The girl's face is very similar to Xiaolan Qingzi and the others, except that her hairstyle is different. The girl has long, smooth hair and looks very gentle.

Zhenchun couldn't help but exclaimed: "It's true, it's amazing. It takes luck for two people who look alike to get together. The probability of four people who look alike getting together is too low. .”

Sonoko recognized the man at the table: "I know that boy, he is Tamanosuke Ito, a transfer student from our class."

"It seems that both parents died at a young age, and then took over the theater troupe. The experience is similar to Judy, the head of the Hopper Magic Troupe."

Chapter 0145 Overworked Kogoro

Sonoko continued to introduce: "The lady next to me seems to be the eldest lady of the Kataoka Foundation, her name is Kataoka Renhua, and she is about the same age as us, both seventeen years old."

"I met her several times at parties before, and I mistook her for Xiaolan."

"I heard that Kataoka Renka is still an actress of the Ito Theater Troupe, and she fell out with her family just to act with the troupe!" Xiaolan couldn't help but praised: "Oh, that's enough, I'm looking for it at a young age. My own dream is very powerful!"

On the other hand, Mira and Aoko had strange expressions on their faces. They remembered what Kogoro Mori had said to them.

It is because of my appearance that I have received special treatment!

Don't dare to let Kogoro see this girl who looks like Xiaolan, otherwise the situation will be a little bad!

At this time, Hongye came back with the red wine, and saw that there was still no sign of Mori Kogoro on the table, so she couldn't help complaining: "Why is Kogoro so slow, maybe he can't get up on some woman?" ?”

These words directly made all the girls on the table blush. Although they have some experience in personnel, they are always thin-faced girls, and they can't teach Hongye who is full of words.

He Ye couldn't help scolding: "Hong Ye, you are too rude, how can a girl say such a thing?"

It's just that Hongye completely ignored Heye, and bent down to observe Qingzi: "Hey, he's new, he looks very similar to Mira!" This was the first time Hongye saw Qingzi.

Qing Zi glared back and said, "You are the newcomer, Uncle Mao Li and I have known each other for how long!"

The extremely intelligent Hongye immediately understood what this meant, and looked at Qingzi with great interest.

In the end, the impolite eyes fell on his small chest, and he couldn't help covering his mouth and chuckling: "Little sister, you have to work harder to grow up!"

Looking at Hongzi's plump bust, Qingzi was struck again, and couldn't help but bow his head and curse: "You stupid cow!"

Seeing this, Yuanzi leaned over and said in a low voice, "Qingzi, don't worry, I have found a new massage technique, and we will make considerable progress soon!"

Qingzi didn't believe it at all, the breast enhancement method Yuanzi found was always unreliable.

Zhenchun, He Ye, who were bothered by this, came over and started talking, and the atmosphere gradually became warmer.

And Mori Kogoro had just arrived at the entrance of the Hong Kong Island Hotel, and he had just dealt with the four master and apprentice girls in the Maoyan Cafe.

It has to be said that these three cats and Qianying who trained the three sisters are not easy to deal with.

These four women have been trained for a long time, their physical strength is long, and their bodies are extremely flexible. A normal man might not be able to deal with the previous one.

Especially when the young and beautiful three sisters join forces, it is almost invincible.

Each of them is still young and has excellent resilience. They can re-enter the field after falling down for a while, and they exchanged wheel battles with Mori Kogoro.That's why the old driver Mori Kogoro, who mastered [-] kinds of martial arts, was able to subdue and suppress them one by one, making them cry for father and mother, unable to get up, but it also took him three or four hours!

After he coaxed the three sisters on the second floor of the coffee shop and Qianying from the basement to rest, he hurried to the Hong Kong Island Hotel.

When Mori Kogoro got out of the car, his feet felt a little weak when he stepped on the ground. Looking at the revolving restaurant on the top floor of the hotel, he felt a little dizzy.

Today, he really consumed a lot of money and was seriously overdrawn!

Thinking about what he had done, he had been working almost all night since last night, and he didn't sleep until three or four in the morning;

Driving to Yamanashi Prefecture early in the morning, there were two policewomen, Naoko and Yumi;

After that, I went back to Tokyo to forcibly shake the spinning Hot Wheels of the five girls of Eri;

Just tamed the wild and unruly kitten again in the coffee shop.

It is normal for such a full and full day to consume a lot of energy.

Faced with such a serious overdraft, Mori Kogoro took out a bottle of the fountain of youth from the system space and drank it all. After carrying the guide in his body, within ten minutes, he was resurrected with full blood and returned to a state of vitality.

This is the magical function of the well water of the mysterious well that he only recently discovered, although he has not yet figured out the real name of the mysterious well.

But it can supply high-level energy for witchcraft, astrology, and magic, and it is really easy to drink it to replenish physical strength.

Kogoro Mori, who is full of energy and walks like a dragon and a tiger, directly enters the Hong Kong Island Hotel.

Big things are going to happen at this Hong Kong Island Hotel tonight, so don't be careless!

Judy Hopper has a gemstone in his hand, which is the inheritance of the Hopper Magic Troupe. It is called the Red Tears, and it is the largest ruby ​​in the world.The mysterious organization that assassinated Heiyu Pirates back then has been looking for the 'Pandora's Stone', and has also set its target on the red tears.If the speculation is correct, the mysterious organization will definitely make a move tonight.

Kaito also backtracked on withdrawing the notice letter after receiving the wind. He just wanted to deal with the mysterious organization that killed his father and enemy, and wanted to protect this red tear that was known to be not the 'Pandora's Stone'.

However, this guy was beaten by Mori Kogoro in the afternoon, and he doesn't know if he will appear tonight.

Mori Kogoro didn't think about Kaito, anyway, he was going to capture 'Snake', one of the leaders of that mysterious organization tonight, and bring him in front of Chikage.

He was the one who led the team to attack Heiyu Pirates eight years ago.

In the end, I have to avenge Qianying and settle this matter for her.

Not long after Kogoro Mori entered the Hong Kong Island Hotel, a man in a car looked at his disappearing back with cold eyes, and his eyes turned to the luxury hotel.

As soon as you come to the magic troupe performance banquet hall, which is under the revolving restaurant on the top floor.

As soon as Mori Kogoro appeared, Zhu Di, the head of the magic troupe, was the first to discover it.

The sharp-eyed Zhu Di hurriedly came up to him, and said with a light smile, "Mr. Mao Li, it is a great honor for you to be here. Later, please give me some pointers on the magic tricks performed by our troupe."

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