Kaito, who is disguised as a member of the magic troupe, couldn't help complaining in his heart: the person my mother likes is a pervert, pistols are useless to him, and he is still not human!

Fortunately, I didn't really do anything in the afternoon, otherwise I would be dead!

The leader Snake looked horrified, he didn't dare to face this monster who was not afraid of bullets.

How arrogant he was just now, how cowardly he is now.

Snake's body kept retreating, slipping faster than anyone else.

It's just that Mori Kogoro moved too fast, and his body struck out like a gust of wind.

In the blink of an eye, Mori Kogoro caught up with one of the black-clothed men, captured him in an instant, and threw him to the fleeing black-clothed crowd with an over-the-shoulder throw.

Like a bowling ball hitting, under the unparalleled force, the three subordinates in black were knocked to the ground, unable to even get up.

Seeing this, Snake and two of his subordinates had fierce eyes.

They shot at the subdued innocent regiment members indiscriminately, hoping that Kogoro Moori would throw a mouse-eye.

Tongues of flame spurted and bullets shot out.

Biu! Biu! Biu!

The poker cards intercepted the bullet halfway and changed its trajectory. This was Kaito's move.

Mori Kogoro didn't stop, and rushed towards the remaining three.

The movements were clean and neat, with a punch and a foot axe.

The man in black on the left was sent flying, and the beating was like a painting, which was directly embedded in the wall.

The shoulder on the right was hit by the axe, and he fell to his knees, and there were even countless cracks on the ground.

Didn't need to be checked, also knew that his shoulder and knee bones were shattered.

Seeing Kogoro Mori's extremely ferocious level of force, the corners of his mouth twitched: I really don't dare to provoke you, you will die if you get hit.Seeing this, Snake directly picked up a girl with freckles who was dressed like a gymnast.

He pressed the pistol to the girl's temple, and yelled sternly: "If you go any further, I'll kill her."

Seeing this, Judy couldn't help rushing up nervously.

"Anna, don't hurt Anna, everything is easy to talk about."

"Quick, throw the gem here, or I'll kill her."

Hearing this, Mori Kogoro was about to give orders, but he suddenly caught a glimpse of Judy's small movements.

Judy and Anna seemed to be making eye contact, so he also paused.

"Okay, don't hurt anyone in our regiment, I'll throw the 'Red Tears' to you."

Saying this, Judy threw the gemstone out.

The red tear drew an arc in the air, and the bright light caused Snake to look greedily.

It's now!

The lighter in Judy's other hand ignited, and then she sprayed alcohol from her mouth, and a big fireball rushed over.

At the same time, the girl named Anna's body was almost boneless, like a soft snake slipped out of Snake's imprisonment.This spray was just right, the fireball directly burned Snake's eyebrows and beard, and Snake couldn't help but close his eyes.

The trigger of the pistol in the right hand kept being pulled, and the bullets fired, but no one was hit.

But in such a flustered situation, Snake with his eyes closed had a shitty luck, and he caught the red tear with his left hand, and he immediately ran to the back door.

Mori Kogoro rushed towards Snake, but his heart suddenly became vigilant, and he stopped in an instant.

With a bang, the window glass was instantly shattered.

The sniper bullets shot past and hit the wall hard, blasting a hole the size of a washbasin.

Mori Kogoro looked over with eagle-like eyes, through the clouds, at the building more than [-] yards away.

Akai Shuichi was blocking the road with a sniper rifle, with a vengeful smile on his face.

This guy made it clear that he was against him!

The sound of breaking wind kept ringing, and sniper bullets kept passing in front of him.

Mori Kogoro can block the bullet, but it doesn't mean he can ignore the sniper bullet.

Being blocked like this, he could only watch helplessly as Snake escaped through another door in the backstage.

Seeing this, Zhu Di grabbed Moori Kogoro's big hand and rushed out.

"Mr. Mao Li, help me snatch the gem back, and never let him spoil this performance. I know where the back door leads to."

Judy took Mori Kogoro and ran all the way from the backstage to the stage.

It's just that Kogoro Moori thought its speed was too slow, so he picked it up directly: "You can show the way, and I'll just run."

The audience below couldn't help but be confused when they saw this, what is this?

Seeing Kogoro Moori rushing away with a foreign girl on his shoulders, all the girls in Xiaolan's table couldn't help but twitch their brows wildly, with extremely unfriendly expressions on their faces. "Did Dad run off to pick up girls again?"

"Damn it, I can't bear it anymore, how could uncle do this?"

He Ye stood up, but was stopped by Zhenchun.

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