Xiaolei immediately glared at Mouri Kogoro, really upset that he didn't catch his sore foot!

At this time, Natsumi, who has excellent eyesight, trots over Xiaolei and sits at the table of Mori Kogoro.

Seeing this, Xiaolei unhappily shook the rag in his hand.

The shattered glass shards were shot into the garbage basket, and the momentum was really terrifying!

She turned around and went back to the bar, not wanting to join in the fun.

Mori Kogoro broke into a cold sweat, but he didn't expect that the little cat would turn into a tigress as soon as he turned around.

Xia Mei stared at Mao Li Kogoro, and said softly: "I didn't expect Mao Li-kun to be so popular with women. Just now, Miss Xiaolei got jealous."

"But Mao Li-kun is such a good person, it's quite normal for so many people to like him!"

"By the way, Maori-kun, I haven't thanked you yet."

"The people you sent yesterday were very professional. They helped me find buyers for three ancient castles in just one day. It's really amazing."

Of course it is powerful. With the help of the artificial intelligence of the Red Queen, with big data matching, it is possible to search for rich people who are interested in buying the castle worldwide, and then accurately place the sale information. Everything is just a piece of cake.

Kogoro Mouri said, "I will bargain again later. If you really want to thank me, wait until the castle is sold and treat me to a good meal."

Hearing this, Qing Lan couldn't help but roll her eyes at Kogoro Mori.

Xia Mei smiled and agreed: "No problem, when I have money, I will definitely treat you to a luxurious meal."

"Right, one more thing."

Xia Mei then lowered her head and took out a document from her satchel. This is a certificate of ownership of the item!

"After I returned to the hotel yesterday, after much deliberation, it was not good for me to take the Egg of Memory like this. After all, it is an extremely precious treasure, and it is worth so much money."

"So I asked someone to make this certificate of ownership, Mr. Mao Li, you sign here, and this memory egg will be shared by you and me in the future."

Mori Kogoro laughed lightly, he really didn't care about such a small amount of money.

"Forget it, Xia Mei, don't bother, I told you I gave it to you, and it's yours."

Natsumi was very stubborn, handed the pen to Kogoro Mouri, and looked at him resolutely.

"No, you must sign!"

"After all, this is the egg of our memories!"

Speaking of this, Xia Mei's voice became softer, and a blush appeared on her little face from nowhere, she was really pretty!

Even Qinglan could see something was wrong, her eyes narrowed immediately, with a cold light shining.

And under the table, the white jade leg under the short cheongsam lightly rubbed Kogoro Mouri's calf, the meaning was self-evident, just wanting him not to sign.

Kogoro Mori looked into Natsumi's eyes, tilted his head, took the pen and signed his name in a fluttering motion!

Seeing this scene, Xia Mei's eyes immediately turned into crescents.

She checked the certificate, folded it up, and put it in her satchel.

Then Xia Mei lowered her head and whispered: "Mori-kun, you can come anytime you want to see the Egg of Memory!"

Qinglan hugged her chest and felt suffocated, she couldn't help complaining: "Look at the eggs of memories, someone is about to ovulate sitting on the floor."

Natsumi's face turned red instantly after being teased, her head was emitting heat, and she didn't dare to face Mori Kogoro.Kogoro Moori couldn't help but patted Qinglan's buttocks: "It's really rude to say such a thing."

Hearing this scolding, Qing Lan just sat down and didn't dare to speak nonsense anymore.

Xia Mei still lowered her head, trying to escape from this strange atmosphere: "Qinglan, didn't we make an appointment to see the house? Should we go?"

Qinglan laughed lightly, and winked at Xia Mei: "Why don't you decide, it doesn't matter what kind of house you rent, I can live in it, and I still have something to discuss with Kogoro in detail."

Xia Mei understood the meaning, although she was easily shy, she was not so easy to give in, so she replied: "If you don't leave, then I won't leave either."


Qing Lan was a little annoyed immediately, she really shouldn't have come here with Xia Mei today.

The original plans and plans were all in vain!

Mori Kogoro couldn't help asking, "What kind of house do you two want to rent?"

Xia Mei then replied: "It's not good for the two of us to always stay in a hotel. Qinglan said that she also wants to settle in China in the future, and I also want to settle in China, so I plan to rent a two- or three-story building in Mihua Town."

"The lower floor is used to run my cake shop, and the upper floor is used to live in. The layout is similar to Maoyan Cafe, but it doesn't have to be so big." Hearing the words Mihua Town, Mori Kogoro knew that the two girls were for him stay.

His life-threatening charm is unstoppable!

Qinglan couldn't help asking: "Xiao Wulang, do you have any good recommendations?"

"It really does exist."

I had planned ahead for a rainy day and bought many properties.

Many houses around the Maori Detective Agency are under his name, and there are quite a few houses that meet the requirements of the two women.

Hearing this, Qing Lan's eyes lit up: "Then why don't you take us to see it?"

Hearing this, Mori Kogoro was really moved.

Isn't it logical to see the house and then something happens?

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