At this time, the sound of sharpening a knife suddenly came from the bar.

Lai Shenglei was sharpening a kitchen knife with a treacherous smile on his face.

Tianshou!You cafe owner, grind your ass!

Mori Kogoro immediately changed his tone: "I still have something to do, it's not convenient to take you there, so I'll make a call and ask the landlord to pick you up."

After that, he pretended to make a call.

Not long after, a landlady disguised as an Ant-Man robot drove over to pick up Xia Mei and Qing Lan.

The small mouths of these two girls are so high that they can almost hang oil bottles.

They finally saw Mori Kogoro again, and they were not willing to part with him after a short stay.

But the landlord came, and the two girls didn't want to disappoint Kogoro Mori's kindness, so they could only follow obediently.

When parting, Qinglan couldn't help but said: "Xiao Wulang, when we find a new residence, remember to come and warm up for you."

"Of course, I will definitely go."

Seeing off Qinglan and Natsumi, Kogoro Mori heaved a sigh of relief.

Others don't know, it's extremely stressful to flirt with a girl with tears in her eyes, or to be flirted with by a girl.

Fortunately, the car didn't seem to overturn, so Xiaolei had to be coaxed into it.

Mori Kogoro got up and went into the bar.

As soon as he entered the bar, he hadn't spoken yet.


A fruit knife that was being sharpened seemed to be accidentally dropped, and it shot out.

The fruit knife cut several strands of Mori Kogoro's hair and tied it to the wall beside him.

Chapter 0143

The fruit knife on the wall was still emitting a cold light, and Kogoro Mori's smile froze.

He looked at this wavy beauty in a white dress.

It was intentional, it was definitely intentional, I wanted to murder my husband!

Lai Shenglei pretended to have just discovered it, and pretended to be surprised: "Ah, I accidentally let go of it, Kogoro, didn't I hurt you?"

Mori Kogoro took off the fruit knife, approached Lai Shenglei slowly, and said calmly, "This coffee shop of yours sells coffee, why sharpen the knife?"

Xiaolei covered her mouth and laughed softly, her dimples were like flowers: "Cut radishes, cut radishes with flowery hearts!"

It's really rare to see such a small-tempered appearance.

As the eldest sister of Lai Sheng's family, Lai Shenglei has always looked dignified and mature, so this jealous appearance is really cute and cute.Mori Kogoro embraced Xiaolei from behind him, and his hands held onto his wrist, and then gentle words rang out from Xiaolei's ears. "I'm afraid you won't be willing!"

Xiaolei's cheeks turned slightly red, and she struggled to refuse.

But at this level, this girl didn't even want to leave the embrace of Mori Kogoro!

"Why are you still looking for me? If you don't go to accompany you, Qinglan and Xiamei, those vicious girls just now are almost attached to you."

Mori Kogoro put on an innocent expression: "Heavenly conscience, Miss Pusi also chatted with me about going to Russia for treasure hunting. Of course, this kind of hidden topic can't be said too loudly. It's normal for us to get closer!"

"And, with you here, how could I go to them? Did you send them away without seeing me?"

"Xiao Lei, you really slandered me!"

Hearing this, a smile appeared on the corner of Xiaolei's mouth, and even the beauty mole on her lips looked very touching: "Really?"

She turned her head, raised her eyebrows and asked again: "Then what does the woman who came in to pick them up just now do, and what does it have to do with you?"

Mori Kogoro is really dizzy, this girl can even eat the flying vinegar of the robot, which is really amazing.

And the landlady disguised by the Ant-Man robot is not very beautiful, just an ordinary woman.

He couldn't help but free his hand and beat Xiaolei.

"What are you thinking? That's the manager of my property. Didn't you see that I didn't say a word to her? That's my subordinate. You can eat this kind of vinegar too."

"It can't be like this, Xiaolei, if you continue to make trouble for no reason, I will teach you a lesson!"

"Hmph! You know how to bully people. Believe it or not, I reported you to Master?"

Mori Kogoro smirked, leaned over and kissed Xiao Lei on the cheek.

"That's not right, then I will drag you four, master and apprentice, to sleep together."

Xiaolei couldn't help but spat: "It's a beautiful idea!"

His beautiful eyes glanced at the coffee shop, and then he spoke in a little panic.

"Okay, let me go, there are still so many guests here, don't mess around."

The plaque at the entrance of the coffee shop was replaced with 'Closed and closed', but all the diners inside hadn't left yet.

Looking around, there are still two tables with seven guests.

Mori Kogoro laughed badly, but didn't answer.

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