Snake still wanted to raise the gun, but when he opened his eyes, the images he saw were all double images, and he couldn't even stand still, let alone shoot.

At this time, Marie and another foreign man who were waiting at the entrance of the restaurant rushed in.

The foreign man ran up and asked Zhu Di with concern: "Head, are you okay?"

Kogoro Mori jumped down, kicked the foreign man speechlessly, and kicked him in the direction of Snake.

"What are you pretending to do, take him to your mother!"

"Ha, why did you see through it again?"

The depressed foreign man stepped forward to disarm Snake and tie him up.

Then he hung Snake with his belt, pushed aside the glass window, and pulled Snake to jump off the building.

Seeing this, Judy, who had just stood up, couldn't help screaming.

But soon, the cry stopped abruptly, and there appeared in the sky the Phantom Thief Kidd with Snake gliding, flying towards the distance continuously.Judy's expression froze for a moment: "Paul is Kidd?"

Mori Kogoro chuckled and said, "How is it possible? Kidd used the Disguise Technique to disguise him. The real Paul is probably in a bathroom in your magic troupe."

Then Kogoro Mori stroked Mary's little head with his big hand: "Mary, why are you here? Are you worried about Uncle?" Mary snorted softly, but she didn't answer, and turned to look at Judy.

But Mori Kogoro looked at Akai Shuichi in the building next door.

With Mary here, he couldn't believe that Shuichi Akai dared to shoot.

As expected, Akai Shuichi on the top floor of the building next door removed his finger from the trigger, but his eyes were still fixed on the scene of the revolving restaurant.

Judy seemed to have come to his senses, and asked with a frown, "Maori-san, what you said just now, do you know that Kaitou Kidd?" Who are these people, and why do they want to steal my red tears? "

Mori Kogoro bent down to pick up the red tears on the ground, and gently patted the dust off.

"They, a group of rats dreaming of immortality, are searching for all the large gemstones in the world, wanting to find the legendary 'Pandora's Stone'!"

"Pandora's stone will emit a strange red color under the moonlight, and it will produce a drop of tears on the gem. It is said that swallowing this water drop will make you immortal."

"Your 'Red Tears' sapphire, someone said that it had emitted a red light, plus the name, those people will come and snatch it if they admit it wrong."

Judy suddenly looked confused: "How is it possible, it has always been blue, and I don't know why my grandfather named it 'Red Tears'."

Mori Kogoro laughed lightly: "No, this gem really emits red light."

"Give me the lighter you just breathed out."

Hearing this, although she didn't know the reason, Judy obediently obeyed.

Mori Kogoro then let the lighter's fireworks start to burn under the sapphire.

"Red actually means fire. This is the last magic trick left by your grandfather James Hopper."

Saying this, as the temperature changes, the sapphire gradually emits a dazzling red light.

The light is refracted along the cut surface and intertwined.

In the warm firelight, scenes of pictures fell on the entire revolving restaurant like projections.

These are all photos of Judy's family performing magic tricks. They are similar to the previous photos of the Egg of Memories, and they are all made of light and shadow.Judy raised her head in surprise, looking at the photos full of memories, her green eyes gradually overflowed with tears.

Chapter 0151

"This kind of gemstone should be temperature-sensitive. It can change its color with temperature, and it can also refract the light of flames."

"There are countless facets on the surface of the gemstone, and the directions of refraction are different."

"It only needs three beams of light from different directions to be cast together to create a projection-like picture."

"Judy, this should be the last gift your grandfather left you."

Mary's eyes also showed surprise.

This scene is too beautiful, as if surrounded by fireflies.

To be able to conjure up such a magic trick with faceted gemstones is a genius idea!

Mary's eyes gradually softened, and she leaned lightly on Kogoro Mori's body, watching the image projected by the red tears.

Xiuyi on the top floor of the building next door saw this scene through the binoculars, and his brows jumped wildly.

After listening to Hideyoshi's call, Hideyoshi didn't believe that his mother would fall in love with Mori Kogoro.

He just thought that Mori Kogoro wanted to attack his mother, so he rushed to warn him.

But now seeing his mother take the initiative to get close to Mori Kogoro, Xiuyi couldn't suppress the anger in his heart immediately, and almost went crazy.He who had always been calm was panting violently with anger, and his finger was put on the trigger again, and he had the urge to shoot again.

But Mori Kogoro ignored Akai Shuichi who was peeping, and his eyes fell on the weeping Judy.

And Judy was looking up at the letter directly above, with crystal tears falling down drop by drop.

"Dear Judy:

My good boy, grandpa knows that the fire that year gave you a big blow.

For you, magic may be a terrible enemy that took away your parents.

But Grandpa still hopes that you can recall the nervous and excited mood when you performed magic for the first time, and the applause that everyone gave you.The flame is merciless, but the flame can also be warm.

I pray that when this gemstone emits red light again, you can go back to when you were a child, when you performed magic for the first time, to embrace it again and accept it, it is actually not scary!

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