Xiaolei's brows twitched slightly, and the kitchen knife in her hand was standing up in the distance.

And at this moment, Kogoro Mouri, who turned his head sideways, kissed Xiaolei's pink lips in one breath.

As soon as the master-level kissing technique is used, it explodes instantly!

Xiaolei gently pressed down on the kitchen knife in Xiaolei's hand again, and the eldest lady of the next life's family couldn't help but respond.

After a passionate kiss, little tears, flushed all over his face, held down Kogoro Mouri's big hand, his beautiful eyes gleaming with water.

His little head shook like a rattle, with a very determined expression.

"Baa, Kogoro, someone will find out, absolutely not."

Mori Kogoro coaxed gently: "It's okay, I'll come and play the coffee shop owner, you just need to hide it!"

Saying this, Mori Kogoro pressed Xiaolei's soft shoulders and made him squat down.

Lai Shenglei's pupils narrowed slightly, and he softly scolded the bad guy in his heart, and obediently obeyed.

And Kogoro Mori at the bar had a smile on his face, and he really played the role of the owner of the coffee shop.

At this time, three guests at a table finished their coffee and got up and went here to pay the bill.

"Hey, what about the lady boss, why is someone else here?"

"I know you, you are the detective Mori Kogoro, right? Why are you here?"

Mori Kogoro said calmly, "The shop owner has something to do now, and they entrusted me to handle the case, so I will help her a little by the way, and help her look around the shop!"

Hearing this, the three guests all showed joy.

One of the girls also took out a notebook and a pen from her backpack, leaning forward against the bar counter.

"Well, Maori Detective, I like you very much, can you sign for me?"

At this time, Kogoro Moori pushed the girl's head out with his big hand, and pretended to say 'Aqiu' and 'Aqiu' twice.

"Sorry, I seem to be a little allergic to the smell of your perfume, but signing is still possible."

He then took the pen and wrote his name in the notebook in a fluttering manner.

The girl who was pushed wasn't annoyed at all, her eyes were full of excitement, as if it was a great honor to touch Kogoro Mori.

She took the notebook and pen, bowed to thank her, and left the Maoyan Cafe with her friends.

And in the basement of the coffee shop, Xiao Tong tiptoed to the basement, holding a brown candle in her hand.It was so hard to get together with her lover, how could she let Master Qianying spoil today's good deed.

Besides, Master Qiankage went to Yokosuka with him yesterday, so that should be enough!

Thinking so, Xiaotong quietly came to the living room.

On the sofa, Qianying looked like a begonia sleeping in spring, her neat short hair covered half of her pretty face, but she was still extremely beautiful.Its graceful figure exudes the unique charm of women everywhere, which is very attractive.

Because Kaito's matter was quickly resolved, Chikage's heart was relieved.

This time I relaxed, touched the sofa, and fell asleep as soon as the drowsiness broke out.

Seeing this, Xiaotong couldn't help but secretly delighted.

God help me too!

She placed the brown candle on the coffee table, then held her breath, and quietly lit the candle.

The scent of sandalwood rises from the candle, making people drowsy.

This candle is similar to those ecstasy incense and sweat medicine.

After Xiaotong lit a candle for Master Qianying, she immediately climbed up the stairs lightly.

She also closed the door to the basement, and then she breathed a sigh of relief.

However, Xiao Tong, who came out along the corridor, was quickly stunned at the front desk, and his pupils immediately widened.

Chapter 0144 similar four women

The sound of the movement spread from the bar, it was extremely gorgeous, but the sound was so small that the guests at the table in the distance could not hear it!And in the corridor, a cheerful little pupil appeared with brisk steps.

Seeing Kogoro Mori in the direction of the bar, Hitomi greeted him happily.

But as soon as he entered the bar, Xiaotong's expression froze for an instant, and his pupils kept shrinking. This scene is too explosive!Mori Kogoro greeted him naturally: "Little Hitomi, are you back?"

And Xiaolei raised her head in panic, feeling ashamed to be discovered by her second sister.

"Small, Hitomi!"

Laisheng Tong's small head glanced at the flushed eldest sister, and then at the guests in the coffee shop.

How can this be, there are still guests!

The girl came to her senses and quickly turned around and left the bar, heading towards the last table of guests.

When she came to the guests, she apologized.

"I'm really sorry, we have very important things to deal with, so the cafe has to close early." This is all free of charge, and I hope customers can make it easier so that we can close the store. "Those guests were quite talkative, and when they heard what Xiaotong said, they got up one after another.

Xiaotong immediately led them out of the coffee shop, and even walked away from the bar.

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