"If they don't want to be with me, I will never force them."

"I can't control the matter of feelings. A fair lady and a gentleman are good-natured. The attraction between each other is simply uncontrollable. This is the case with Qianying, and so is Qingzi Hongzi."

"Kaito, we're not enemies at all. You're still young, so you don't know what true love is. You're just jealous because your little friend from childhood is close to me!"

"Jealousy blinds your eyes and makes you think it's love."

"But it's actually wrong. What we grow up together is just friendship."

"Think about it carefully, you are so bold and reckless, if you really want to like a girl, why haven't you confessed it for so many years?"

"That's why I don't like it!"

Hearing this, Kaito froze for a moment.

Is it really because of jealousy?I really never liked Qingzi?

Kaito, who has never been in a relationship and has a very low EQ, is instantly fooled by Kogoro Mori, and he falls into strong self-doubt.

Mori Kogoro continued: "Your mother has been suffering for so many years, and she finally followed me. It's a new chapter, so don't make her sad, okay?"

"If you don't agree, Qingzi Tomorrow will most likely know your identity, and she will probably treat you as an enemy at that time!"

Hearing this, Kuaidou shouted repeatedly: "I promise, I promise, don't talk nonsense to Qingzi."

Mori Kogoro understood instantly, and couldn't help rolling his eyes.

The weakness of Kuai Dou is Qing Zi, if you use Qing Zi to pinch him, it will be absolutely unfavorable!

Chapter 0140 kick your ass with high heels

At the corner of the coffee shop corridor and at the entrance of the basement, Qianying anxiously eavesdropped on the movement inside.

But the door was so well sealed that no sound came out at all.

There were teardrops in the corners of her eyes, and she had a dejected look on her face. She felt extremely uncomfortable when her son said that just now.It is true that Qianying has never seen the dead body of Pirate One, and she used to pray that Pirate One would come back.

But ever since she was with Mori Kogoro, there was no Pirate One in her mind.

How can I, an immoral woman like myself, be worthy of Kogoro? Maybe my son is right!

Thinking of this, Qianying couldn't help crying again.

Xiao Ai at the side hurriedly comforted Qianying, but it had little effect.

At this time, the door to the basement opened, and Mori Kogoro walked up with Kaito's shoulders on his shoulders, looking like two good brothers.Kaito was still rubbing his stomach, his expression listless.

Qianying hurriedly called out to her son: "Quick fight!"

Kuroba Kaito froze, and then apologized: "Mom, I said something wrong just now, I'm sorry!"

Qianying's expression was a little dull, and he only went down for a few minutes, why did his son's attitude change so much all of a sudden?

"The matter between you and the Maori detective..."

When Kaito said this, he didn't want to talk any more, but suddenly a huge force came from his shoulder, and the pain hurt him!

Under the pain, he could only open his mouth and say: "You are all older than me, I believe you can handle it well, I am just a junior, I don't have much opinion."

"Mom, as long as you are happy!"

Hearing this, Qianying couldn't help covering her mouth, tears streaming down her face.

She looked at Mori Kogoro with surprise, what did he say, it seemed that Kaito suddenly changed into a different person.

Just now I was going to fight and kill, but now I started to bless myself, God opened my eyes!

The shackles in Qianying's heart immediately dissipated, and moved forward.

Seeing this, Kaito sped up his speed and brushed past Chikage.

"Mom, I have to go first, and I have an appointment with a classmate."

After saying that, he ran out as if he was running away, without looking back at all.

Mori Kogoro chuckled and hugged Chikage's soft shoulders, and wiped the crystal teardrops from the corners of his eyes with his big hands.

"Kaito just has some discomfort. I just had a frank exchange with him, and he still understands us."

Hearing this, Chikage, who was smiling through tears, nodded in relief, and leaned her head on Kogoro Mori's shoulder.

How wonderful it was that things could be settled so easily!

On the other hand, the eccentric Xiao Ai nodded, applauded and praised: "Awesome, Xiao Wulang, what kind of ecstasy soup did you pour into this kid, why did he come out like a different person?"

Qian Ying couldn't help pinching Xiao Ai's round buttocks: "It's not big or small, this is your master, what is it called Xiao Wulang?"

Xiao Ai, who was in pain, jumped to the other side of Mori Kogoro, separated from Chikage.

She stuck out her tongue, boldly embraced Kogoro Mori's other arm, pressed her soft chest against it, and said coquettishly, "Since it's Shigong, is there a meeting ceremony?"

Mori Kogoro smiled and winked at him: "Of course there are. When you have time, each of you three sisters will have a share." Xiao Ai seemed to hear something, and her beautiful eyes immediately filled with joy.

But Qianying didn't notice the flirtatious eye contact between her man and her little apprentice, she was still at ease at this moment!

"By the way, Xiaoai, what are Qinglan and Xiamei doing here?"

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