Zhenchun in the back seat subconsciously obeyed and closed her eyes.

Then she heard the crisp slapping sound and her mother's coquettish cry, and instantly realized what it was, and couldn't help but blushed slightly.

In front of Zhenchun, Mori Kogoro finished the family law that was not finished in the quiet room just now, and there are still twelve strokes left!


Zhenchun in the back seat covered her eyes with her hands, but she couldn't help opening her eyes slightly, and looking through her fingers, she saw the trembling and white scene trembling in the sunlight.

The collision between the hand and the flesh made Xiao Nizi feel flustered for no reason, and her breathing became a little short.

At the end, Kogoro Moori took advantage of the situation and grabbed a few handfuls before letting go of little Lolita.

Mary, who felt extremely ashamed, immediately stuck to the car door in panic, shrunk into a small ball, and quickly pulled out her seat belt to protect herself.

Glancing at Zhenchun who was still peeking in the back seat, she couldn't help scolding: "Really, idiot Zhenchun, it's useless to raise you so big, and you don't know how to help when I'm being bullied."

Zhenchun opened his mouth, wanted to say something but didn't say it.

Kogoro Maoli smiled lightly and said, "Zhenchun is a good boy like this, don't be like Mary, otherwise uncle will beat both of you!" Hearing this, Zhenchun's heart trembled again, inexplicably Yes, she really wanted to try the Maori family's family law in her heart.

As soon as he thought of this, his face turned red again, and he lowered his head in panic.

Mary didn't want to play around anymore, her face returned to seriousness, and she said, "Xiao Goro, there is no one else in the car, you just said that you know the whereabouts of Yasuharu Haneda, where is he?"

Mori Kogoro started the car, and said seriously, "I'll just handle this matter. I'll find him and find a way to find out about the experiment of the Miyano couple, and what is the so-called God's forbidden zone."

"As soon as I have definite news, I'll let you guys know. What you two need to do is stay with Xiaolan and the others, go shopping, eat and relax. I'm here for everything!"

Seeing Kogoro Mori's handsome side face and hearing his generous words, Zhenchun and Mary, the mother and daughter, felt extraordinarily secure.Zhenchun in the back seat looked at Kogoro with dazed eyes, and his trembling eyes didn't know what he was thinking.

The car soon drove to the commercial building where Xiaolan and the others were located, and Mary and Zhenchun looked for it.

On the other side, in the private spa treatment area invested and designed by Tomoko Suzuki, the lighting is warm, the water is gurgling, and the aroma is curling up, making people very relaxed.

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