Kogoro Mori's big hands are full of elasticity, as expected of a little loli with a delicate body and a soft body that can be easily pushed down, the hand feels really great!

The full vitality and the smooth skin make people feel that the world is so beautiful when touched.

He kissed Mary's pink lips lightly, and put his other hand on Mary's fair calf, gently stroked and pulled, causing Mary's ears to turn red and her body to tremble even more.

Mori Kogoro simply ignored the angry Akai Shuichi who was vomiting blood on the roof of the building next door.

And Akai Hideo wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, then lowered his head to look at the telescope again.

As soon as he lowered his head, he saw Mori Kogoro's actions towards Mary, his eyes narrowed tightly, his breathing was suddenly heavy, and he was trembling with anger.

Then Xiuyi couldn't bear it anymore, pointed the sniper rifle at the distant sky, and pulled the trigger desperately.

The bullets were fired one after another, submerging into the pitch-black night!

Akai Shuichi finally collapsed to the ground, he finally believed what Hideyoshi said.

The guy who robbed his ex-girlfriends Judy and Mingmei was actually with Mary.

What an absurd and ridiculous thing!

What's so good about that man, why both of them fell in love with him like a ghost, even... no exception?

Xiuyi was completely in a state of confusion. He pulled off the green scarf that he had never taken off for ten thousand years, and threw it heavily on the ground, and couldn't help stepping on it.

His curly short hair fell down, covering his cheeks, and his whole person was extremely gloomy.

He didn't want to get up at all, and he didn't even want to pick up the sniper rifle to peek.

It's a good thing that Xiuyi didn't peek any more, otherwise he would probably vomit a few catties of old blood when he saw the next scene.

In the revolving restaurant on the top floor of the Hong Kong Island Hotel, Kogoro Mori is lovingly feeding Mary ice cream.

This blond-haired little loli is very obedient and obedient. Today, Mary felt guilty towards Mori Kogoro because of Hideyoshi's tantrum.

Seeing that he is so considerate, gentle and considerate, it is natural for him to do whatever he asks.

Mori Kogoro stroked Mary's fluffy curly hair with his big hand, and then slowly fed the strawberry ice cream into his small mouth.

The temperature seemed unbearable for Mary, her brows could not help but wrinkled, and her small mouth bit into it with difficulty.

Then the little pink tongue started to lick lightly. This scene is quite tempting!

Seemingly understanding what Mori Kogoro was thinking, Mary Bi, who was hiding the inner heart of a big woman, narrowed her eyes slightly, and her eyes were full of the style of a mature woman.

This kind of charm and the unique cuteness of the little loli are strangely fused together, and she even discharges electricity at Kogoro Mori, which is almost fatal!

Mori Kogoro stroked Mary's curly hair and said softly, "Go home and find a temporary antidote!"

When little Lolita heard this, her cheeks turned bright red instantly, and her green eyes couldn't help but give Kogoro Moori a white look.

And Kogoro Mori turned his head to look at the roof of the building next door, and the figure just now had disappeared.

It's a pity that Xiuyi didn't see this scene.

If I let him know how well-behaved Mary is with me, his expression will be wonderful!

Thinking of this, Mori Kogoro shook his head and chuckled, and the anger that Shuichi had hindered him just now gradually released.

Almost ten minutes later, before Xiaolan and the others couldn't bear to go out to look for someone, Mouri Kogoro appeared holding Mary's little hand.

And Nakamori Ginzo has returned to the banquet hall to preside over the overall situation, and he is still escorting Snake's subordinate who is pretending to be Kidd.

Seeing Kogoro Mori appearing, Ginzo Nakamori, who had heard Judy's story, said with a guilty expression on his face, "Kogoro, thanks to you this time, I didn't expect that it was a plan to divert the tiger away from the mountain just now."

Kogoro Moori smiled lightly and patted Yinsan's shoulder: "What are you talking about, what's the relationship between us?"

Hearing this, the corners of Yinsan's mouth twitched:

What does it matter, do you want to harm my daughter and be my son-in-law?

He always felt that this sentence was full of bad intentions.

Aoko on the side even rushed forward with the appearance of a little girl, concerned about whether Kogoro Moori was injured.

This scene made Ginzo Nakamori even more heartbroken: I am your father, right?

Mori Kogoro handed Mary to Xiaolan and the others, moved away from the crowd of girls, and headed towards one direction of the banquet hall.

Seeing this, Mira and Qingzi immediately frowned.

That direction is exactly the direction of Kataoka Lianhua, so it's possible that uncle still wants to flirt with his sister!

And Kataoka Lianhua stared blankly at Kogoro Mori who was walking towards her with a small face. She knew this great detective, a handsome uncle.The last time the little loli Itohui went to play with Conan, Kataoka Renhua went to the office to pick up Itohui, which was considered a chance encounter.

What does this handsome uncle want to do when he walks over?Do you want me to meet those girls who look alike?Still want to talk to me?Could it be that I did something wrong, he mistakenly thought I was a bad person?

The girl couldn't help but tense up, leaning against the back of the sofa.

Mori Kogoro's aura was so strong that Tamanosuke Ito, who was accompanying him opposite him, didn't dare to say a word.

At this moment, a man in a black suit and a top hat on the sofa behind Kataoka Renka suddenly jumped up.

His body directly crossed the back of the sofa, his big hands wrapped around Kataoka Lianhua's neck, and the pistol wanted to reach it.

A cold light flashed in Mori Kogoro's eyes, his speed suddenly increased, and his body turned into afterimages.

And his big hand grabbed the big hand holding the pistol just before the man was about to hold Kataoka Lianhua hostage, and the other hand grabbed his shoulder instantly.

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