Naturally, Kogoro Mori would not favor one person over another, and the Thunder God's Hand in his left hand was also sacrificed, pressing it on the most important six-bit pool.Immediately, Tomoko felt very satisfied, and her little head leaned back against Eri's.

And Mori Kogoro glanced at Kujo Reiko's beautiful little face, and said in a gentle voice: "Reiko, my massage technique is very good, this time it will make you feel comfortable inside and out. of it."

Reiko who reacted immediately blushed.

"It's a good idea. I should press it first. I didn't say anything just now."

Saying this, Yukiko turned her head and licked her lips, her starry eyes stared directly at Kogoro Mori, full of strange light.The four girls above became dissatisfied.

Mori Kogoro smiled lightly and said, "Okay then, give my Yukiko the number first."

After saying these words, Thunder Azure Dragon directly cast it.

Chapter 0137

The sound of the movement was transmitted in this physical therapy room, it was really beautiful and unusual.

Fortunately, the staff were all dispersed when they came in earlier, so they naturally did not attract the attention of others.

The beautiful eyes of the four beautiful women of Yingli who were hung above all looked down, and their gazes fell on Yuxiko.

As if aware of the scorching gaze behind her, Yukiko, who was extremely flexible, turned around slowly.

She was lying upwards, and her eyes fell on the four girls above. She felt that it was a pity not to take a picture of this scene.

His cheeks were flushed, and the blush even reached the snow neck, and his star pupils were full of evil and charm.

At this moment, she is like a witch, with a slight smile on the corner of her mouth, even Tomoko has to admit that Yuxiko is extremely beautiful at this moment.However, Kogoro Mori did not see this magnificent scene.

At this moment, he is focusing on kissing Eri's pink lips, greedily scraping away all the sweetness of Eri.

And with Lei Ting's hands, one fell on Reiko and the other on Jinghua, massaging the two girls with all their heart.

If you want to give them a massage to relax, naturally you have to do it well.

Being distracted and multitasking is easy for Mori Kogoro.

The electric current passed through the body, and the delicate bodies of the girls who were hung above also trembled slightly.

One by one, they withdrew their gazes and narrowed their eyes slightly.

Tomoko, who was left out, felt the electric current coming from the left and right, and his body trembled slightly.

She looked at You Xizi's small face, and her purple eyes were full of water, so she couldn't help but hum softly.But this humming sound only caused her buttocks to be slapped, but it didn't change much.

Kogoro was very stingy, and Tomoko kept talking about the garden, so he had to let her hang out.

She is naturally the last one for this massage.

After a long time, only a "boo" was heard.

Mori Kogoro let go of Eri's pink lips.

He immediately stood up, turned the red rope on the top, and turned the hanging Jiujo Reiko in front of him.

Mori Kogoro smiled softly and said, "I haven't waited too long, the next person I'm going to press is Reiko, enjoy it!"

At this moment, Reiko's hairs stood on end, her pink lips trembled slightly, and she opened and closed her hot air, her eyes were tightly closed, her eyebrows were slightly frowned, as if she was nervous and looking forward to it.

Yukiko, who was dripping with sweat all over her body, watched this scene in a daze, and Kogoro Mori started immediately.

More than three hours later, the massage table was full of jade bodies.

The five mature women who were pressed so comfortably that they didn't want to move were resting with their eyes closed.

Eri and the others have already been put down, and the extraordinary aerial massage has long since ended, only the red silk on their bodies shows what happened just now.

As for Mori Kogoro, the technician will leave after the service!

Yingli opened her eyes slightly, but she couldn't help but kicked Yukiko lightly with her foot. Taking advantage of Mori Kogoro's absence, she asked, "Youkiko, tell me quickly, what is that secret?"

Hearing this, the other girls also opened their eyes curiously.

You Xizi chuckled and said, "Idiot Eri, if you still ask, you are not afraid of Kogoro's sudden return? You will be miserable then."

"Anyway, I won't leak the secret. Kogoro is right. That matter is related to the lives of many people, so it cannot be spread casually." Kujo Reiko said, "Yukiko, do you not trust us? Keep it a secret." It’s not that the treaty has never been signed, so what are you afraid of!”

You Xizi hugged Reiko's soft shoulders, and said with a light smile, "That's right, I just don't trust you guys, I don't know if you can talk in your sleep, if it really leaks, it will be miserable."

"Anyway, I promised Kogoro, if I don't say it, I don't say it."

Tomoko's little hand immediately patted Yukiko's buttocks: "Stingy!"

Since it was a very important matter, they didn't press on further.

Then Tomoko's beautiful legs rested on You Xizi's body, and she hugged her to close her eyes: "No, I have to squint for a while, Jinghua, it's a waste of time this afternoon, and I'll take you to a better place tomorrow."

Jinghua laughed softly: "This kind of hospitality is already very good, it feels like we are already a family."

Eri embraced Jinghua's slender waist, rubbed her head against his shoulder, and said casually: "Who says it's not, go to sleep, let's go to dinner after a while."

In the end, it became a nightmare!

The five girls fell asleep peacefully on the massage bed put together together, surrounded by an invisible and colorless enchantment to protect them.

Mori Kogoro drove towards the Cat's Eye Cafe in Toriya Town.

Mom sells it, he is born to work hard, and it is impossible to take a break.

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