Looking at Judy in a brown suit in front of him, he also wore a huge blue gemstone on his chest, embedded in a golden eagle.

"Miss Judy was joking, I came to watch your farewell performance, and I'm not a magician, how could I guide you?"

Zhu Di has long been impressed by his magic attainments, and shook his head and said, "Don't be humble, Mr. Mao Li, but I have always wanted to worship you as my teacher? I couldn't figure out how you did the corpse magic that day. Can you tell me what you did?"

A finger was lightly placed on Judy's lips!

"Miss Judy is the most orthodox magician, how can she not abide by the rules, the fourth and fifth of the magician's precepts, 'do not teach magic at no cost' and 'do not disclose the secrets of magic', you can't do it knowingly?"

Perceiving his rude actions, Judy's blue eyes couldn't help trembling slightly.

Chapter 0146

Judy looked at the very attractive man in front of him, her eyelashes trembled slightly, but she still spoke firmly.

"Grandfather once said that there is no price to learn to perform without magic, and all things are traded fairly."

"I have lived my whole life for magic. Your countercurrent, levitation, and dismemberment magic are all so brilliant. I want to learn it, no matter what the price is."

"Whatever you want, as long as you want, as long as I have it!"

Mori Kogoro chuckled, but did not answer Judy's words.

His right hand turned and landed on Judy's chest, above the azure egg-sized gemstone.

"It's really a beautiful gem. It's called Red Tears, but why is it blue?"

"This gemstone and Miss Judy are really a perfect match, it's not what it looks like!"

"You used to evaluate magicians as thieves who steal other people's gold coins, but why do you want to learn from me now? You despise the profession of magicians so much, why are you so fanatical about magic, so self-contradictory, How can I teach you?"

Sensing the fingers of Mori Kogoro, Judy's cheeks turned a little red.

But hearing what he said, Judy was a little speechless.

Tonight is her farewell performance. After tonight, her grandfather's last wish, the task of taking over the Hopa Magic Troupe for two years will be completed.

She is no longer a magician, and she really has no right to ask others for magic tricks.

Zhu Di then took a step back: "It's me, Meng Lang, but Mr. Mao Li, you really don't plan to let go of tonight's performance, and perform it? The few magic tricks you performed in the coffee shop before were amazing, but today Someone is here just for you."

Mori Kogoro raised his eyebrows involuntarily: "I'm just a detective. I have dabbled in a lot of things, and I just know a few tricks."

"Why, do the guests who come here to watch the performance have to go on stage to perform for others? It's too difficult, Miss Judy, you didn't give me commission fee!"

Judy laughed softly: "I would like to invite you as a special guest, but you are too busy these days, so I can't find you." "But Mr. Mao Li can pay attention to the performance on the stage. The 'magician' you came here is a very persistent person!" Hearing the name of the 'magician', the Red Queen immediately searched for this person.

East German, active in European countries, named Robert? Angel, is a crazy magician.

He has a fanatical pursuit of magic. After Judy's grandfather passed away and was assassinated [-] years ago, this magician is almost the number one magician of this era.

He has done many crazy feats. He once made the Eiffel Tower disappear. He once survived in the transparent glass of the square for 45 days by only drinking water to perform survival magic. He even committed a crime and was imprisoned in a federal prison. prison Break……

But this person has a bad reputation, and rumors of plagiarizing other people's magic happen from time to time.

Seeing the magic that he doesn't know, he tried every means to get close to the original person, sending spies or pretending to steal secrets, and turning the wisdom of others into his own.

Several magic tricks performed by Mori Kogoro in the Maoyan Cafe were filmed and spread on the Internet. Robert Angel couldn't understand or see through them.

Driven by curiosity, he flew from Europe to Tokyo just for these few magic secrets.

After reading the information of "The Magician", Kogoro Mori was a little troubled.

I didn't expect that my accidental pretense would attract such troublesome people.

And what I know is not magic, it is all performed by witchcraft, and there is no way to teach others.

At this moment, Xiaolan who was sitting on the sofa at the round table under the stage stood up, waved and said, "Dad, this way."

Mori Kogoro finally reminded Judy: "I'm afraid something will happen tonight, you have to be careful."

Hearing this, Judy was confused.

And he turned around and walked towards Xiaolan's table!

A table of Yingying Yanyan, seven girls and little Lolita Mary, really smells fragrant.

Mori Kogoro was quickly pulled to sit in it, with Aoko on the left and Hongye on the right.

When others saw him being surrounded by a group of beautiful girls, they all looked envious and jealous.

"Hey, Qingzi, are you coming to see the magic trick too?"

Qingzi replied: "That's right, I came here with my father, just to know if that strange thief will appear tonight."

"I didn't expect to meet so many people, and I heard that everyone lives in my uncle's house? It's so lively!"

Speaking of Aoko's face with a slight smile, Mori Kogoro felt the cold light in those sky blue eyes.

His big hand quietly pressed Qingzi's absolute domain, gently comforting the little girl.

The attacked Qingzi snorted softly, then withdrew his unfriendly gaze.

She turned and said: "Xiaolan and the others have such a lively party at night, uncle, don't you mind if I go over tonight to join in the fun?"

"Of course I don't mind!"

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