The one who called him was of course Hei Yu Qianying, whom he released pigeons yesterday, and the roar of the Hedong lion is not fake.

It was originally planned to accompany Qianying and Kaito to a showdown yesterday, but who would have expected the three daughters Kazuba, Hongye, and Jinghua to pay a sudden visit.

This pair of three, which is more important is naturally obvious.

Mori Kogoro entertained Kazuha and the others last night, and if he couldn't get away accidentally, he couldn't go to Chikage's appointment.

Qianying didn't wait for Mori Kogoro to come, and she was a little timid by herself, so she hid in the residence of the three apprentices, which is the Maoyan Cafe.Fortunately, Kaito Kuroba was taken away by the intelligence headquarters of the Defense Agency as a dead body, but it was not so easy to escape.

The people from the Intelligence Headquarters still had two skills, and Kaidou, who was chasing the fraudulent corpse, chased him for most of the night.Kaito got rid of them and returned to his home in the middle of the night, and he didn't see his mother, so nothing happened.

But today, this guy doesn't even go to school anymore, he just wants to ask his mother about the situation.

He searched for many places that his mother went to on weekdays, and finally found Maoyan Cafe, where he was stopped by some senior sisters. Qianying was hiding in the basement to call Mori Kogoro, and Mori Kogoro naturally had to go there.

With him around, there is no room for Kaito to be presumptuous!

The Lexus was extremely fast, drifting wildly, and soon drove from Kabado-cho to Toya-cho.

The car flicked to a parking space in the coffee shop, and Kogoro Moori just got out of the car when he heard Xiao Ai's voice.

"Kogoro, this way."

Afterlife Ai has been waiting here for Mori Kogoro, and when he sees his arrival, he pulls him in through the back door.

When I came to the back corridor, I saw her pressing against the wall a few times.

The organ sounded, and a door leading to the basement base appeared.

Xiao Ai stood on tiptoe and kissed Kogoro Mouri, and said softly: "Go down quickly, the teacher is waiting for you below!"

Mori Kogoro shaves Kisaki Ai's face with his big hands, and then goes down the stairs.

As soon as he came to the basement, he saw Qianying with an anxious and nervous face.

As soon as Qianying saw Kogoro, he pinched his ears with his small hands: "You bad boy, what a fool did you run around last night, I couldn't get through no matter how many times I called you, the voice prompt said you were hangover, what the hell ?”

Unexpectedly, the red queen was so skinny that she replied to Qianying like this.

Mori Kogoro directly supported Chikage's slender waist, picked her up, and said with a light smile: "A good friend came to visit me from Osaka, and he accidentally drank too much. Besides, I have someone in the Intelligence Headquarters, and they told me that they have been catching up." Dou, I didn't come back so early."

"I thought you didn't care about me?"

Chapter 0138 Your mother is mine

"Silly woman, how could I ignore you."

Saying this, Mori Kogoro gently kissed Chikage Tan's mouth, full of the sweetness of a mature woman!

His big hand caressed his little soft back, comforting Qianying who was restless.

Holding this abnormally plump female body, Kogoro Mori sat on the sofa and said, "But why, you are that kid's mother, why are you so afraid of him, you have hid here."

Qianying's purple eyes trembled slightly, and she looked at him with watery eyes: "I won't be afraid when you come."

The beauty is deeply affectionate, it really makes people angry!

If it weren't for the Hot Wheels that just fell from the sky that drained Mori Kogoro's strength, Chikage might be dragged away by him to do bad things at this moment.Recalling the scene that just happened, it was really ecstasy!

The red rope in his hand was tied to the height, and when one of them was done, the rope was pulled and turned slightly, and the other sat down while turning.There is no need for other operations, and the four girls go directly to the sky.

"Xiao Wulang, what are you thinking again, why are you in a daze?"

Seeing Mori Kogoro with a dazed face, Chikage couldn't help pushing him a few times.

Mori Kogoro shook his head to dispel the enchanting thoughts, and then patted Qiankage's plump buttocks with his big hand: "Let's go, let's meet that kid."

Qianying blushed a little, and got up obediently, letting Moori Kogoro walk up.

As soon as he came to the cafe, Kogoro Mori was surprised that there were two acquaintances here, namely Pusi Qinglan and Kasaka Natsumi who parted ways yesterday.Xia Mei was wearing a light yellow dress, standing inside the bar, talking to Xiaolei for some reason.

With Kogoro Mori's sensitive hearing, it seems to be related to learning how to make cakes from a teacher.

And Qinglan was wearing a short purple cheongsam, sitting in the booth stirring coffee, thinking of something.

Qinglan's perception is sensitive, she soon found Kogoro Mori, and greeted him with joy.

Geng got up and greeted him, as if he had something to say.

But this was interrupted by Kaito's yell: "Mom, Mori Kogoro!"

Glancing at the excited Kuroba Kaito, Mori Kogoro said to Qinglan: "Qinglan, sit here for a while, I'll come over after I've dealt with things over there."

The female killer nodded obediently, and sat back in her original position, but her eyes were watching the scene curiously.

Passing by the bar, Xiaolei and Xiaotong both looked at Kogoro Mori worriedly.

Mori Kogoro smiled back, signaling them not to worry.

Only Xia Mei's dazed expression didn't know what happened.

Soon, Mori Kogoro with Chikage in his arms came to sit down in front of Kaito.

Kaito, who seemed to have not slept all night, had extremely dark circles and bloodshot eyes.

His eyes were fixed on the big hand on his mother's waist, and he couldn't help shouting: "Get your hands off me."

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