"Ah, it's so annoying! My body was also wet, and I happened to be sweating all over, so let's wash together!"

Hanhan's voice was still echoing in her mind, her big shining eyes were full of anticipation, then she bent down and turned on the faucet in front of the bathtub.

Mori Kogoro still remembers that graceful figure bent down, so that he didn't know where to put his eyes.

Then she came to Kogoro Mori and pulled him up.

Mori Kogoro still remembers his embarrassment when he stood up.


At that time, Mori Kogoro seemed to be struck by lightning, and the non-human four-dimensional did not allow him to make any useful response.

He was stunned, he was completely stunned, like a goose who was stunned, just opened his eyes stupidly, unable to make any reaction.

In the end, Moori Kogoro was like a marionette, being led by her to lie down in the bathtub together...


"Uncle Mori? Uncle Mori?" Haibara couldn't help but bring Kogoro Mori back to his thoughts.

Mori Kogoro trembled all over, panting heavily like waking up from a big dream, his dull face gradually came alive, and turned to look at Huiyuan: "Xiao Ai, what's wrong?"

Huiyuan's big light blue eyes stared at Kogoro Mori, and there was no lack of worry in his eyes: "Uncle Mouri, how long are you going to stand here? You have been in the living room for five minutes, what are you thinking?"

"It's nothing, it's nothing, Uncle Maoli just suddenly remembered a very strange case from the past." Kogoro Maoli put on a smile on his face again, hugged the cute little loli, and walked into her room.

As soon as he entered the room, Mori Kogoro put Haibara on the bed and squatted down.

He helped Huiyuan take off the white sneakers and socks, revealing the tiny feet that were only half the size of Kogoro Mori's palm, pink and cute!

Haibara's big eyes narrowed, and the big light blue eyes were full of satisfaction. She couldn't help reaching out and touching Mori Kogoro's head. Scenes were replaying in her mind, and some words were also echoed in Haibara's mind. Ears constantly echoing.

Before he fell off the tower and was about to die, that warm and reassuring strong chest.

The cute Ayumi said from the side: "Uncle Mao Li said that he has been restless today, his brows are fluttering, and he is worried about you, so he rushed over to find us!"

And the mischievous big hand when climbing the stairs of the secret road.

There is also Kogoro Mori's explanation in the car at the end: "This should be called a heart-to-heart connection, because I have been thinking about Haibara, and Haibara has been thinking about me. Our two hearts are connected, so there will be some Have a hunch!"

Do you have a heart-to-heart connection?

A charming smile appeared on Huiyuan's face, and mist gradually appeared in her light blue eyes.

Mori Kogoro put away Haibara's shoes and socks, and when he got up, he couldn't help but feel a little strange seeing Haibara in this state.

"Xiao Ai, what's wrong with you?"

Huiyuan stood up from the bed, then jumped up and jumped into the arms of Kogoro Mouri, Kogoro Moori immediately hugged her tightly to prevent her from falling.

The cute loli voice has a little nasal voice: "Uncle Mao Li, I'm afraid."

"Today is really scary. I almost died. I'm afraid I'll never see you again. If I really don't see Uncle Maori, I'm afraid I'll be very sad!"

Kogoro Mori couldn't help being very surprised when he saw Haibara like this. Is this the cold loli he knew?To be wronged, to act like a baby?Is this still the great scientist who invented the murderous poison?

He couldn't help laughing, the so-called big woman, in fact, just didn't meet a man who could turn her into a little woman!

Mori Kogoro comforted softly: "Don't be afraid, Xiao Ai, you will be fine with Uncle here, besides, wasn't that old monster caught by Police Officer Mumu? He killed so many people, I'm afraid he will be imprisoned for the rest of his life." He is in prison, Xiao Ai, you will never see him again, it will be fine!"

"Listen to uncle, sleep well, and then wake up tomorrow and nothing will happen." Mori Kogoro supported Haibara's small body, slowly put her on the bed, and gently covered her Quilt!

Mori Kogoro really thought Haibara was scared!

Just when Mori Kogoro was about to get up and turn off the light, his big hand was suddenly grabbed tightly by Haibara's small hand.

Huiyuan's small face was flushed, and his big light blue eyes were fixed on Mouri Kogoro: "Uncle Mouri, I'm afraid... you, can you rest with me?"

Haibara, who wanted to say this, had a lot of struggles in his heart. Kogoro Mori looked at the raised little pink hand, and Haibara's cute little face was full of anticipation. How could he refuse, and said with a smile: "sure."

He stepped on the shoes under his feet, turned off the light, and then climbed into the bed, patted Hui Yuan's body lightly, and began to coax her to sleep.

In the darkness, Haibara couldn't help but glared at Mori Kogoro in embarrassment, this big pervert, who is usually so lecherous, how did he become such a gentleman today!Isn't it obvious enough that I hinted at it?

How did Haibara know that Kogoro Mori thought she was really shocked by her own performance just now, Kogoro Mori had only pity in his heart at this moment, and he had no desire to do other things.

Mori Kogoro patted Huiyuan's small soft back lightly, and said, "Xiao Ai, you must remember to tell your uncle when you go out with the doctor in the future, and then uncle will go with you. After all, the doctor is old and he can't do anything about it." Protect your group of children, otherwise, if you want to go camping next time, tell uncle, and uncle can take you there."

Mori Kogoro still has lingering fears at this moment, if he doesn't react today and rush over, the consequences will be disastrous.

Huiyuan who fell from the tower would not die immediately under the effect of the damage reduction necklace, but he would definitely be killed by that old thing next time. If he didn't catch up, he might lose Huiyuan forever.

"Hmm!" Huiyuan snorted absent-mindedly, and she felt a little disappointed when she sensed that the gentleman's hand on the back hadn't made any other movements.

Haibara twisted his small body, but Mori Kogoro still didn't make any other movements.

Kogoro Mori saw that Hui Yuan was not sleeping well, and he twisted his body from time to time, so he thought about seeing if he could exchange some props for calming the nerves and helping sleep in the points mall.

At this moment, he heard Huiyuan's cute loli voice from below: "Uncle Maoli, I want to eat ice cream!"

"Ice cream, it's a big night, what ice cream do you want!"

Mori Kogoro replied, but he quickly realized that, when he lowered his head, Haibara's eyes in the darkness were looking at him brightly.

Chapter 0179 Mysterious Letter

Mori Kogoro touched Huiyuan's little head, he didn't have a fever, but his little face was a little red.

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