"Don't be like this, there seems to be gunshots from the backstage just now, something must have happened, let's not add trouble."

After Zhenchun said that, all the girls present stopped.

However, Zhenchun's words didn't work for Mary. Little Lolita had extraordinary stealth ability, and sneaked out, and all the girls present didn't notice anything unusual.

Judy, who was being carried in front of everyone, blushed, and she could feel the amazing heat of the big hands around her buttocks.

His chest was soft against Mori Kogoro's back, and his posture was extremely intimate.

But even though she was hanging upside down, Judy could still clearly tell the direction and kept pointing with her fingers.

Soon, the two ran all the way, and finally caught up with Snake at the stairs.

In a panic, Snake ran upstairs, and finally entered the revolving restaurant on the top floor, surrounded by open-air glass, with an excellent view.There is no one in the revolving restaurant, and there is no other exit, it is a dead end.

The beleaguered Snake looked ruthless, stuffed the gemstone into his pocket, then he pulled out another pistol, and looked at the way with both guns in his hand.Not long after, Kogoro Mori appeared with Judy on his shoulders.

Snake didn't hesitate, and fired with both guns.

boom! boom! boom!

But there was one more bullet.

This was an assist from Shuichi Akai from the building next door, and the sniper bullets were also fired in the direction of Kogoro Mori.Mori Kogoro didn't dare to let go of Judy, he jumped left and right to dodge.

He could dodge a bullet himself, but Judy couldn't.

With Akai Shuichi's road-closing sniper bomb assist, these dodges are more difficult.

But soon Mori Kogoro stood at the center of the revolving restaurant, and the situation would be reversed.

Chapter 0150 shameful action

The revolving restaurant was tampered with by Kaito. Originally, he wanted to use the restaurant as a trap to lure the group of men in black.

However, Kogoro Mori stepped in, Kaito is currently in the background to deal with the aftermath, so naturally he has no way to activate the device.

Mori Kogoro gave orders to the red queen and used Kaito's design.

The restaurant, which was rotating at a constant speed, suddenly accelerated, and an afterimage appeared.

Under the huge centrifugal force, the tables and chairs all slid towards the glass.

Snake, who was standing in the middle, was also flung weakly against the glass, unable to raise his hands, let alone shoot.

The outer circle is faster, but the center point of the restaurant does not change.

Mori Kogoro, who was carrying Judy, held the extended arm of the Ant-Man robot above with his left hand, and his body was slightly suspended, and then he was fixed.Akai Shuichi from the building next door frowned as he looked at the fast-moving glass, unable to see the scene inside clearly.

"You have nowhere to go, Mr. Snake, if you don't want to follow in the footsteps of your subordinates, and obediently take out the gems, maybe you won't suffer much."

Snake desperately wanted to fight against this centrifugal force, but he tried a little harder but was unable to stick it down.

He sneered and said, "Detective Maori, in this situation, you seem to have nothing to do with me?"

"Oh, is it?"

Hearing this, Mori Kogoro left the soft spot with his right hand, and searched inside the suit.

Judy, who was being carried, suddenly felt no sense of security, and screamed again and again, shaking Mouri Kogoro's eardrums to the point of shattering.

She hangs on Kogoro Mori with her hands and feet, and a pair of long soft legs clamps Kogoro Mori's waist.

The action was extremely shameful, but Judy didn't care at all.

Mouri Kogoro took out the small cloth bag with some difficulty, and after swinging it, the throwing knife inside was exposed.

This is the weapon of the phantom thief lady Kuroba Chikage, which was found when she helped Chikage undress in the afternoon.

Thinking of avenging her tonight, he brought this small bag of throwing knives.

"Since tonight is a night of magic, Mr. Snake should have heard of the magic of live roulette and flying knives. We have the same approach and the same effect now."

"I have a total of six throwing knives here, you can guess how many you will get stuck in."

Saying this, Mori Kogoro threw out a throwing knife.

With a flash of cold light, the screams sounded!

Snake's right knee was pierced with a throwing knife, and blood continued to overflow.

Countless cold sweat instantly oozes from his cheeks.

Mori Kogoro didn't say much, and continued to throw the knife, looking calm and calm.

There was another cold light, the same leg, another flying knife was submerged ten centimeters above the first flying knife, and blood spurted out again.Before Snake could react, the third throwing knife shot over and directly sank into the base of his thigh.

According to this trend, the next throwing knife must go in the direction of Zisungen.

Snake yelled immediately: "Stop, I'll give, I'll give, I'll give you back the red tears."

Hearing this, Mori Kogoro stopped what he was doing.

But Snake endured the pain, and hastily stretched out his hand to throw the red tears in his pocket, and the gemstone fell to the ground.

Seeing this, Mori Kogoro asked Hong Hou to restore the speed of the restaurant to normal.

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