"So when the time comes, Qingzi and Qianying will wear wedding dresses to marry me, and we will live a wonderful life!"

Hearing this, a vivid scene suddenly appeared in Kaito's mind.

In front of the auditorium, mother and Aoko in white wedding dresses put their arms around Mori Kogoro respectively, and waved goodbye to themselves while looking back.

He broke out in a cold sweat instantly: "No, absolutely not like this, I won't let them marry you!"

With a kick of his right foot, his body shot out instantly, and his fist greeted him directly.

However, this speed is too slow for Mori Kogoro, like a turtle.

He dodged the punch with a slight twist, and said with a light smile, "That's right, fight like a man, don't rely on your status to make your mother cry, your mother cries like that, the only person who really loves me is me That's all."

"shut up!"

Kaito whipped his legs over with a plan, but Kogoro Mori lay down on an iron bridge to escape.

As a master of martial arts, he pushed his hand lightly, hitting the center of gravity.

Kaito instantly lost his balance and hit the cable.

"He's really a child, he can only play some tricks."

"What's the use of flying up and down in the sky with a paraglider all day long, you don't even know that Qianying is often so worried about you that she can't sleep." "Every time you go to steal gems, I really think you are the only one Is anyone there?"

"If it wasn't for Qianying's help and asking me to take care of you from time to time, how could you be so relaxed, and you would have been sent to the bureau to eat a cell."

"You still made Qianying sad today. If I had known earlier, I wouldn't have kept my hand. I'd just arrest you, an unfilial son, and go to jail. You'll save yourself a waste of food!"

Hearing that his identity was exposed, Kaito trembled wildly.

Mori Kogoro pushed his crotch lightly again, and he fell like a dog in an instant.

Afterwards, Kaito raised his head, with an expression of disbelief: "You, you already know?"

"Of course, I'm not blind, so I've already seen through such a shallow disguise."

"It's just because of Qianying's relationship, I have been hiding it for you."

Hearing this, Kaito's expression became very complicated.

He recalled the scenes of fighting between himself and Mori Kogoro, obviously he had so many opportunities to catch himself, but he let himself escape, so he believed what Mori Kogoro said.

Kaito's expression on the ground changed for a while, then he raised his head and spoke pleadingly.

"Detective Maori, I can agree that you stay with my mother, but can you, can you give Qingzi back to me?"

Wow!Sell ​​your mother and ask for a daughter?

Mori Kogoro's expression darkened instantly.

He had been restraining himself from doing anything just now, but now he couldn't help it.

A whip kick instantly hit Kaito's abdomen and kicked him flying.

Kaito slammed into the cable hard and bounced back.

Mouri Kogoro grabs it with his big hand, grabs the collar of Ling Kong's Kaito, and grabs it.

"In your opinion, is Qingzi a commodity? Is it a commodity that can be given to others casually and returned back? Are you making a condition with me, wanting to use your mother in exchange for your childhood sweetheart?"

"Are you willing to give up your mother and change to a woman you like? If Qianying knows, how sad she will be! Kaidou, you really make me sick. If you dare to say such stupid things again, I will kill you. "

Mori Kogoro stared at Kaito coldly, almost boiling with killing intent.

He then threw Kaito onto the ring like he was throwing trash.

Kaito hunched over and coughed continuously.

Seeing his embarrassed appearance, Mori Kogoro shook his head and sighed.

"If you really like a girl, you have to pursue it yourself, instead of asking others for it as an item."

"You say you, wearing a white suit at night, playing the role of Kidd to mock Police Officer Nakamori in various ways, and nonchalantly complaining about Qingzi's father during the day, boasting about his behavior at night."

"Qing Zi doesn't know your identity. If he really knew your identity, he would definitely hate you."

"That's it, you still have the face to say that you like Qingzi, it's ridiculous."

"Qingzi is pure, kind, and the daughter of a policeman with a sense of justice."

"Such a good girl, are you worthy?"

Kaito was stunned for a moment: "I..."

"What are you, you are just a thief!"

"No matter how you hide it, no matter how white you dress, no matter how elegant a gentleman you are, you can't hide your pure black background."

"You're just a thief who steals other people's gems."

"Tell me yourself, how can a thief be worthy of a girl as good as Qingzi?"

Hearing this question, Kaito froze for a moment.

An answer faintly emerged in his heart, it should be unworthy!

"Although I am a bit fiddly, my heart is as sincere to Qianying, Qingzi, and Hongzi, and I will not deliberately hide it from them."

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