There are five girls lying on a row of massage beds, namely the five girls of Yingli. They are all naked, plump and mature, and they talk from time to time.

A long towel was draped around his waist and abdomen, revealing a beautiful white back and a section of calf, which was extremely alluring, and no man in the world could resist this scene.

And on the back of the five girls, there are warm black magnets that adjust the magnetic field of the human body.

"Sisters, I need your advice on something." It was Tomoko who said this.

You Xizi on the side turned her head and smiled lightly: "It shouldn't be, friend, you are the richest and most powerful person here, and now the outside world doesn't call you the business queen, they call you the business queen, what's the matter?" Is something wrong with you?"

Tomoko sighed quietly: "If it can be settled with money, I don't have to worry about it. It's my daughter's garden."

"This girl lost her mind for some reason, she always wanted to be with Xiao Wulang."

Reiko Jiujo raised her head when she heard this for the first time, and gasped: "Tear, mother and daughter serve one husband together?"

You Xizi on the side laughed lightly and said: "Friend, you have spent too much money, you would not even be willing to tie up Xiao Goro, even your daughter, you can't afford it, you can't afford it!"

"Go, go, tear your broken mouth. I didn't instigate this. No matter how much I persuaded that girl, Yuanzi, it didn't work. Last time, she said that she would sever her mother-daughter relationship with me."

"She had a big fight with me just two days ago, but Kogoro is the one who is even more annoying, with a completely friendly attitude."

Jinghua smiled lightly and said: "All men are like this, everyone knows Kogoro's temperament, maybe he just wants to have both mother and daughter!"

Hearing this, Eri, who had been lying on her stomach, trembled a few times!

Frames of images instantly appeared in her mind, the daughter who was blushing and almost crying after being drunk, Xiaolan who woke up early in the morning on the white stone tea table looking back and smiling, and Mira on the same bed, moving and changing. into the picture of her daughter.

"Absolutely not!"

You Xizi couldn't help complaining, "Eri, don't be surprised."

Tomoko also smiled wryly: "Of course not, if Yuanzi gets into Kogoro's bed with me, then I'll feel like dying."

"But I just don't know what to do. That girl looks deeply affectionate. You have to give me some advice."

And You Xizi laughed lightly: "Friend, you put it lightly, if there were women who were willing to leave Kogoro, we wouldn't be able to get together."

"I have the most right to speak about this. I have fled to the United States for more than ten years, and I still fell into the hands of Kogoro in the end."


Tomoko was stunned for a moment: "Then what should I do?"

Chapter 0134

You Xizi stood up with her elbows crossed, her curves were so beautiful, she said with a smirk, "Why don't you quit, Tomoko, so that you can help Kogoro and your daughter!"

"Absolutely impossible!" Tomoko exclaimed as if being stepped on a sore foot, and couldn't help patting Yukiko's snowy back with her little hand.

"Why are you so relieved? Didn't you agree that we are in the same group? It would be better to let me die if I leave Kogoro!"

You Xizi chuckled again: "Look, you have this reaction yourself, and you still want to ask Yuanzi to quit, and don't do to others what you don't want to do to others! I'm afraid it won't make her remember and hate you for the rest of her life, and mother and daughter will turn against each other."

"And I heard that when Sonoko fell in love with Kogoro, you and Kogoro didn't know each other yet."

"You are considered to be a latecomer. You stole your love and your daughter's boyfriend!"

Hearing what Youxizi said, Jinghua and Reiko couldn't help making a 'tsk tsk' sound, making Tomoko blush with embarrassment.

Friends became a little annoyed and angry: "Why, I don't know about this, and those who don't know are innocent."

"You guys, I asked you to give me an idea, not for you to laugh at me, so ignore you, Eri, you know Kogoro, you give me an idea."

Yingli, who was originally lost in thought, just came back to her senses, and she couldn't help being a little distressed. She tapped her head with her fingers and said softly, "It's so difficult, it's so difficult."

Saying this, she turned sideways and let the warm magnet slide down to the side of the bed.

Then Eri was lying down, very comfortable, revealing a lot of beauty.

Jiutiao Reiko on the side drank some water, raised her eyebrows and said, "Yingli, why is it so difficult, we have so many thousand-year-old foxes, how can we be no match for a little girl!"

Eri began to analyze: "According to my understanding of Sonoko, this matter is really difficult."

"Yuanzi's temperament is stubborn, resolute, fearless, not even afraid of me."

"Besides, according to what Youxizi said, Tomoko snatched her daughter's boyfriend. It's not righteous at all. The master is unknown, so she is inherently at a disadvantage. Sonoko must be very angry, and really wants to defeat you, the mother of the big devil."

"Besides, I also asked Xiaolan. Yuanzi has been pursuing Kogoro for more than half a year, and even made several strategies."

"It was Kogoro who promised Xiaolan, so the two of them lived in peace and nothing happened."

"But what you can't get is always the best!"

"Yuanzi has persisted for so long, and there is absolutely no reason to stop it. If an outsider forcibly dismantles it, with this girl's temperament, it is very likely that she will do something extreme."

"But the most terrible thing is that according to my observation, Kogoro is indeed happy to see the results. His attitude towards Yuanzi has softened a lot, and it can even be said that he is in a state of acceptance."

"In the past, when Yuanzi wanted to get close to him, he would push her away with one hand, but this has not happened recently."

"He doesn't mind even if Yuanzi hugged his arm and acted like a baby, not to mention that Yuanzi joined us before and took a bath in the hot spring together. If it was an outsider, it would be impossible for him to take a hot spring with Kogoro."

"They're like magnets, that's why I say it's hard, unless one of us can get Kogoro down."

"And if it can't be interrupted at once, the relationship between the two of them may be like Romeo and Juliet under suppression, but it will become more solid and firm, and then there is really no way to break it apart."


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