Lai Shengai said: "The two of them, they will come here in the afternoon."

"Miss Xia Mei said that she wants to return to China to open a chain cake shop, and she wants to learn her cake skills from my eldest sister."

"As for Miss Qinglan, she came here to plead guilty. She was the female killer who attacked us on the Fugui Pill last time, but she said that she was not with Moriarty."

Mori Kogoro frowned immediately, but he didn't expect Qinglan to blew himself up.

"Aren't you three sisters angry? Still let her sit here?"

Xiao Ai laughed: "Of course you're not angry, she gave us a big gift, which is the treasure of the Tsarist Russian royal family at the end of the last century."

"She has a map and a key. She asked us to help, and said that she would give us [-]% of the work, and she only wanted [-]% of it."

"Such a big gift, the sisters are very happy, so forgive her!"

I didn't expect three greedy cats to appear in this cafe!

Moli Xiaogoro's big hand was writhing gently, and quickly grabbed Xiao Ai's rounded place, and said with a light smile: "You just trust her so much, what if she cheated you?"

Xiao Ai's eyes narrowed slightly, Qiong's nose wrinkled, and said softly: "Of course it's not so easy to believe her, but she said she asked you to endorse, so I'll wait for you to ask you!"

"Xiao Wulang, ahem, master, can that Pusi Qinglan be trusted?"

This is certainly believable!

Pusi Qinglan's favorability for her is as high as 89, and she will definitely not count herself.

It's just that she didn't expect her to have an exquisite heart. She could think of this level, and she was so ruthless that she gave up most of her treasures to eliminate the barriers with the three Maoyan sisters. She underestimated her.

The three sisters are all planning to go treasure hunting in the next life. It seems that this trip to Russia is really inevitable.

Mori Kogoro nodded: "I don't know if it's believable, but I don't worry about the three of you sisters going to Russia to hunt for treasure. I will go with you when the time comes."

Hearing this, Xiao Ai's eyes lit up, and she was extremely satisfied.

She couldn't help standing on her tiptoes and kissing Kogoro Mouri: "Master, I didn't expect you to be so kind to us!"

Chikage at the side finally noticed something unusual, and looked over suspiciously with her purple eyes, and Kogoro Mori let go of his big hand immediately.

In the next life, Ai has a big heart, and she is not guilty at all. She rubbed her small head against Kogoro Mouri's arm and started acting coquettishly.

"This is my teacher, he should treat me well, how?"

Qianying was fooled, and said in a rather speechless voice: "You, you, no boy will like you if you are naughty, stand still, don't be like a tomboy."

Xiao Ai stuck out her tongue, and stood obediently.

Mori Kogoro patted Chikage's buttocks lightly, and ordered: "Go down and wash your face, take a good rest, don't cry anymore, wait for me down there, I'll go and see what tricks Pusi Qinglan is playing .”

Hearing the order, the compliant Qianying naturally obeyed, and obediently turned around and walked to the basement.

As soon as his figure disappeared, Kogoro Mouri pushed Xiao Ai against the wall.

He bent his head and kissed the girl's pink lips, and his big hand moved away.

Xiao Ai hugged Mori Kogoro like an octopus, her little hands tightly wrapped around his back.

The two kissed very intensely, and when it was interrupted, Xiao Ai couldn't help but chuckled.

"Master, if Master knows that you treated me like this behind her back, do you think she will kick your ass with high heels?"

"Of course it's impossible. Didn't you see how obedient she was just now?"

"Your master can only be spanked by me. It is impossible for her to spank me."

At this moment, a light cough sounded from the side.

"Ahem, you two, can you pay attention to the influence?"

Chapter 0141

Mori Kogoro turned his head to look, and saw Hitomi Kisho with a pretty blushing face.

Wearing denim shorts and showing off her fair and slender legs, Xiaotong Meimei looked over tremblingly.

Mori Kogoro swept his arms around, pulled him into the corner, and kissed his delicate face directly.

"Xiao Tong, have you missed me these days?"

Xiaotong's cheeks became more blushing, and she turned her head and snorted softly: "I didn't think about you, a big pervert, did you not even want to come here when we didn't call you?"

Mori Kogoro, who has reached the peak of his acting skills, immediately made an innocent expression, as if he had suffered a great grievance.

"I'm wronged, you three sisters are so beautiful, how can I be willing to leave you, it's just that I have a lot of business affairs in the past few days after returning to China, which made me feel a little bit burnt out."

The words of "nine truths and one falsehood" immediately fooled Xiaotong, and his petty temper didn't flare up again.

And Xiao Ai, who hangs like a koala on Maori Kogoro's body, rubbed his shoulders and said with a light smile: "Master, Second Sister, she doesn't think about you at all, so let's leave her alone, shall we?"

"you dare!"

Xiao Tong was naturally unwilling, and immediately squeezed Xiao Ai's round buttocks with her little hands, causing her to scream in surprise.

Naturally Kogoro Mori couldn't pretend that Xiao Ai was being bullied, so he leaned over and kissed Xiao Tong's pink lips.

And his big hand involuntarily covered Xiao Tong's long legs.

Not long after, Xiao Tong's entire face was dyed red, her beautiful eyes were flowing with water, and her body against the wall gradually became weak.

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