"It's too perverted, what about the old lady's new long suit, why didn't I find out!"


Jian Gongman even rushed forward, roaring and punching and kicking the old monster: "You bastard, you have played with me for so many years, and even killed the old lady, it is simply unforgivable!"

Kogoro Mori and Haibara were naturally happy to see this scene, while Dr. Ali and the boys from the Detective Boys stood by and watched, ignoring Mamiyaman's anger.

In the end, Ayumi dissuaded her in a low voice: "Stop hitting, if you hit again, the old woman will be beaten to death!"

Mori Kogoro touched Ayumi's head: "This is not an old woman, but a man."

Immediately afterwards, Mori Kogoro received a call from Police Officer Megure.

"After colliding with the information database of the Tokyo Office and the plastic surgery agency, I found that there is only one candidate who has worked in the Blue Castle and has plastic surgery to become an elderly person, and that is Xichuan Liusan, the blue one you mentioned. The guards of the castle, this prisoner committed such a brutal crime, Maori-kun, please help control this prisoner, I am on my way now, I will be there soon!"

Kogoro Mouri hung up the phone, and said to everyone, "I received information from the police that the person who killed and pretended to be the old lady was the original guard of your castle, Nishikawa Liusan!"

Hearing this, the old gardener Tian Youshengnan immediately became excited: "Xichuan, it's you, the master treats you so well, I didn't expect you to do such a thing?"

Xichuan Liusan, who was lying on the ground dying, made a voice like a night owl: "Be nice to me, and being nice to me won't change me. I'm just a little guard, and he's a high-ranking master. I've become like this. I don’t want to be a little guard for the rest of my life, I just don’t want to be a small guard for the rest of my life, but I didn’t expect that the disguise I tried so hard to maintain would be easily seen through, and it was still a little girl, hehe, hehe..."

Xichuan Liusan looked at Huiyuan and smiled miserably, his eyes were red and his face was terrifying: "My only wish is to find the treasure, yes, the treasure, you have already gone up to see where the treasure is, tell me quickly, what is there , Do you have a few large boxes full of gold, silver and jewelry?" His eyes were full of longing!

Xichuan Liusan just lost his consciousness, and couldn't hear what Dr. Ali and the others said. Dr. Ali quickly replied: "There is nothing up there, it's pitch black, and we haven't found anything!"

"No, it's impossible, it's definitely not true!" As if returning to the light, Xichuan Liusan moved again with great obsession, struggling to run towards the giant photo of the Grand Master.

Immediately, Mamiyaman looked excited, and hurriedly asked Dr. Ali and others: "Doctor, have you solved the mystery? Can you tell me where the treasure is?"

Dr. Ali pointed to the place where Xichuan Liusan ran past, and saw Xichuan Liusan rotated the giant photo, revealing a secret upward passage, Mamiya Mitsu pulled Xichuan Liusan away, and kept climbing up climb.

Xichuan Liusan hurriedly followed: "You don't want to steal my treasure!"

Not long after, there were two wailing voices from above: "Where is my treasure? Who took my treasure!"

Mori Kogoro looked at the nobleman with a calm face on the side, and couldn't help supporting his jaw. If anyone in the blue castle was most likely to take the treasure, it would only be the nobleman, who is a direct blood relative of the great lord.

It is very likely that his mother, the lady in the castle told him, which also explains why he is so calm, but this is something that he should have inherited in the first place. Mori Kogoro shook his head, so he didn't say much. Think about it.


More than an hour later, police officer Mumu led the policemen to the blue castle.

Xichuan Liusan, who was captured from the top, had completely lost his energy, like a walking corpse, and Mamiya Mitsu also looked extremely depressed.

After seeing Police Officer Megure coming, Mori Kogoro told him about the incident in detail, and then led the crowd to leave.

Because all the children were afraid of the blue castle and didn't want to stay here for a long time, Mori Kogoro could only follow everyone's advice and drive away. Officer Megure could only decide to ask them to come to the police station to record their statements later!

On the Beetle, Dr. A Li was chasing the Mitsubishi in front of him with a big red envelope on his head. Just now he invited the children to get on the car, but everyone refused, preferring to get on the shabby car My Mitsubishi car is not willing to take its own Beetle car.

On the Mitsubishi car, Haibara and Ayumi sat in the front, and three little boys squeezed in the back seat. The three of them had big red envelopes on their heads, and the car kept shaking...

After listening to Ayumi's description of how Mori Kogoro suddenly appeared like a magic soldier, Genta couldn't help being excited: "Uncle Mori, you are simply stronger than Kamen Rider!"

And Ayumi's small face was also full of curiosity: "Uncle Maori, what is the ominous premonition you said earlier, the frenzy between the eyebrows? Can you really predict some bad things?"

Mori Kogoro smiled, looked at Haibara who was also very concerned about this issue, and couldn't help but said: "This should be called a heart-to-heart connection, because I always think about Haibara, and Haibara is always thinking about me, the two of us The mind is connected together, so there must be some premonition in the dark!"

"That's amazing!" Ayumi immediately showed an envious expression on her face, Haibara's face turned red all of a sudden, and she gave Mori Kogoro a winking look.

Conan, who was in the back seat of the car, couldn't help rolling his eyes: This kind of words can only deceive a little girl like Ayumi!

When Mitsuhiko heard such words, and saw Haibara's small face staring intently at Mori Kogoro, he couldn't help feeling even more dejected, and buried his head deeply.


Because Dr.'s beetle was holding back, it was almost two o'clock in the morning when we returned to Tokyo, and several real children couldn't bear it and fell asleep.

Mori Kogoro sent all the real children to Dr. Ali's villa and asked them to stay overnight in Dr. Ali's villa.

And he drove Haibara and Conan back to the lower part of the Mori Detective Agency. Uncle Anzai's cafe was about to close. Mori Kogoro parked the car and took Conan and Haibara upstairs to rest.

Climbing up the stairs, Mori Kogoro threw Conan directly to the second floor, and climbed up to the third floor in principle.

As soon as I opened the door with the key, I heard footsteps and the sound of closing the door.

He hurriedly opened the door, and saw the shadow of Xiaolan's door flashing past.

Mori Kogoro realized immediately that Xiaolan had been staying up all night, waiting for him in the living room.

Thinking of this, what happened during the day came to mind again.

This time, the memories became more and more delicate, the smooth touch, the two XX of fans kept scratching on my body, like writing on my back.

Mori Kogoro hated his inhuman intelligence for a moment, everything that happened seemed to be engraved in his mind, and he couldn't forget it no matter what.

Chapter 0178 Huiyuan wants to eat ice cream

Mori Kogoro patted himself on the head, walked in with little Haibara in his arms, took off Haibara's backpack, and threw it on the sofa.

Suddenly, Kogoro Moori seemed to have seen something. He carried Huiyuan to the dining table. The food on the table was emitting the heat. It was so late, and the food was still hot. I had no appetite, so I cried to go back to my room to rest.

Mori Kogoro carried Huiyuan to the living room, looked back at the door of the bathroom, suddenly became dazed again, and recalled the scene in the previous evening.

That fiery body hovered nimbly, and there was an intoxicating blush on that angelic little face.

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