After sending the four guests out, she pulled back the door of the cafe.

At this time, a big hand grabbed the outside doorknob, trying to pull the door open.

The person who came was none other than Toshio Utsumi, who never dies.

"Little Tong, why are you closing so early? I want to buy some cakes!"

Laisheng Tong didn't give him a good face: "I'm sorry, the cakes are all sold out, we are going to close the shop."

"Then there's no more cake. I have something to tell you, little pupil. Do you have time?"

"No time, stop pestering me, I said I have a boyfriend."

After saying this, she tried her best to close the door, locked it, and then pulled the curtain.

Outside the door, Toshio Utsumi looked sad and heartbroken. He shook his head and smiled bitterly and turned around: That's right, who would associate with a shit-spitting person like me!The irrelevant people were finally expelled, and Xiaotong was relieved.

She quickly pressed the button on the wall, and the windows in the coffee shop were automatically closed, and the curtains were automatically drawn, so that outsiders could not peep in.This design is naturally from Xiao Ai's handwriting.

When Xiao Tong turned his head to look, he saw Mori Kogoro and his elder sister coming out from the bar.

My eldest sister hangs on Mori Kogoro like a koala, and the two are still kissing passionately, really blatant to the extreme.

"You two, you are too messy, don't you know how to go upstairs? What if you are discovered by a guest?"

Mori Kogoro chuckled and said, "Didn't you find out?"

Xiaotong pouted, feeling a little unhappy.

She went upstairs to take a shower and changed into beautiful clothes, but in the end she let the eldest sister take the lead.

"Sister, you are really deceitful."

Saying this, Xiaotong pinched the elder sister's waist with her small hands, causing Xiaolei to exclaim continuously.

Mori Kogoro smiled lightly and took Xiaotong's little hand, and walked upstairs.

The stairs are very steep, and it is really difficult to walk with Xiaolei.

Soon, the three of them came to the second floor.

Hearing the sound of water, Mori Kogoro followed the sound and walked towards the bathroom.

At the door, he also heard Xiao Ai's singing inside.

Seeing this, Mori Kogoro had a smirk on his lips, and the door opened immediately, and Xiao Ai's exclamation came from inside.Seeing this, Xiao Tong outside the door hesitated for a moment, and followed him in.

Among them, the charming nature is not enough for outsiders!


After [-] o'clock in the evening, in the banquet hall of the Hong Kong Island Hotel, where the farewell performance of the Hopper Magic Troupe was held, Xiaolan and his party arrived early.

The six-star Hong Kong Island Hotel is really a gorgeous stage, with excellent lighting and sound effects, and a huge stage.

There are tables and sofa booths at the bottom, only people with invitation letters can enter, and they are all people from the upper class.

Yuanzi asked, "Xiaolan, are you sure? Uncle hasn't been seen all day, will he really come?"

Xiao Lan chuckled lightly, "That's what he told me on the phone just now."

He Ye on the side couldn't help but clenched his fists: "Damn it, uncle must have gone to fool around with other women again."

Zhenchun nodded in agreement, but she still focused on eating the dishes on the table.

Hongye then ran to talk to the head of the magic troupe, Judy Hopper.

And Mira took the little loli Mary and taught her the knowledge of preventing sexual harassment, which made Mary look hopeless.

At this time, a vigorous female voice sounded.

"Xiaolan, Yuanzi, Mira, are you coming to watch the show too?"

The three girls turned their heads and looked over, and saw Aoko Nakamori who came with Ginzo Nakamori.

Xiaolan looked surprised: "Qingzi, why are you here?"

"Because Phantom Thief Kidd has canceled the invitation letter, I'm curious if he will come tonight, so why don't you come over with Dad? Where's Uncle Maori?"

Hearing his daughter's first words, he asked Mori Kogoro, Nakamori Ginzo's face darkened instantly, and he felt really uncomfortable wearing the padded jacket on someone else's body.

"My father, he said he would come over, so he should be here soon."

Hearing that Mori Kogoro would also come, Aoko's eyes flashed with joy, and he turned to look at Nakamori Ginzo.

"Dad, all my friends are here, let me sit with them, and I won't disturb your case."

The abandoned Nakamori Ginzo could only resentfully gather with his subordinates.

Qingzi sat in the booth together and started talking with Xiaolan and the others.

He Ye couldn't help but exclaimed: "The three of you, you look too much alike, you are all printed from the same mold."

Hearing this, the three girls all laughed.

At this time, the sharp-eyed Yuanzi seemed to have discovered something, so he couldn't help but said, "Hey, I also found a woman who looks very similar to Xiaolan and you, look."

All the girls at the table looked over curiously. It was a man and a woman at the table in the distance.

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