Her state is the same as Xiao Ai's, she is full of emotions.

In fact, this is also normal. The three sisters first got to know the taste of men and women during the trip to Fugui Maru last week, and it was time to taste the marrow and taste.

It's been five or six days since I've had sex with Mori Kogoro, so naturally I'm very uncomfortable!

But after all, the two girls knew that the timing was not too good, and they were still a little shy, so they didn't dare to mess around anymore.

After a passionate kiss, Xiao Tong restrained herself with strong willpower, and immediately pushed Kogoro Mori away, covering her chest with both hands, with a face of embarrassment.

"Okay, stop messing around, if you are accidentally seen by guests, you don't want your reputation, we want it!"

"Xiao Ai, you haven't come down yet, have you settled the matter with Master just now?"

Mori Kogoro put down the love for the next life hanging on his body, and said with a light smile: "It's no problem if I go out."

"What did Napusi Qinglan say about the Tsarist treasure? What do you say, Kogoro?"

Xiao Ai just stood up and said: "I also asked just now, and Xiao Wulang said that there is no problem, and he will go with us when the time comes!" Hearing this, Xiao Tong also smiled with satisfaction laugh.

Mori Kogoro patted the two girls' wings and buttocks: "You two goblins, go and do your own business first, and I'll deal with you after I deal with Qinglan."

The two women blushed again when they heard this, and went towards the coffee shop in a little panic.

And Mori Kogoro straightened his collar, and the Yufeng Technique dispelled his own smell, so he came to Pusi Qinglan's booth and sat with him.

Qinglan leaned over and asked gossipingly, "Xiao Wulang, those were Qianying and her son just now, right? What happened?"

Even a female killer cannot avoid a woman's gossip nature.

Not to mention that Qing Lan was taught a lesson by Kuroba Chikage in Yokosuka, so she naturally paid special attention to her.

Smelling the fragrance, under the table, Mouri Kogoro's big hand fell on Qinglan's beautiful elastic legs.

The elasticity and feel are not inferior to Xiaotong, it is really a match between the two!

He didn't want to hide anything, so he told what happened just now.

Sensing that fiery big hand, Qinglan's eyes trembled slightly, and a smile appeared in her eyes.

The female killer didn't resist at all, instead she quietly moved closer.

The heads of the two were very close, as if they were whispering.

And Xiaolei, who was entangled by Xia Mei at the bar, saw this scene from afar, and pouted resentfully.

He wiped the cup with a rag in his little hand, and actually wiped the cup with cracks. Xia Mei, who was watching, frowned slightly.

After hearing about Qianying's fate, Qinglan couldn't help laughing.

I didn't expect a woman as powerful as Qianying to be helpless against her son, and she was told to cry by her son, which really let out a sigh of relief.Mori Kogoro pressed Qinglan's knee with his big hand, and asked a little surprised.

"Qinglan, haven't you always wanted to restore the glory of your ancestor Raspus? I have given you the treasure map and the key. It shouldn't be difficult to find the treasure. Why do you still come to share it with the sisters in the next life? "

Hearing this question, Qinglan looked at Mouri Kogoro and spoke quietly.

"If I didn't get the forgiveness of the three of them, wouldn't you want to see me?"

Mori Kogoro touched his nose in embarrassment, this is probably the end!

"You bastard, you did such a disrespectful thing to me in the burrow, and you still want to act as if nothing happened. This is absolutely impossible."

Qinglan spoke with a determined face, and after saying this, her hands wrapped around Mouri Kogoro's arm.

Mori Kogoro's arms immediately sank into two balls of tenderness.

Qinglan murmured: "I don't know what's wrong with me recently, all I think about is you, I even dream about you in my dreams, this kind of emotion is something I have never encountered before."

"I always feel that if I don't do something, I will never see you again."

These almost confessional words made Mori Kogoro smile extravagantly.

He rubbed his big hand lightly, and said in a warm voice, "I would like to ask for your advice for the next trip to Russia!"

Hearing this, Qinglan seemed to understand something, and her eyes lit up instantly.

She leaned against Kogoro Mori with peace of mind.

When Xiaolei at the bar saw this scene, her brows twitched wildly, she wiped the cup and was crushed by him, her beautiful eyes were full of cold light, and she looked murderous.

Kasaka Natsumi immediately panicked: Could it be that my wanting to be a teacher annoyed Miss Xiaolei?

Xiaolei walked out of the bar, and was about to go to Qinglan's table and drag Moori Kogoro back.

But his eyes were suddenly attracted by Xiao Ai who turned the sign at the door to 'Closed for rest', and couldn't help asking: "Xiao Ai, what trick are you playing? We don't close until eight o'clock in the evening."

Xiao Ai smiled lightly and said: "It's nothing, this is what the second sister said, when there are other arrangements, let's close the shop first!"

And at this time, Xiaotong, who had just showered and came down from upstairs, was wrapped in the fragrant wind, and her skin was extremely moist.

Seeing this, Xiao Ai said repeatedly: "Then I'll go take a bath first."

After saying this, the girl turned around and ran upstairs, leaving tears in her eyes.

Interrupted by this, when Lai Shenglei looked at Qing Lan's table, Mao Li Kogoro and Pu Si Qing Lan separated, sitting upright.

Chapter 0142 I'm almost sitting on the floor to ovulate!

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